Houses to spill south of Highway 50


By Tony Bizjak, Sacramento Bee

Folsom will begin its long-planned march across Highway 50 this summer, a move that eventually could bring 10,000 new homes to an expanse of rolling hills now dotted mainly with oak trees. The move sends a strong signal that the market for new suburban housing in Sacramento is recovering from the near-knockout blow dealt by the recession.

Drought and climate change concerns loom, however. City officials acknowledge they are still working to secure the water agreements they likely will need for the expansion, and critics question whether the city will have enough water in dry years to provide for both new and existing residents.

Folsom’s new frontier contains 3,500 acres of mainly grassland stretching south from Highway 50 to White Rock Road. Annexed a few years ago, it expanded Folsom’s boundaries by 25 percent, although nearly a third of the land, an oak forest along Alder Creek, will remain open space.

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Comments (14)
  1. Kits Carson says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Stupid idea when we are lacking in a water surplus. As usual it’s all about money for developers eager to strip the land.

  2. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    I have to agree with Kits.

  3. Gus says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Urban sprawl at its very worst. What a shame.

  4. Sam says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Ever get the feeling there are too many people on this earth?

  5. sunriser2 says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Time to stop paying people to have children.

    But if you have to build new homes I can’t think of a better place. Much of that area was dredged during the gold rush. Would take a hundred acres to raise two Jack rabbits and a cow.

    It will be interesting to see how they come up with the water.

  6. WQ says - Posted: March 9, 2015


  7. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Total disaster. I never understood how people will buy overpriced tract home squeezed onto worthless land. I lived in Folsom in the early 90s but got out before it all went haywire.

  8. Steve says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Evidence of the magic and effectiveness of campaign contributions from developers to the politicians. Brown lawns and less frequent showers for all.

  9. Mr mustache says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Disgusting. So fed up with this BS.

  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    10,000 new homes planned for south of highway 50? Kits makes a good point. Where’s the water? These ongoing developements planned for here in the the Tahoe basin and off the hill really need to be reigned in, as it’s become out of control.
    Not enough water, crumbling roads that are falling apart with no money to repair them, unless of course they jack up our taxes AGAIN! As if they were’nt high enough already!
    All to benefit a few wealthy investors and developers who put their property up for sale after completion and then turn it around as they make a big a big profit upon sale of the whole parcel.
    Then the people who cooked up this sceme laugh all the way to the bank. Chuckeling to themselves “what a bunch of rubes, ha ha!”.
    So we are left with a depleted water supply, empty homes in an area with little to no employment and an infrastructure sorely in need of repair.
    I know Kae don’t allow no swearin’ here on LTN,so I’ll self censor. F#%@ you, Folsom!!!!
    Your Tahoe friend, Old Long Skiis

  11. Justice says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    This is one of a few huge proposals without water for them that people need to stop, The Folsom people were sold a complete pack of lies on this project about where the water would come from, people had no idea what this sell out was until it was too late and this has been in the Bee for several years. There are always the corrupted politicians behind approving these things for favors, many times in cash and gifts and the shame of it is they are seldom arrested for it.

  12. Jim Yerkes says - Posted: March 9, 2015

    Having grown up in Philly we once had a very interesting politician named Buddy Ciannfrani who once famously said these immortal words MONEY TALKS AND BS WALKS, however in this case all the money in the world isn’t going to end this drought . You might twist someone’s arm to agree on this project but they my friend cannot make it rain. I find it mind boggling that the city of Folsom actually thinks it will be able to secure water agreements from other sources. Even Terry Benedict of the Barlogio Hotel (Ocean’s Eleven can see through this mess. Oh I just remembered the so called “rainy season” ends in about 30 days. Good luck in seeing any real storms April-September time frame. This will be interested indeed to see how this unfolds.

  13. Mel says - Posted: March 11, 2015

    “Water agreements” aren’t worth much if the reservoirs are dry.

  14. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 11, 2015

    Mel, Have you not heard? According to some comments here on LTN, the upper truckee is almost overflowing its banks, the lake level is fine and the resevoirs are at full capacity,(really?)Yep, that’s what they are sayin’.
    I’m not kiding. Some people believe we are not in a drought so there is no need to conserve water, as they believe our water supply is endless.
    Give it a couple of months and we will hear what the drought deniers have to say then.
    No water for agriculture or to water your yard and precious little to fight fires during a high fire danger season.
    Yep, no drought here! Just turn your back, twiddle your thumbs and water a dead lawn, and ignore the reality of the situation.
    Good luck and lets hope the whole damn basin does not go up in flames. OLS