Truckee wants help with General Plan revise
Truckee is embarking on a two- to three-year process to update the 2025 General Plan with a 2040 General Plan.
The General Plan is considered Truckee’s “blueprint” or guide to fulfill the community’s vision for future growth, development and conservation. Concurrent, the town will also be updating the Downtown Specific Plan.
With the council’s initiation of the General Plan update, the council approved the creation of a community-based public engagement process. The creation of a GPAC was one of several opportunities for public participation supported by council to involve a variety of stakeholders, community perspectives, and interests.
Applications for the GPAC committee are available online. Indicate “GPAC” as the committee you are interested in serving on. The deadline to apply is May 31, 5pm.
For more information, contact Jenna Gatto at 530.582.2922 or