Letter: Barton folks spend evening at B&B
To the community,
Bread & Broth was very excited to have members of Barton Hospital’s dietitian department sponsor the Monday meal on May 14.
So many departments from Barton Hospital host Adopt A Day of Nourishments and they always send wonderful sponsor crew members to help at their sponsorship dinners. True to form, the five Barton volunteers, Rebecca Espinel, Jessica Keys, Lynn Norton, Kristine Travis and Jennifer Trew, were a joy to work with.
“It was a pleasure to serve members of our community,” said Keys. “We were amazed to see how much fresh produce was given to the dinner guests.”
B&B is thrilled to have our “Green Goal” program recognized by professional dietitians. While the majority of the meal costs are covered by the $300 donation of the sponsoring AAD group, B&B uses funds donated to our general fund to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables and dairy products (milk, eggs and butter), to add healthy food to the giveaway bags that our dinner guest can take home for use later in the week.
B&B appreciates the support that we receive from Barton Hospital departments and team members. Their devotion to helping people does not end at the close of their work shift as demonstrated by the Barton dietitians help funding and serving a hot, nutritious meal to those in need in our community.
Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth