Park City officials to talk tourism at Tahoe forum


Economic and Community Revitalization is the theme of this year’s South Shore tourism forum.

It will include lessons learned from Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce’s trek to Park City and how the South Shore can tackle its challenges through Park City’s example. Guest speakers Ken Fisher, Park City recreation manager, and Jonathan Weidenhamer, Park City economic development manager, will discuss unique issues and solutions mountain towns face in today’s economy.

Presentations will also address ways South Shore can improve its visibility as a world-class recreation destination.

The forum is April 21 at Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel from 3:30-5:30pm. Cost is $5 for chamber members, $10 for non-members.

For more information, email Emily Abernathy at


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Comments (54)
  1. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    If a community focuses on sub-standard job creation you end up with a sub-standard community. Diversifying the economy should be the goal of economic development.

  2. Level says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Kilgore, I loved your book “Venus On A Half Shell”!

  3. Slapshot says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    I have heard diversifying the economy years. I like to hear how you do it..

  4. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015


    Interesting, one of my favorite books is Slapstick.

    There are many things that can be done. For starters you don’t focus all your efforts on one industry, especially an industry like tourism. That is low lying fruit, the better fruit is higher in the tree, harder to reach but worth the effort.

    A better alternative would be the communication industry, that would suite the region well. One subset of that industry would be the code writing industry. Many communities are fostering the code writing industry today.

    I have one particular idea i’d suggest but I need to know some details first.

    What kind of communication infrastructure is in place in South Lake Tahoe?

    Internet access:
    What type of speed/bandwidth capabilities?
    Where is the primary cables?
    What is the service capabilities to the airport?

  5. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: April 18, 2015


    I completely agree with your comments. Unfortunately internet access in the Tahoe basin is not good. Bringing needed communications infrastructure into the basin is something on which the Tahoe Prosperity Center is focused/working to enhance the potential for industry capabilities such as those to which you referred. Information on TPC can be found at the following website:

    I believe that our local leaders need to consider a broader plan that will move us toward greater economic opportunities and not focus wholly on tourism and recreation, which are economically volatile and don’t provide living wage jobs.

  6. Isee says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Referring to tourism as the low-hanging fruit is ignoring the obvious which has been done in this mountain community for too many years. Yes we need economic diversity but we are in recreation Heaven and we need to better capitalize on that. There are more and more people coming to the mountains for all kinds of reasons– they are out there. There needs to be a better effort to get them to town and spend their money. Humans are drawn to the outdoors. Why would we not focus on the treasure here?

  7. Kay Henderson says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    4-mer-usmc is correct that the organization whose staff and contacts have thought longest and hardest about communications infrastructure (cell phone service as well as high speed Internet) is Tahoe Prosperity Center through their Connected Tahoe project.

    The Tahoe Prosperity Plan of a few years ago identified health & wellness and environmental innovation as well as tourism as being business clusters appropriate for the region and well worth developing in the effort to diversify the economy and support the growth of living-wage jobs. I have also argued that what Coloradans call “remote workers” (people who choose to live in a rural area and “commute” through the Internet) are a fourth economic opportunity. Kilgore Trout, it sounds like your code writers fit into this.

    In ALL CASES, however, developing these industries (including tourism*) in today’s world requires robust connections to the outside world. I recommend that those who are interested in this issue go to Tahoe Prosperity Center’s website,


    * There are communities in our state which have noticed that they are losing their existing tourism business because their connections are so anemic.

  8. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015


    I am under the impression that there is a high capacity cable that comes through south lake Tahoe area. I know years ago it was in the works and I think it serves government and the casinos. That is one of the reasons why I asked about the airport.

    People should know what is up with that. It is important and the question that should be asked is; if not why not? Was it poor planning?

    Regardless, there is adequate service for my suggestion and since snapshot has not replied I will offer it anyway.

    The airport is a poorly used asset of your community, instead of having the city offices there a better approach would be to have a technology / remote office / shared space (possibly even an incubator) and offer other clean “early stage” businesses “development space”.

    South Tahoe would benefit by enticing the techies in the bay area, and elsewhere for that matter, to come to south shore for the fun and for technology meetups and other training/ networking opportunities.

