1 oz. cocaine, illegal ammo seized in S. Tahoe


An armed ex-convict and two others were arrested early June 1 near the state line.

What started as a noise complaint at two rooms of the Big Pine Mountain House on Cedar Avenue ended with three arrests, about 1 ounce of cocaine being confiscated, along with scales and packaging material, and a .40-caliber handgun with an illegal high capacity magazine.

“Normally that’s an amount connected to distribution,” South Lake Tahoe Police Chief Brian Uhler told Lake Tahoe News of the coke.

Kevon Lomach, 26, of Sacramento was found sitting on the floorboard of a vehicle with the door open when officers arrived Monday about 2:30am. He was wanted on a misdemeanor arrest warrant. Officers also found the handgun on him, which is illegal for a felon to possess.

Two people in one of the rooms tried to flee out a back window but were detained by officers in the room.

Also arrested were Tiana Perez, 18, and Chris Jackson, 22, both of Sacramento and both on drug charges. Jackson was on criminal probation for attempted pimping.

A 19-year-old woman who is believed to be Lomach’s girlfriend was not arrested.

“It’s not uncommon for people to come from outside the area to think they are going to peddle their drugs. I don’t know if it is connected to prostitution, but certainly there was that element with that guy who had that history,” Uhler said.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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This article was written by admin


Comments (12)
  1. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 1, 2015

    Nice collection of Sacto parasites infesting our town. Seems to be the norm.

  2. Mr mustache says - Posted: June 1, 2015

    Sacramento scum infesting us. Stay out.

  3. fromform says - Posted: June 2, 2015

    thanks for the perspective: sometimes i forget that you guys have raised the bar…

  4. local2 says - Posted: June 2, 2015

    What nice new conducive residents for our little peaceful town, who’s next ISIS?!

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 2, 2015

    I’m no fan of druggies, felons with weapons, pimps and their wares. I’m also not a fan of right wing Ayewholes such as Mr. Mustache, Kits, and others who, on one hand champion policies that create the sick culture that breeds druggies, felons with weapons, pimps, hookers and on the other hand screech in judgement. Hypocrites.

    This is the world we live in folks…build bridges through education and inclusion, or fences through ignorance and quarantine. We will be gone from this place in the blink of an eye, the world and it’s children will still be here.

    @local2-ISIS or Bundyville…two heads of the same belligerent fundamentalist Hydra. I don’t particularly care for either. It should be obvious that bombing countries into the stone-age, engaging in cynically veiled crusades and incarcerating generations of Americans IS NOT showing leadership on a national or global stage. There has to be a different path than those extremes. Not sure what it is…

    “The word ‘mercy’ is gonna have a new meaning, when we are judged by the children of our slaves. No adult of sound mind can be an innocent bystander, trial’s come before truth’s revealed…”-Bruce Cockburn

  6. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 2, 2015

    Hmmm: Good luck with your pipe dream of educating, you ignorant fool. What policies exactly do we who you don’t agree with “champion”? Name them. Or are you going to simply blame it on guns one more BORING time?! Your wish to ban guns is quite a hit with these parasites…’s that working? Oh, yes, we see.

  7. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 2, 2015

    I do not wish to ban guns.

  8. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 2, 2015

    My mistake then, maybe I’m thinking of Nature Bats with regards to the gun issue.

  9. nature bats last says - Posted: June 3, 2015

    Pointing fingers again kitty ? Put down the crack pipe before you make more stoopid comments that are wrong, again…

  10. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 16, 2015

    Update on 06/16/15: Now the little poison dealing worm is dead. One less puke in our town. Good work SLTPD.

  11. mr mustache says - Posted: June 16, 2015

    Call me whatever names you want but don’t call me right wing. yuck. I just hate wannabe thugs coming into our town because they are too p**sy to thug it in a big city. This guy was a joke. And now he’s dead.

  12. Jay4 says - Posted: June 17, 2015

    Dont we miss Geno DeMatteo these days