Train passenger found injured near Truckee tracks
By Sam Gross, Reno Gazette-Journal
It’s been a week since Aaron Salazar was found battered and unconscious near railroad tracks in Truckee, California, and his family is no closer to understanding what happened to the 22-year-old student who was traveling by rail from Colorado to Oregon.

Aaron Salazar’s family and friends want answers. Photo/Austin Sailas
Was he attacked?
Was he thrown from the train?
Was this a hate crime?
After a week of sitting by Salazar, who lies comatose with a broken pelvis and damage to his brain stem in a Reno hospital critical care unit, his family is still in the dark as to what circumstances left Aaron beside the tracks on May 15 in Truckee, a town his Amtrak train was scheduled to stop in for just a few minutes.