    “Bring the family and still get your work done during an extended visit.” Stay for a few weeks instead of just a night or two.

    In short It could be a technology education and development center. Massive amounts of parking and plenty of room for workspace centers. Instead you squander premium space on government offices. What a waist.

    Of course the outdoor related businesses and lodging in the area would benefit from this approach as well. So would the locals that wanted to develop other skills like code writing, video and audio production, perhaps even culinary training from local chefs could be worked into the picture.

    These are ideas that are done in other communities that are, in comparison to SLT, successful.

    I suggest the airport for these activities because it is very well suited size wise for this. Other communities often are using commercial centers adjacent to airports for these types of effort. Others are not associated with the airports at all. Regardless, this is a great way to diversify and compliment the regions economy.

    Look what is going down in Truckee for instance. The airport just committed to building a 10,000 square foot high tech office to keep jobs in the area.

  9. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015


    I am not ignoring anything by saying it is the low hanging fruit.

    To be clear, what I said first was: “For starters you don’t focus all your efforts on one industry”

    Tourism is the low pay, low hanging fruit. In fact the focus on tourism to the exclusion of other possibilities has helped damage the community over the last 3 decades.

    I will also add, that Tourism in large part will take care of itself, people were coming here long before the people that run the tourism efforts and the Chamber of Commerce were even born. Often times I find tourism people taking credit for tourism that did just fine without them.

    Further what I said was in paraphrase – it creates low quality seasonal jobs.

    In my opinion the objective of economic development should to focus on creating high quality, high paying career type jobs.

  10. Dogula says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    I salute you, Mr. Trout. Excellent ideas.

  11. Garry Bowen says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    “Breakfast of Champions’ is more appropriate to the current Tahoe experience – we need to hear from others (as we have from now 4 from Park City !), as some ‘low-hanging fruit’ is spoiled before we ever get to it, occupied as we are with cleaning up things that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. . .

    The current efforts to bring broad-band here are stalled, as most things end up here – the combination of a low population, plus the absence of a platform to work with, conspire to have grantors focus on places that have more “effect” (i.e., more population, or “bag-for-the-buck”. . .)

    Kilgore, you may be referring to the only high-end cable I know of, which has gone all the way across the U.S. into & across Nevada, which the Washoe recently hooked up with. . .that is the closest to Tahoe, but it turned left (Washoe in Minden), then proceeded down the Eastern Sierra (i.e., Highway 395). . .other efforts have focused on the Auburn corridor, but the distances increase the cost, so the 395 connection would have been the least expensive, being the closest. . .

    ‘Health & Wellness’ was an early focus on the Nevada side, in order to serve the outlying rural communities via medical record transmission (spoken as a member of Nevada’s Telecommunication Task Force), but do not know if that connection was ever made with the above-mentioned cross-country cable. . .

    Therefore, another literary reference should be made to “I’ve Been Down So Long, It Looks Like UP to Me” (by Richard Farina, Joan Baez’s brother-in-law). . . as there is a significant hole that Tahoe needs to climb out of. . .

  12. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Park City is a poor comparison to South Lake Tahoe – first off they are only 30 minutes from a major city and people can and do commute to work and to play. I use to live there. I know.

    Plus for decades they, the city and community, supported the Sundance Film festival. This has had a major impact on the growth and caliber of the city.

    SLT on the other hand has supported nothing over the decades until this Snowglobe event which as far as I am concerned is a detriment not a benefit to the community.

    As far as “Breakfast of Champions” I presume you’re referring to the comedic and sarcastic aspect of that book.

  13. Isee says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    In my opinion, after seeing many people in real withdrawal from lack-of-connection over the years, we need to maintain “connection-free areas” and promote them as such. Sure, the city needs the highest speeds possible, but people need areas that are digital free. Like the wilderness.
    Dr. Phil says “if you have a liability, make it your trademark” (as he rubs his bald head).

  14. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015


    Thanks for the kind words.

    Perhaps you can clarify something for me. I went into the details because Slapshot had asked a question. Then never got involved in the conversation.

    Perhaps it was not an honest question but more a snarky response from a local snarkster as so many in this community seem to be.

  15. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015


    How many jobs will that strategy create?

    After all that is the point of economic development.

