Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• There will be an update on the Lake Tahoe Airport master plan on March 16 from 5:30-7pm at the airport. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the preferred alternatives of the future use of the airport facility.
• The former Romantic Adventures site in South Lake Tahoe is going to be a general merchandise store selling hookah pipes.
• Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce’s Business Expo is March 27 from 4:30-8:30pm at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe. Tickets are $10 in advance and may be purchased online or $15 that day. Children 5 and younger are free.
• There will be a community job fair on the South Shore on March 31 and on the North Shore April 1. Both are from 3-7pm. The first one is at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe, the other at Olympic Village Inn.
• South Lake Tahoe is looking for someone to represent the city on the Advisory Planning Commission of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. Applications are due March 11 at 5pm. For more info, call 530.542.6004.
Great another hookah pipes store front and center as tourist drive into our town. To me this is an eye sore and does not represent what I believe will attract new tourist nor drive revenue into our city.
Can’t we learn anything from NYC when they cleaned up times square? Once known chiefly for its sex shops, drug havens and ambience of murk and sleaze, the place is now turned into a urban theme park with a thriving economy.
No, we are not NYC and probably do not want to become NYC. However, Tahoe citizens let define ourselves and jointly work to develop a plan of who/what we want to be or attract to our town. Are we a mountain town, a resort, family friendly, adult only etc. Whatever our theme is – lets create one together. Let’s have an identity so we can market ourselves to the world.
Our town dictates the sign designs and the zoning our commercial businesses. I am not saying lets eliminate the freedoms of running our own business. However perhaps updating the zoning ordinances so we can have an attractive “theme orientated” consistency on our main street.
OK, I will even go a bit further in my example. The new auto zone building. Looks nice, however, is that bringing new business to town? If we are going to be a tourist town, lets act like one.
That’s my $.02 worth and now stepping off my soap box.
The location of this “general merchandise store selling hookah pipes” is in very close proximity to the middle school. Replacing that cheesy Romantic Adventures store with this doesn’t sound like a step up but there’s likely no law preventing their being there.
Spouse – 4-mer-usmc
Tahoe Pal, your thoughts are in the right place, but in order to update the town you have to have business owners that are willing to invest. Myself, I would rather have the auto zone than the falling down decrepit crane quilting that was there for another couple of decades.
The only business owners that are willing to invest are the ones with the money to do so. I have been trying to move my Motorcycle shop to a hiway 50 location for 3 years since I started it. The rents that the property management company wants to get for the owners of the property is well beyond the reach of a local trying to move up. If we are to improve our town we must take the unique step to allow the business with the money to step in and improve the hiway 50 corridor ie: Pot stores, massage parlors, large corporations and any business that caters to the tourist through a chain store. We have to lower our values in order to move forward. Sad but true.
Kenny, are the rents for the old Midus shop that expensive? I would think that would be perfect for you. I think it is even on the market for sale. its been empty for years.
reloman I think it has a renter or buyer but there are problems with the ground as it was a junk yard.
Buck is correct. Relo I have actually contacted each and every empty location on Hiway 50 as well as 89 and the rents range from $2200.00 (The little shack near the Y in front of the head shop) to little over $6,000.00 (old furniture store near J in Box) per month and they all require extensive remodel. We work with our hands on Motorcycles not people, we don’t make that kind of money to invest $50K in a remodel and still pay rent. If they are willing to sell it’s around the $429K range and the place still needs about $50K worth of work if not be torn down (old columbo’s burgers)