Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Tahoe Art Project’s annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser is May 14 from 5:30-7:30pm at Bert’s Cafe in South Lake Tahoe. For tickets, call 530.542.3632.
· Skyland General Improvement District is having a public hearing about its 2015-16 fiscal year budget on May 21 at 3pm at the Zephyr Cove library.
· Tahoe Beach Retreat in South Lake Tahoe is promoting its private beach on Facebook. They own it, but the reality is the public may access it from June-September. Connolly Beach, the real name of it, will be on the May 19 South Lake Tahoe City Council agenda.
· Govs. Jerry Brown and Brian Sandoval along with five other governors on May 6 signed a multi-state proclamation designating May as Wildfire Awareness Month.
· Mammoth Mountain ski slopes close Sunday.
Mammoth (according to their FB page) received 12-18 inches of new snow from this storm and is actually staying open past their May 10th closing date!
Connolly beach can be used by the public 24/7 year round up to elevation 6228.87 above sea level, which is about 90% of the sand now.
Lou: I hope the city puts signs up on the survey monuments.
They’re not just promoting that they have a private beach on their Facebook page, Tahoe Beach Retreat is basically promoting that they can do what they want on it at the expense of public access!
Beach Retreat is promoting that it’s theirs to rent out for weddings, parties etc!
You know the City never has a problem about going after a small business, you know one that can’t afford lawyers, for the slightest of infractions. I hope on the 19th our City will finally to stand up to, and make sure that the law is enforced, this corporation!
Parker according to the presentation given to the city council by the city attorney, they can hold weddings there. They just can’t take up the whole beach for those events during May to Sept, during daylight hours, After daylight hours it is theirs to do as they wish and the public is not allowed (if beach retreat wanted to enforce it, which they don’t). In oother wards if they wanted to exclude people from their beach in a normal lake level year for the fireworks on 4the of July and labor day weekend they could. If people wanted to cross their land at night to get to below the high water mark at night, that is traspassong.
After daylight hours you’re not going to be throwing a wedding or birthday party on the beach! Beach Retreat is promoting you can have events on their ‘private beach’. Private means no public around!!
Clearly they think they’re going to be getting away with something with the City! Hopefully on the 19th the City shows them otherwise!
Access to ALL beaches in Hawaii by the public is law. It should be law everywhere. Places like the Beach Retreat also get business from folks who use their beach – beach rentals, food & drink at their establishments, etc. Irrespective, access to all beaches is a must!
19 parking spaces are for the public on Connolly beach. 24/7 365 days below 6228.87 high water as stated by city attorney. We need signage form highway 50 for beach access and signs where Beach Retreats property starts and no public access.
Sorry bad info there are only 18 public parking spots at Connolly beach.