  16. Jamie says - Posted: April 18, 2015


    Excellent ideas. In fact, all of your ideas are being actively implemented right now. If you haven’t looked into Tahoe Mountain Lab, I’d encourage you and anyone else interested to do so.

  17. tahoeanhiker says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Kilgore, excellent observations and comments. You hit the mark with the very first comment hitting the bullseye.

    I have often wondered why there is no ‘job czar’, no city council member with a drive to create real-jobs in this community. (sorry the part time 10-15 hr/week jobs do not count)

    Somehow the concept of real jobs in this community is not seen as a priority yet it is precisely what provides for a stable robust economy.

  18. reloman says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Jamie, correct me if I am wrong, but Tahoe Mountain Lab is only a little over a year old and is doing so well that you are expanding to another building by purchasing the Trib building. As well as keeping the original site on Ski Run

  19. Sam says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    I know the Mountain News posted something about the Tribune being in escrow. I hope they rehab that building. What an epic location.

  20. SCTahoe says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    This forum will be a good kickoff event as we head into what many predict to be a record setting summer season. Enjoy!

  21. Kilgore Trout says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Beautiful job! And I have seen many.

    Best to you

  22. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Agency Jobs that’s the future of this fine place.

    one of my favorite lines from Government Bob – I know which Tit the milk comes from.

  23. Dogula says - Posted: April 18, 2015

    Unfortunately, if we continue on the current path, you’re right, Chief. The only jobs that pay enough to support a family comfortably here are government jobs, and the few healthcare professionals who support us all. Everybody else is low-paid tourist support positions. 3 jobs to survive.
    We SO need to diversify. But the government jobs people, who are in control, don’t care about the private sector. Not a bit. They’re perfectly content with the status quo. ‘Cause they’re doing fine.

  24. Tomorrow Dreaming says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Great that there is discussion on this. Dogula hit the underlying issue on the head. It is the critical issue. Private business development can only do so much, I commend the Tahoe Mountain Lab for their goals but in the big picture it is a drop in the lake. Much more is needed.

    Awareness is the key. Thanks to Dogula for putting up with all the rude personal attacks and keeping to your principles, Hear Hear!

    More involvement is needed from people that are concerned for their futures and their kids/grand kids too.

  25. nature bats last says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    I know many people that work for the government (federal, state and local) here in SLT. They are professionals, biologists, teachers, accountants, transportation specialists, police, fire fighters, supervisors, specialists, hourly workers and salaried workers. They are educated beyond high school and have worked hard at getting jobs in their special fields of expertise. They moved here because they wanted to live in a beautiful place, raise their families in a nice place. These are people who buy groceries, gas, gifts, utilities, eat out, support local business and charities, they are part of the backbone of our community and they are your neighbors. I find it is the vitrol from the likes of dogzilla and her ilk that make this community a pretty sad place. Her hatred towards anything government is frothing from her hate filled heart. If the above jobs wernt available paying better wages these people wouldnt be here contributing to our local economy, and than what? So the hate mongers out there keep on pointing their fingers and whining about how awful the government is and the people doing their job in this beautiful place will continue because the whiners and hateful finger pointers are just stagnating
    In their hatred. Hope when the big fires hit our area thesehateful people will become thankful when government firefighters arrive on the scene to save their homes or maybe even their lives….

  26. Tomorrow Dreaming says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    “Hatred” – No ‘nature bats’, you are wrong. People can object and find fault with their government without it being hateful. They can also object to governments size without desiring governments destruction.

    There was nothing hateful in these posts until ‘nature bats’ brought it. Up until now these have been constructive points of view.

    As I have read these posts over the past few months I have found that it is you ‘nature bats’ that brings on the hate and vitriol as well as the race baiting.

    I find Dogula’s points of view and several others here, to be thought out and well stated.

    Your’s ‘nature bats’ do not meet the same caliber on any measure. Frankly, you come off sophomoric in comparison.

  27. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Anything the Old “Bats” doesn’t agree with is determined to be hatred or racist. Bats is narrow minded and pea brained. It can always be counted on.

  28. sunriser2 says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    I thought most of the government employees lived in Minden. Supporting their schools, stores, gas stations etc…

    Didn’t the pervert fire captain live in Redding?

