Rabid skunk found in El Dorado County
The third rabid skunk of the year has been found in El Dorado County. This time it was in Pleasant Valley.
An animal services officer was called April 24 by someone observing a skunk showing signs of rabies. Test results came back positive for rabies. The rabid skunk was found on Pleasant Valley Road near Grindstone Road and White Rose Lane.
There are no reports of human or pet contact with the rabid skunk.
A rabid skunk was found on Feb. 10 in Placerville and one on Feb. 27 in El Dorado. Animal Services is not aware of any human contact with the skunks. In 2014, 14 rabid skunks were found in various locations throughout El Dorado County.
“It is critical that pet owners keep their pets current on their rabies vaccinations and report all animal bites and possible rabies exposures,” Henry Brzezinski, chief of animal services, said in a statement. “Rabies is spread through the bite and saliva of an infected animal. Without a vaccination and prompt bite reporting, pets can acquire rabies and pass it on to people and pets. Left untreated, rabies is almost always fatal.”
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Info on how to spot a rabid skunk;
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