Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· TAMBA is hosting a work day on May 19 on the lower section of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride Trail to do some enhancements and address erosion issues. Meet at the Toad’s parking area off Oneidas Road at 9am. Volunteers will ride into the Toad’s trailhead to get tools and for a safety briefing, work until 1pm, then have a barbecue and beer. Wear long sleeves, long pants, gloves, and a helmet.
· El Dorado County poet laureate Taylor Graham will be hosting a night of poetry on June 15 at 5:30pm at the South Lake Tahoe Library on Rufus Allen Boulevard.
· The Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District board is having a public hearing on May 23 at 2:30pm regarding the 2018-19 budget. The meeting will be at the Elks Point Road station.
· The Zephyr Cove Library on May 30 at 4pm is showing “The Goonies” (rated PG). The movie and popcorn are free.
· Here is the Sierra roadwork schedule from Caltrans for the week.