Calif. considering automatic voter registration


By Patrick McGreevey, Los Angeles Times

Every eligible Californian with a driver’s license would be automatically registered to vote under a proposal Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who estimated it would add millions of people to the voter rolls.

Padilla and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, are modeling their legislation on a “motor voter” law signed last week by the governor of Oregon in an attempt to boost voter turnout.

The California proposal is partly in response to the 42 percent record low turnout in California’s November election, as well as this month’s Los Angeles election, which saw about 10 percent of eligible voters go to the polls.

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Comments (18)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: March 27, 2015

    This is a no brainer! Make voting as easy as possible for eligible voters.

    And the best part about it is that it flies in the face of today’s GOP, who’s agenda is an unhealthy, uneducated, non-voting populace. And all that anyone that think they find fault in that statement need do is look at the overt gerrymandering happening in GOP controlled states to keep specific groups from being allowed to vote. And it just so happens that the SCOTUS takes the same viewpoint!

  2. greengrass says - Posted: March 27, 2015

    “Every eligible Californian with a driver’s license” You mean like the illegals who can now get driver’s licenses? We are being overrun by other countries. It’s time to fight back.

  3. legal beagle says - Posted: March 28, 2015

    You are right bigger picture. This is a no brainer for the Democratic voting machine. Keep those welfare checks coming.

  4. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 28, 2015

    I think corporations should be able to vote, one extra vote for each person they employ, and members of church congregations also(they get two extra votes, cause even though Jesus was a bleeding heart commie liberal his Father was a Republican).
    Unless you are a Democrat. Or a minority. Then you can just go to Hell, after you one-half vote is maybe counted.

  5. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: March 28, 2015

    I don’t think this would increase actual votes much. How many eligible voters typically vote anyway? Lately it seems to always be under 50%? and this is in the group who was interested enough to bother to register!

    The other thing is how much time is involved to read up on the issues. I probably spend 1-2 hours on a typical election, to sort through and find what the proposition is really about, it’s not easy, they are trying to trick you, and the commercials more often than not will lead you astray.

    So I really don’t see this adding more votes, and it may even add more uneducated votes, as some might vote hastily without really understanding what they are voting for.

  6. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: March 28, 2015

    I agree with Greengrass. Suddenly, we’ll have millions of illegals who don’t even speak our language voting for people because they have Hispanic names.

    And perhaps the lower voter turnout in the past was because nobody believes in the lying politicians anymore.

  7. Louis says - Posted: March 28, 2015

    Greengrass, Gaspen, read the article, anyone not a citizen would not be eligible. So its not automatic voter rights for illegals.

    Separately, while this may look like a boom for the democrats, it won’t matter. They already dominate. Also democratic voters don’t tend to turn out in large numbers unless there is a huge issue OR its the popular thing to do.

  8. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 28, 2015

    @Louis….why would Beagle, Greengrass, Gaspen bother reading an article when what passes for ‘their minds’ are already made up? Hell, the word ‘eligible’ is the second word of the article.

  9. greengrass says - Posted: March 28, 2015

    Nowhere in the article does it say that only legals would be included. You guys ought to read more carefully before you spout off things like that.

  10. Butters says - Posted: March 29, 2015

    “California recently began giving driver’s licenses to immigrants who are in the country illegally, but non-citizens and drivers under the age of 18 would be excluded from the voter registration program, Gonzalez said.”

    -4th sentence from the end of the article.

  11. duke of prunes says - Posted: March 29, 2015

    I think that those who assume that the state is stupid enough to let non citizens vote are exponentially more stupid than the the stupid state you imagine.

  12. greengrass says - Posted: March 30, 2015

    Oh, OK. So it’s not in THIS article, you have to click that tiny little button that says “read the whole story.” OK, I get it. Sorry for the confusion, everyone.

    @duke of prunes: I think there are lots of people who are stupid enough to let non-citizens vote. And that is not an assumption either. That is a logical occlusion that I have drawn based on my own observations. Solution: Don’t let people in illegally in the first place.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: March 30, 2015

    People who don’t care enough to take the initiative to register themselves to vote, generally also don’t care enough to take the time to educate themselves on the issues or the candidates. They’ll vote for whoever promises to give them the most stuff.
    The political machine knows that. Do you REALLY think that it’s a coincidence that it’s happening this way? I don’t.

  14. reloman says - Posted: March 30, 2015

    all this will do is lower the voting percentage. It is more than likely that those who never registared will also never vote, even if they are automatically registared to vote. i know quite a number of people who have never registar an if they were would never vote anyway. So if you have 10 people registared an 5 vote that means you are at 50%, but if you increase it though automatic registration to 15 an still only the same 5 vote you are at 33% voter turnout.
    it will also be a nightmare for the state to have to check eligiblilty of felons and others who can not vote, plus keeping up current mailing addresses.

  15. Dogula says - Posted: March 30, 2015

    Reloman, you just made the future case for Mandatory Voting!

  16. reloman says - Posted: March 30, 2015

    Whoops didn’t mean to do that. I would hope that we would still have the right to choose to vote or not to vote. Requiring someone to vote sounds a little to much like places like the USSR, or places that have dictators. Everyone has to vote but you can only vote for who we tell you to vote for. Luckily we aren’t In a country like that.

  17. ok says - Posted: April 9, 2015

    . illegal aliens have kids in this country at the rate of 340,000 every year……….. 1.36 MILLION every 4 years …….every 4 years 1.36 million turn 18 and are changing the political landscape…

  18. checkthisout says - Posted: April 26, 2015

    illegal aliens have kids in this country at the rate of 340,000 every year……….. 1.36 MILLION every 4 years …….every 4 years 1.36 million turn 18 and are changing the political landscape…..someday soon Texas will turn blue, its totally inevitable… look at the election maps over the years…….at that point with New York, California and Florida the country will be run by Democrats as Republicans take a knee and at best morph into moderate Democrats…….. socialism will be the new norm……the Republicans are only having their last hurrah