Caltrans to discuss Highway 89 project


Caltrans is putting on an open house April 1 from 6-8pm at South Tahoe High School in the Student Union Conference Rooms to educate people about the road improvement work on Highway 89 from the Y in South Lake Tahoe to Cascade Road north of Camp Richardson.

Caltrans staff will be on hand to answer questions about the project.

For additional information about the project, contact Steve Nelson at 530.241.4566 or


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Comments (7)
  1. Whip says - Posted: March 31, 2015

    On April fools day? Seems the most efficient way to inform the public of their plans for 89 would be a press release, like this notice of a meeting for example.

  2. duke of prunes says - Posted: March 31, 2015

    April fools day is for children.

  3. John Garofalos says - Posted: April 1, 2015

    Sure they will tell us about it now. They have already taken down a whole bunch of large trees…

  4. ljames says - Posted: April 1, 2015

    Why in the world does the highway between the 4-lane and Camp Rich need a four foot paved shoulder? There is a separate bike path, so it doesn’t meet that need? I assume you will not allowed be allowed to park on it long term, and in any sort of vehicle breakdown there are plenty of places to pull over. And since half the people speed through there already, a wider road is just going to increase the speed at which people drive through that location.

    It just seems like one more incremental change (and not that small an increment at that) to make Tahoe urban! and now that is extending to the portions outside “city limits”. This is a significant landscape change and I don’t remember ever seeing any public comment period on the project. Can’t wait till someone makes a decision on a Stateline loop road and then holds a meeting to tell everyone what is going to happen like it or not!

  5. J&B says - Posted: April 1, 2015

    And the urbanization of Tahoe continues. There goes the unique Camp Richardson character along with the precious trees they have already cut down. We agree, seems like the nice bike path should be sufficient enough for bikes and peds.
    The curb and gutter will also help funnel more polluted water into the lake even faster…because the mucky water along the beaches in South Shore isn’t already disgusting enough?

  6. Whip says - Posted: April 1, 2015

    @duke, Don’t ever research April fools day, you’ll be disappointed that children a barely mentioned.
    @Kay, Thanks for the link with the information. That’s all CalTrans had to do is post a press release telling us what they’re doing.
    @ljames, “I don’t remember ever seeing any public comment period on the project”
    Public comment periods, public input meetings, public discussion, public feedback meetings, etc,etc,etc, are nothing more than meetings where they (being any government agency) pretends to listen to your concerns, address none of them, and proceed to tell you what has already been decided on. I know from experience and have huge granite boulders trashing my street that the city deemed necessary. Turns out they’re so ugly that the rest of the hood rallied against them and won. Unfortunately they didn’t remove the eyesore from our streets.
    There seems to be a war on trees on the south shore. Remember how nice it was to pull in to the 2 lane and all of a sudden you were driving through a deep dark forest? Well they went way overboard with the thinning on the south side of the highway, took out a massive amount of healthy trees, and completely ruined the flavor of that stretch of road. They also devastated
    the “woods” at the end of Fallen leaf lake in recent years….sad.
    The biggest result of what they’re doing will be increased bike traffic on 89 IMO. If your limited on time to spend at the beach your going to take the most direct rout possible on your bike and that will be the highway. It will also likely end the roadside parking that we all enjoy when the weather’s nice and the beaches aren’t open yet.
    If CalTrans just has to spend money I wish they’d fix Hwy 50 from Echo to the bottom where the four lanes start and get the wavy, bumpy, lumps, removed on the turns where the too soft pavement has shifted creating a hazard. Can’t believe they haven’t fixed this.
    BTW CalTrans, if you need any boulders for your Hwy 89 project, everybody on Elwood in SLT would be happy to donate the ones in our ditch.