  29. Tomorrow Dreaming says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Arguing the point that government employees are contributing to the economy misses the key aspect of how the economy works. The private sector is where the primary creation of wealth occurs – government employees are generally not part of the primary economy. Same goes for non profit organizations, they are recycling the money created from the value synthesized in the primary economy, the private sector.

    There are some necessary exceptions of course, I will not argue with that. The principle stands, that is how free markets work.

  30. nature bats last says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Tommorow dreaming, I disagree . Dog is ALWAYS putting down the govt and anything (including the employees) having to do with it. She is 100% the problem IMHO with whats wrong with this world. Always pointing fingers. Maybe if she took the lead and put herself out there to make the changes she thinks are so easily made her vitrol wouldnt be so hard to gag down. But she, and her ilk would just rather complain and blame someone else for all the problems with this town, state, as long as I can reply with MY opinions about how I see it, than I will. Your opinion means nothing to me and GA is her lap dog.

    All the employees I mentioned above are residents of South Lake Tahoe. Of course there are probably people I dont know that commute to their jobs. But someone will find fault with that and come up with all kinds of hateful remarks.Whatever floats your boats…

  31. nature bats last says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    GA. you can always count on me to stand up to bullies like you. You and your ilk dont scare me with your hatred.

  32. Tomorrow Dreaming says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    nature bats,

    As was stated, this was a good discussion until you came into it. It should have continued. The town needs more people like this Jessie fellow that is heading up the Tahoe Mountain Lab project. It also needs to address the snarky hatred of so many, including many of the business owners. I’ve toured the town, stopped in many establishments, without some reason to think it has changed I won’t go back to south shore.

    This might be news to you folks, Jon Stewart was forced out of NBC because they see the writing on the wall, Americans are sick and tired of the snarky in your face approach from the left, attacking good people simply because they are conservatives and value freedom and the constitution and God. The hideous name calling and nasty attitude, it is nothing to be proud of.

    I have been reading this blog for some time now and have found dogula (and others) to be consistent in the opinion that government is excessive in many ways. References to excessive regulation, taxing, intrusive government in private matters and overly compensated government employees (pay and benefits combined). All of these are legitimate points.
    Dogula (and others) also seems to be well educated in history and aware of the dangers that come from this type of situation if not stopped, tyranny always leads to evil.

    I agree with virtually every point made by Dogula (several others also make good points however as they are not part of this particular discussion so I will not name them).

    As I have observed ‘bats’ you are one of the bullies on these pages, not dogula. Dogula has a right to the dogs’ opinion (no insult Dogula). Respect that, counter with your own opinion, that would gain you respect.

  33. Isee says - Posted: April 19, 2015

    Wow! I didn’t realize that the 1st Amendment to our Bill Of Rights doesn’t apply to this comment area! If someone called me names or told me to take meds (like people say to others that they disagree with-all the time) or said I am snarky or whatever…… I’d still be the 1st person to stand-up for their right to voice their opinion, regardless of whether I agree or not. It is called the right to free-speech. Every single person gets to make their own opinion known without hearing about it. It is the law. Deal with it or work to change it or move to another country. It is that easy.

  34. nature bats last says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    TD. I dont want your respect or anything from the likes of you, dog, justanass, ga, pub works tv, kit carson, or any of your ilk. I can pretty much hold my own and voice my opinions, just as you can. Its obvious to me in your little world who you cowtow to. Thats something you have to live with. It means nothing to me…

  35. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: April 20, 2015

    nature: That’s good to hear as you mean nothing to US. Your opinion(s) are a penny a dozen by one sided narrow minded liberal fools. Feel free to never respond to any of MY posts. That would be refreshing.

  36. Hunt's Man says - Posted: April 21, 2015

    I see CJ McCoy/Chuck is back in action. Nice reference to Kurt Vonnegut, Kilgore Trout.

  37. nature bats last says - Posted: April 22, 2015

    Yes, Hunts Man, it smacks of cj isim to me as well.
    Its funny how angry the GA gets when someone stands up to its rant and nonsence. Im getting a good laugh out of it all…

  38. rock4tahoe says - Posted: April 23, 2015

    Dreaming is “dreamin” if it thinks Dogula is “well educated in history.” First, she thinks the Earth is about 6000 years old… that is the first clue. Second, she disputes that Slavery was sanctioned in the US Constitution. Third, she has no idea of any of the economic periods of the United States or how to properly describe them.

