Obama takes executive action on environment


By William Yardley, Los Angeles Times

In April 1989, a Michigan developer named John Rapanos dumped fill on 54 acres of wetlands he owned to make way for a shopping center. He did not have a permit, and when the state told him to stop, he refused. Courts found him in violation of the federal Clean Water Act. Prosecutors wanted to send him to prison.

Rapanos took his case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which found that the wetlands on his property, about 20 miles from a river that drained into Lake Huron, did not fall under the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction over discharges into “navigable waters.”

Rapanos became something of a celebrity among property rights advocates, but the ruling raised as many questions as it answered. Although the court upheld federal protections for wetlands and streams when they connected with navigable waters, it left unclear what constituted a connection.

Now, nearly a decade later, the Obama administration is seeking to clarify those ambiguities, and the effort is causing controversy of its own. This week, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to release a new rule to protect a significantly larger percentage of streams and wetlands that provide habitat for wildlife and sources of drinking water.

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Comments (9)
  1. Sunriser2 says - Posted: May 26, 2015

    The Army Corps have become so crazy even the other Green agencies don’t want to deal with them.

    It will be interesting to see how CA offsets the wetlands that are disturbed by the bullet train.

  2. Justice says - Posted: May 28, 2015

    If a liberal proposes to destroy wetlands in violation of the law over a large area for a train to no-where it is considered good by their controlled media as their intentions are all that matter, not the impact, and the same goes for their raising the same taxes over and over for a sudden new reason like the “infrastructure” when the real reason is to keep union labor money flowing to the DNC while saying the state is crumbling while they can’t find the billions in bonds approved to repair them in 2006 or the new billions from the carbon tax. When they divert the north state’s water to millions living in the desert it receives the same lack of attention and their focus on punishing the people who have the water is preposterous.
    Nothing coming out of DC to increase regulation by executive action will do anything except employ more government lawyers and employees to “enforce” the new invented rules that result from the old rules, this game of power grabbing into federal control away from states under the guise of a crises that doesn’t exist is obvious.

  3. duke of prunes says - Posted: May 28, 2015

    Run-on sentences without supporting evidence. Typical Justass.

  4. business owner says - Posted: May 28, 2015

    If the president had an R in front of his name and did this duke and his buddies would be flipping out. 2 sides of the same coin…get a clue

  5. duke of prunes says - Posted: May 28, 2015

    Correct, under a different president I would probably stop valuing wetlands and other sensitive areas.

  6. Justice says - Posted: May 28, 2015

    Prune Juice again has a lack of coherent thoughts and no ideas or any evidence of a grasp of reality let alone truth. He doesn’t let that get in the way of a leftist leaning madness that blinds like a disease. His new ploy is a self appointed proof reader and grammatical monitor instead of any relevant thoughts.

  7. greengrass says - Posted: May 28, 2015

    “His new ploy is a self appointed proof reader and grammatical monitor” “New?” Really? It’s his go to tactic to make someone look stupid when he can’t do it with facts. At least he doesn’t use outright lies like some of the other people here. You gotta give him that.

  8. duke of prunes says - Posted: May 29, 2015

    justass: What is pathetic is that I am not an English major or a professional writer and I can still find major problems in what people write. Writing and thinking are related. Problems in writing are a sign that the thinking behind it is flawed or underdeveloped. People like you who write a lot with little substance use writing to attempt to mask problems they have with logic. Dancing around the issue with many words to get away from the part where substance comes in to play.

  9. business owner says - Posted: May 29, 2015

    And that duke is how a person should properly address an issue. Well said. I now feel confident i have more knowledge on the epa land grabs from your above excellent comment.