Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is having a charity mixer for Connect for Kids on April 26, 5:30-8:30pm at South Lake Brewing Company, with food by Verde. Cost is $15 for members, $20 for others.

·      On April 10 the Douglas County School District board of education is expected to approve a 3 percent salary increase for Superintendent Teri White that will be retroactive to July 1, 2017.

·      Here is the Sierra roadwork schedule from Caltrans for the next week.

·      Leadership Lake Tahoe is having a fundraiser May 10, 5-9pm to raise funds and support for microscopes to advance K-5 education in Lake Tahoe Unified School District. The event is at Tahoe AleWorx.

·      Tahoe Truckee Snapshot Day, a water quality watershed monitoring event, will be May 19 starting at 9am. Meet at Lake Tahoe Community College. Teams led by trained volunteers will go out to streams throughout South Tahoe to collect data to create a snapshot in time of water quality.