Housing at South Tahoe Y moving forward
Talks are under way to build 50 to 75 units at the Y in South Lake Tahoe.
The California Tahoe Conservancy has been working with Sutter Capital Group, owners of the Crossing, to acquire neighboring CTC parcels. The two entitie sare in exclusive negotiations.
In the next month CTC hopes to have a pre-application meeting with city and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency staff.
The CTC through its asset lands program is selling parcels it owns that are in town centers and are essentially in-fill. The state agency has taken a more hands-on approach as to how the property is then developed after having a questionable McMansion go up on one of its former holdings.
The plan is these units would be housing the average resident could afford and not high-end condos for tourists like what has been and is being built at the other end of town.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report