EDC supe candidate spews hatred, bigotry
By Kathryn Reed
A business with the same SS logo used by the Nazis, posing with the Confederate flag and using it in another business, slamming gays and immigrants, saying there is no such thing as a transgender, and belonging to an outlaw motorcycle gang.
The above describes one of the candidates on the June 5 ballot for District 5 El Dorado County supervisor.
Kenny Curtzwiler is divisive for a lot of reasons. Often it’s not about his dark side, but more his assertions about myriad topics of which he professes to be well-versed but is often ill informed. Lake Tahoe News had to stop publishing his comments years ago when South Tahoe Public Utility District was his pet target because it required a correction nearly every time he hit send.
There was a time when Curtzwiler’s Facebook page was full of hate. Much it has been scrubbed, but there are still inflammatory opinions there. It is his right to believe what he wants and to even write what he wants when it’s opinion and not stated as fact. It is also the public’s right to know as many facets of a candidate as possible.
A Facebook post from Feb 3, 2017, says, “If the Black Panthers can have an exhibit celebrating their heritage in Oakland why can’t the Confederates have an exhibit celebrating their heritage in South Lake Tahoe?? Don’t get your panties in a bunch people, it’s just a question?”
Another post (date unknown) Curtzwiler posted a Fox News link with the headline “Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson: White House ‘is full of white supremacists.’” Curtzwiler wrote: “Ok. I can live with that.”
This is the same person who when unsuccessfully running for supervisor in 2014 defended having said, “Yes I do collect unemployment on your dime and enjoy every powder day and have absolutely no regrets or ashamed of what I do.”
Curtzwiler works during the summer, then collects unemployment in the winter to help fund his “ski bum” lifestyle. At the time he told LTN in defense of his actions, “My company is a corporation and I am an employee of the company. I receive a paycheck and pay into EDD.”
This philosophy is in conflict with other posts on Facebook where he told someone to give up their citizenship and become an immigrant so they’d get kickbacks from the government faster.

From the Brotherhood motorcycle gang’s Facebook page.
On May 23 Curtzwiler emailed Lake Tahoe News stating, “I understand there are some questions being raised about my affiliation with a certain club. Rather than go through third parties you can ask me and if I feel the question is relevant rather than looking for dirt I will answer it.”
He could only have been alerted to this fact from the South Lake Tahoe Police Department because that is the only entity this reporter called regarding Curtzwiler’s affiliation with the Brotherhood motorcycle group.
The Brotherhood on its Facebook pages calls itself part of the 1 percenters. This designation, according to Police Chief Brian Uhler, puts them in the same category as the Hells Angels. Uhler also called the Brotherhood a gang.
While the local cops have not had any issues with members of the Brotherhood for a few years, drugs and assaults are part of their past.
Curtzwiler, according to Uhler, claims not to be part of the gang anymore. But with most gangs it’s not possible to just walk away. In other words, once a member always a member even if you don’t fly the colors.

Kenny Curtzwiler
Lake Tahoe News on May 27 emailed Curtzwiler a series of questions with the deadline being May 29. No response.
Here are the questions:
1. When did you first join the Brotherhood motorcycle group and why?
2. What is your affiliation with them now?
3. This is a self-described 1% motorcycle gang. The police describe it as a gang. Comment?
4. On social media you have posed with a Confederate flag and have one of your Ski Bum logos as a Confederate flag. Why? What are you trying to say? Most people see this as a symbol of racism. Do you? Why or why not?
5. On social media you have supported white supremacists, the KKK and Nazis. Why?
6. Your former business Lake Tahoe Custom Cycles had a logo of two S’s. The same logo as the Nazi Schutzstaffel, better known as the SS, of which the Gestapo was part of. Any comment?
7. On social media you have come out against gays and have said there is no such thing as a transgender. Why do you have hatred toward these people?
8. Why are you against immigrants?
9. How do you believe someone with such hatred toward so many groups of people will be able to represent those same people?
10. Why all the hatred?
Curtzwiler in 2012 and 2017 applied for a concealed weapons permit with the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department. He was denied both times.
“Sorry, that information is not releasable,” Lt. Bryan Golmitz told Lake Tahoe News when asked why Curtzwiler was not given the permit.
Dear Kae:
In reading your article about Kenny, one can only conclude that Sue Novasel is in trouble with this upcoming election.
Anyone who knows Kenny Curtzwiler knows he is a fair person. In all the meetings Kenny has attended, all the charities he has supported, and all the community efforts he has been involved in, he has never made any expression that would support anything your article states above.
Have you noticed that 90% of Sue’s signs for Supervisor are either on properties that she owns or properties that she holds mortgages on? On the other hand, Kenny’s signs are placed on properties where he has support from those property owners.
Nothing in your article takes away from the fact Sue had to disqualify herself from voting on important issues for our community, including the Meyers Community Plan. Her suggestion that, because Kenny owns a home in the Meyers/Christmas Valley area, that disqualifies him from voting. This statement is inaccurate. A reading of the FPPC rulings are in reference to the commercial properties she owns.
Times are a changing. We are more sensitive to issues today than we were in the past. At the last Flea Market, I picked up a book, entitled the Army Song Book, Washington 1918, issued by the War Department. There are many songs listed in this book, such as the Star Spangled Banner. Another song listed is Dixie. Would anyone suggest that all the soldiers of World War I are not patriotic?
Call him with your questions. Cell 530-308-5265 Home 530-577-5678
No, Bruce. I’ve seen Kenny’s truck and he still drives with a confederate flag sticker on it. It’s 2018. If you’re driving with a flag that supports traitors to this country that didn’t want to give up slavery, you’re either a racist or an idiot. Either way, that doesn’t make for a good public servant. Just because someone hides their racism in public forums, doesn’t mean that’s not who they are. The groups he supports and comments he made (that Kae quotes) proves just that. It’s indefensible and it makes me question your integrity if you want to line yourself up behind Kenny.
Let me start by saying clearly that I do not support white supremacists, biker gangs or any of the other implied bad guys presented in this character assassination.
I have issues with Kenny’s Facebook posts and possible former affiliations (was he or wasn’t he a member of this so called gang?). I must say this article does not represent Kenny fairly. If you spend any time conversing with him you will find that his questionable posts have been done in what he would call humorous terms. I have found some of his posts objectionable but I do not believe Kenny to be a Nazi supporter or a bigot. He is a very Conservative local resident but has views in support of local residents first.
I disagree with Kenny on National issues but I largely agree with him on local issues. He is a long time local and his views are in support of local residents. I think anyone considering to vote for him should see what he has to say about local issues. What is posted above appears to be a character assassination. He appears to not be a member of a local group the local police have had no recent issues with. He has re-posted on Facebook questionable content.
Please stick to established facts and get away from character assassinations. You do not prove he is a current or former member of a bike gang but imply he is. To some people (not me), the Confederate flag is not about racism but about being a “red neck” (again, not my view). I have enough intelligence to know that sometimes people use this iconography without understanding the negatives and they view that it represents their rural lifestyle. People do not walk around in white or black hats and these issues are not as clear cut in being good or evil as you suggest. Not everyone holding a Confederate flag is a bigot or do you not understand this?
Do we want to keep voting in the same people over and over again and see no change or is it time to consider other options? I admit to voting for Kenny because I feel voting for someone who honestly expresses his views and is primarily focused on local concerns is a refreshing change from continued subterfuge and side-stepping.
We can do a lot better than this on our BOS.