Letter: Involvement in Meyers critical
To the community,
With the upcoming Meyers Area Plan meeting on May 6 the residents of Meyers have an opportunity and a responsibility to help our future.
El Dorado County is hosting a meeting and we have to let them know what we want in terms of planning, development, recreation, safety and beyond. Now is the time as we have reached a stage where decisions will be made. Speak now, please, as the voices of many reasonable citizens will have an impact.
The area plan will govern long-term land use community plan and proposes revisions to building design and other standards while consolidating County and TRPA permitting requirements. It identifies community improvements like bike trails, signage and safety issues for pedestrians.
Everyone needs to be involved in these planning decisions. Please plan on attending the meeting this Wednesday, 5:30 to 7:30pm at the Lake Tahoe Environmental Magnet School, 1095 E. San Bernardino Ave.
Thank you,
Jim Lira, Lira’s Market
Owning 11.5% interest in a parcel of land should not give Sue Novasel a conflict of interest to represent the voters who elected her.
How often have you seen a Federal representative recuse themselves from voting on taxes, health insurance, etc. because they might either pay or be exempt from them. Why is the State of California, El Dorado County imposing such a restriction?
The Meyers Plan is too important to the residents not to have their elected representative participate.
If malfeasance occurs then charge and prosecute but don’t rob the voters of their right to be represented.
Well said, Jim.
The county sends out thousands of cards for previous meetings and thirty people show up.
The Myers “plan?” Keep Tveten Town as is!
Hey, what about people that live in the County and the City?
What’s more important, the Meyers meeting or the turf buy back meeting with STPUD ? Think STPUD would re-schedule ?
I, and about 100 other people, just waited to get into the meeting, only to circle the room a few times and leave. Some stayed, more left. What a joke. Let’s play board games with dots. The presentation by the stand-in Sup. wasn’t happening. The box for comments was a real plus. NOT! I was not expecting anything like this.
I was there to speak about the areas zoned as ‘Recreation’ that have allowable uses such as employee housing, amusement parks, police stations. public utility buildings, daycare centers, and transmission lines just to mention a few of the allowed ‘Recreation’ uses. This is what is allowable for the SEZ (Stream Environment Zone) at the end of the, strictly residential, South Upper Truckee Road (and the entire area around Lake Baron, T.P. Golf Course and the SW corner of Hwy89/50. After Tahoe Pines Campground has just been removed, because it’s such a sensitive area, there is now ‘river access facilities’ shown as planned there. This is “THE” most sensitive land in the greater Meyers area- (it’s not in Meyers). No building or facilities should be put there, EVER. It’s where Echo Creek and the Upper Truckee River meet. It’s where the “Osgood Toll House” stood. I intended to bring all this up at the meeting. This is a GIGANTIC change in zoning!! This is what ‘the plan’ has coming to a neighborhood near you. There are no circumstances that make this okay in any way.
The format changed on what was supposed to happen tonight. When I asked Mr. Veerkamp who changed it he did not know and neither did anyone from the county. Almost 50% of the people that were there asked Mr. Veerkamp to address the community like the invitation implied and he kindly refused to address the community.
That wasn’t a meeting. It was a carnival. We are screwed.
Umm Isse. From what I see in Myers today… now, your comment should be past tense.