    Yes, the first thing out of Dogs mouth is anti gubment ranting along with the simplistic fictional nonsense of Ayn Rand.

    Ex. “government jobs people, who are in control, don’t care about the private sector.” That is classic Dog troll bait. When a drunk driver plows into another car and kills somebody, who is it exactly that shows up to clean up the brains, guts and blood on the Highway… because it sure isn’t Exxon, Apple or McDonalds employees… Dog.

  39. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 23, 2015

    People who think the earth is 6,000 years old are silly. It is 20,000 years old, that’s more than 3 times as old, which makes them 3 times as out of touch with modern science. Geeeeez. Haven’t you been to the Creation Museum? Evolution is real. Except humans didn’t evolve, everything else did, and we have the same biochemistry, but that didn’t happen with us.
    :P XD rofl.
    Also the Republicans of today are philosophically the same as the Republicans when Lincoln was president. Duhr, why do you think the name is the same? Silly communist.

  40. Dogula says - Posted: April 23, 2015

    Where do you guys get this stuff?
    You LIVE for cutting people down, and are even willing to make stuff up to do it.
    Still in Junior High? You sure act like it.

  41. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 23, 2015

    Funny thing is I didn’t make that up.
    Wait a minute, you aren’t real. That explains it.

  42. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 23, 2015

    Also, it is about ideas, not the person.

  43. Dogula says - Posted: April 23, 2015

    Actually, I wasn’t talking about you, Prunes. Though your claim that it’s not about the person is laughable.
    I was referring to R4T. He made one claim that was based on something I said, then the rest of it was his own fantasy.
    But yeah, adolescents do tend to focus on fantasy a lot.

  44. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 23, 2015

    Duke of Prunes, as I recall part of the lyrics to Duke of Prunes it goes something like this, in part,
    “and in that magic go-cart, I bite your neck”.
    Yes, some obscure Frank Zappa lyrics along with excellent guitar playing by Mr. Zappa and his band of merry mates .Motor head Sherwood, Jimmy Carlblack, Flo and Eddie and so many others….
    What a great time and great music!! I miss Frank but the music lives on! Freak Out!!!!!!
    Old Long Skiis and yes,( I do call any vegetable’)

  45. Drake says - Posted: April 24, 2015

    Didn’t Park city go bankrupt or about to and Vail had to come in and buy it on the cheep this year to keep it open….?????

  46. Reloman says - Posted: April 24, 2015

    Drake, you may have this wrong, Park City ski area didnt get bought by Vail because of money problems. They forgot to renew their land lease on time and the land lease was voided and reassigned to Vail. There was a huge lawsuit. Vail and the old owner settled as the old owner owned the base, water and equipement.

  47. rock4tahoe says - Posted: April 25, 2015

    Oh Dog, now you want sympathy ooh poor baby. Your “bird” droppings might help! LOL! ;)

  48. Dogula says - Posted: April 25, 2015

    No sympathy requested, R4T. Just calling you a liar.

  49. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 25, 2015

    About what specifically?
    ‘adolescents do tend to focus on fantasy a lot.’
    Fantasies such as…. creation fables?

  50. Dogula says - Posted: April 25, 2015

    So tiresome. Why is this YOUR fight, Prunes? Go live your own life. It’s Saturday. Time to get out of the house.

  51. greengrass says - Posted: April 25, 2015

    Forgive the rant BUT…

    If ALL of you regulars here could get the hell away from your *ing computer for a while, you’d probably be about ten times more educated as well as have a lot more knowledge of how the world ACTUALLY works in REAL LIFE, instead of the craptastic utopian personal bubble you live in. Maybe then you wouldn’t routinely make yourselves look like such ignorant morons. This goes for ALL of the regular trolls on here, not just the liberals. Get a freaking life. There are other things in the world besides your petty flame wars on LTN.


  52. duke of prunes says - Posted: April 25, 2015

    Nice tantrum.