Scam targeting registered sex offenders

The Nevada Department of Public Safety, Sex Offender Registry has received reports of a potential scam in an effort to collect money from registered sex offenders.

Calls are being made to offenders informing them they are non-compliant with their registration requirements, that a warrant has been issued for their arrest and that the offender must pay a fine in order to be compliant.

Sex offenders are required by law to register in Nevada and failure to comply is a felony offense; however, the Nevada DPS and local law enforcement do not collect money from sex offenders for registration or for warrants issued.

What to do if a suspected scam phone call is received:

•           Do not give out personal or work information

•           Do not arrange to meet with the caller

•           Do not make a payment to the caller

•           Immediately report the call to local law enforcement

•           Contact the Sex Offender Registry for compliance status at 775.684.6262.