Study: Bullying is a public health problem


By Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times

Bullying may be responsible for nearly 30 percent of cases of depression among adults, a new study suggests.

By tracking 2,668 people from early childhood through adulthood, researchers found that 13-year-olds who were frequent targets of bullies were three times more likely than their non-victimized peers to be depressed as adults.

Even when the researchers accounted for factors like a teen’s record of behavioral problems, social class, child abuse and family history of depression, those who were bullied at least once a week were more than twice as likely to be depressed when they grew up.

The findings, published Tuesday in the BMJ, should prompt parents, teachers and public health authorities to get serious about cracking down on bullying, the study authors wrote.

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Comments (21)
  1. Isee says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    When they start throwing bullies in Juvie for a nice stay- bullying will be reduced. The bullies who made me fight others like we were gladiators, in my youth, have all died seriously horrendous deaths or are incarcerated for life. I love Karma.

  2. nature bats last says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    Bullies are everywhere, even here on blog central…I think bad karma is definately a consequence of bullying.

  3. business owner says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    Then nature u have some horrible ills coming your way. Go back through your posts…you are a bully…truth hurts.

  4. Justice says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    “Bullying” is not a new issue in the last thousand years but it is something that has been around as long as there has been more than one person. What is seen now is this “crises” creation and designation by the left to make it into something for an agenda which should be obvious. They want new laws to be invented with their own definition of what it is and this is the slippery slope of leftists it also includes the trans-gender movement in schools being their other goal and this idea in public schools that children should be whatever gender they want at any time and this idea they think should be encouraged or else anyone who opposes it is a “Bully.” This is the wider problem of leftist thinking and the real danger and it is the problem that must be changed in the country and people need to be smart enough to see it. This constant throwing out of terms like “Bullying” is an attempt of the left to go after free speech and to try to eliminate free speech by making it criminal if it isn’t part of the leftist agenda, even on the playground and in speech in general and this should be defeated.

  5. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 6, 2015

    That was a joke, right?

  6. Dogula says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Naming something as a “Public Health” issue means the government gets involved. Bullying is bad; but it shouldn’t be up to government to define it or set penalties for it. The result will be heavy handed and over encompassing. You won’t like it.
    Get involved in your and your own children’s lives and quit expecting Uncle Government to take care of everything for you.

  7. Isee says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Well Justice, There must be a God watching over me as the post I just wrote to you got erased somehow. Truth is no one, including me, needs to point out the flawed and dangerous thinking that comes out of your mouth. That’s if it can even be called thinking…. it’s more like blabbering. And that’s as close to bullying as I’ll ever get. Have a nice day.

  8. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    My God, this society has really gone to the left. Bullies were dealt with when I grew up. Nobody whined about poor Johnny being bullied. The bullies got what they deserved and then it was over. Such pathetic, wimpy, self entitled whiners these days.

  9. nature bats last says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Yup BO, im right behind you in the line.

    justanass, paranoid as usual…

  10. Mr mustache says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Nature batty you are the biggest bully on this site. Oh the hypocrisy!!!

  11. nature bats last says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Ohhhhhhh sticks and stones. Lmao

  12. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    I think the point is that not ALL bullies were ‘dealt with’, as many who were bullied have attested to. Some ‘Johnny’s’ got over it. Some killed themselves, some got a gun.

    In a society where anonymity confers a certain protection for those malevolent souls who are just plain nasty( most teenagers, Kits, Justice, a few other others who post here) the consequences of bullying(cyber and otherwise) becomes more acute for people who are both ‘more connected’ and ‘more isolated’ at the same time. It’s not just a question of growing thick skin.
    Some became lawyers and corporate raiders and sociopaths.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Hmmmm, I think you might be right. And many of those bullies grew up to be politicians. They’re still bullying the powerless.

  14. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Gosh, Dogula….why are people victims when it comes to the evil bigbrother ‘gub’mint’ but free agents when it’s a corporation that is bending them over a barrel and shtupping them?

  15. Dogula says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Quite simple, really. A corporation does not have the power to imprison and/or take your life if you don’t do what they want you to. Government and its agents DO.
    And I remind you, a corporation could NEVER become as powerful as many of them are without benefit of government intervention. They pay politicians to write laws that benefit them. EVERYBODY’S happy. . . /sarc
    Why is that concept so elusive??

  16. Parker says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    That’s why it’s important for parents to have a choice where they can send their children to school. If a school can’t provide a safe environment for their kids, it’s only right that they should be able, even if they’re not wealthy, to send them to one that will.

  17. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Dawg the concept is elusive because you don’t recognize the oligarchy.

  18. Dogula says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    Prunes, whatever you want to call the system (did you learn a new word today?) it still means that they are wrapped up together in a symbiotic relationship that does damage to the little people BECAUSE government has the power to put us away against our will. And whether government is doing its own bidding or that of someone else, the result is the same. The public face of oppression IS the government. And you keep wanting to give it MORE power.

  19. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 7, 2015

    “Quite simple, really…:” just about describes your mental state to a T. I think I’m gonna vomit.

  20. Dogula says - Posted: June 8, 2015

    So rather than address what you think is incorrect about my point, you just say that it makes you want to vomit?
    Very thoughtful of you. If you don’t have a counterpoint, why weigh in with an insult?
    Tell me where my statement is wrong. No? Of course not. You can’t.

  21. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 8, 2015

    Wrongula-as always your hate gubmint posts are fraught with duplicitous nonsense-citizens facing up to problems like bullying in our education system is not intruding on anyone’s ‘free speech’-it is finally doing the right thing about harmful behavior that impacts children’s lives-
    the lunatic fringe blames gubmint takeover on everyone but themselves-starting with the sell-out of the American middle class to the corps in 1981 by the ‘reagan revolution’ it has been a steady dismantling of the people’s only defense against oligarchy-government regulation of the rules of American capitalism-
    the cons will not give up on reaganism-
    if we just give more tax cuts to the 1%-if we just forget about clean air and water-if we just privatize everything in the commons(water, education, transportation,defense)-if we just unleash the invisible hand of ‘free markets’-then all will be well-enormous amounts of money will trickle down-people will be free to discriminate against their neighbors at will-rugged individualism will allow you ‘stand your ground’ and shoot anyone that dares to ask you to share your abundance-
    that’s only a few instances where your points are not only incorrect-but abhorrent