Day, night and weekend tennis instruction at ZCTC
A backboard is one way to improve your tennis game, but it won’t provide any insight into why your backhand isn’t as penetrating as it could be.
A pro – that’s who you should be hitting with. A professional has the ability to work with players of all levels to elevate their game. It could be adding top spin, changing a grip for better command or adding a new shot like a drop volley.

Dave Nostrant leads a tennis clinic at Zephyr Cove Tennis Club. Photo/Provided
Zephyr Cove Tennis Club has two professionals to help refine one’s skills. They offer a variety of clinics and more personalized instruction. Text or email the instructor to confirm a spot in the desired clinic: Dave Nostrant, 702.496.6277 or and Ginny Unger, 775.901.6713 or For more details on pricing and other offerings, go online.
Here is a current list of classes:
· Mondays: 9-10:30am – Women’s 3.0-3.5 Drill Clinic (Unger)
10:30-noon – Beginner to Advanced Beginner, Men/Women(Nostrant)
· Tuesdays: 11am-12:30pm – Winning Strokes and Strategies Doubles, 3.0-3.5 Men/Women (Nostrant)
7-8:30pm – Masters Clinic, 3.5 and above Men/Women (Nostrant)
· Wednesdays: 9-10:30am — Winning Strokes and Strategies Doubles, 3.0-3.5 Men/Women (Nostrant)
7-9pm – Doubles 3.5 and above, Men/Women (Nostrant)
· Thursdays: 9:30-11am – Super Play, 3.5 and above Men/Women (Nostrant)
7-8:30pm — Super Play, 3.5 and above Men/Women (Nostrant)
· Fridays: 9-10:30am — Beginner to Advanced Beginner, Men/Women(Nostrant)
· Saturdays: 9-10:30am — Masters Clinic, 3.5 and above Men/Women (Nostrant).