Opinion: Bear trap issue at Resort at Squaw Creek


Publisher’s note: The following statement was issued by the Resort at Squaw Creek after the Bear League questioned why a bear trap was set.

Thank you everyone for your feedback regarding the USDA Wildlife Services bear trap. While we appreciate the passionate response, we do want to keep to the facts of this particular situation, rather than the assumptions being posted on social media about what has been going on.

It is a fact that USDA Wildlife Services has set a non-lethal bear trap on our premises. This was done in response to our concern for employee safety, as well as the fact that the bear had been hit by a car in our parking lot and was most likely very injured, judging from the damage to the vehicle and the amount of blood both on the car and on the pavement. Wildlife Services recommended setting the trap and we complied with that recommendation.

Additionally, we are very cognizant of the fact that we, like everyone in the Tahoe basin, live in bear territory. Because of this, we take the appropriate steps to secure our premises. It is false that the bear entered the resort through automatic doors, and it is also false to say we are not taking additional and extra precautions to deter this bear from coming back. Like all of you, we live in this area because we love being so close to the mountains and all that that entails. And, like you, we take responsibility to ensure that we continue to be good citizens of this mountain community.

It is unfortunate that this bear has been injured. We all hope that he can be restored to health and returned to the wild. He has not been around the resort for the past few days, and so far has not gone near the trap. USDA Wildlife Services tells us that it is likely he has moved on due to his injury and will not be back. In any case, the trap is being removed today.

We would appreciate if everyone could stick to the facts, despite the emotions that run high when we come into contact with these beautiful animals.


Andre Priemer, general manager, Resort at Squaw Creek

The Bear League responded on Facebook saying:

Resort at Squaw Creek Bear Trap Update: (and final report, we hope) The bear trap has been removed (thanks to everyone who called them and commented about it). Apparently as soon as management learned the camouflaged trap had been discovered and that word was out on their plan to have a bear killed they made the unfortunate and badly thought out decisions to: 1) claim the bear would be ‘relocated’—which of course, is Not true—DFW verified this immediately and told us Resort management had to sign the depredation permit stating they knew the bear would die. 2) craft a miss-information statement on BEAR League’s Facebook page in an attempt to encourage our friends to actually believe that USDA Wildlife Services has such a thing as a non-lethal trap (they do not) and that USDA Wildlife Services would give medical attention to a bear who was hit by a car (they do not, they only kill) and that USDA Wildlife Services would relocate the bear (they would not, they only know how to kill bears, not relocate them) And 3)——–and this is the only ‘good’ decision they made so far——-remove the trap since no one was believing their ‘story’. So, thanks again, everyone. Another bear saved.


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Comments (14)
  1. Steve buttling says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Another bear saved ????
    I don’t think so . Now according to both parties above we have an injured bear wandering in the wilderness.
    Sadly being hit by a car is no fun and usually debilitating , I know because I was once hit and run over by a car.
    so as this injured bear slowly starves to death ? The local bear league can sleep in their warm beds knowing that their misguided efforts perhaps saved this bears life.
    Who in their right minds would want to do this to a beautiful wild animal.?
    Perhaps this wounded bear will resort to eating small children ?
    I doubt he will be seen at the Drs office getting patched up., and is now suffering a lingering tragic fate.

  2. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Ann (whacko) Bryant and the league has never been in her right mind. She continues to be a nuisance to all. I wish the Trib would finally take the pic/article down that shows the over the hill hippy Bryant petting a downed bear like it was her pet.
    Right Steve, they seem to have over looked that part.

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    speaking of ‘never been in their right mind’ w’ssup Kits? I know that ‘fact based commentary’ is challenging for you but I just would like to remind you that this ain’t the Trib.

  4. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    When setting a bear trap, what guarantee does one have that the correct bear being sought will end up in that trap?

    And as to an injured bear eating a small child? Well black bears aren’t actively predatory animals, they are opportunistic feeders who’s majority of diet comes from scavenging and foraging. And I’m pretty sure ambling along eating berries off a plant would not be supplemented by chasing down a small child and eating it by virtue of that bear being injured. If that bear was ambulatory enough to walk away there is a good chance it will heal just fine.

  5. dan says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    meanwhile there are dead squirrels all over the road.
    FTR what makes a Bear more valuable then a squirrel? Hmm?

  6. Toogee says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    ‘The BEAR League is a completely volunteer, community based, not-for-profit organization in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Truckee and beyond,
    committed to keeping bears safe
    and wild in their natural habitat.

    We believe that our guiding principle,
    “People Living in Harmony with Bears”
    is achievable as the public becomes educated as to the true gentle nature
    of the Black Bear.’

    Above is the mission statement of The Bear League. I, as a member of The Bear league, feel that we far exceed our mission statement proven by the results we have achieved! Ann Bryant and Bear League members have been demonized by some as a “whacko”, the “bear Nazis”, “psychotic”, “liberal nutcases”, etc, etc, etc, yet awareness of bear interaction and how to deal with those situations so as to deter negative consequences for both humans and bears is at an all time high as far as I can tell as a 32 year Tahoe local. But I also feel that educating people that live and visit our mountain home is an ongoing process. I think Ann’s best/worst virtue is her passion for how she feels about living in harmony with nature. I say best/worst because many folks are scared by passionate people who believe so strongly about something that they cannot be sidetracked from their goals. If Ann is truly guilty of anything it is nothing more than being guilty of being a passionate person who is solidly convinced of her beliefs regardless of some peoples opinions. And Ann’s beliefs and experience of black bear behavior are cultivated by years of up close and personal experiences with black bears. Much of that knowledge was gained by being a key player in black bear aversion practices following the guidelines set out in the go to black bear aversion training ( used by bear management divisions of a strong majority of government agencies from local municipalities, to the USFS, and in Canada as well.

    Black bears have an intelligence comparable to that of the great apes. Of all carnivores, bears have the largest brain to body mass ratio. What does that mean as it pertains to aversion tactics? They have an extraordinary capacity to learn and have an excellent long-term memory. From personal experience dealing with bears in the field, the oldest and biggest bears living within the basin have a healthy fear of humans. Usually the ones testing the waters with human interaction are the second and third year bears trying to find their place and how they can survive in their environment on their own.

    Ann Bryant and The Bear League by no means is trying to assert that black bears are nothing more than teddy bears not to be feared. Wild animals large or small are just that, wild animals and need to remain as such. What Ann Bryant and we the members of The Bear League are trying to instill is a healthy attitude about coexisting with black bears and wildlife in general by following some very simple and easy rules to follow.

    Toogee Sielsch
    Bear League Member

  7. Don says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Thank you ,Toogie, Very well said,Bear league Member also.

  8. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Black bears are omnnivores, not carnivores. And they do not have the largest brain to bodymass ratio. Look it up.

    Perhaps there are more appropriate measures of intelligence.

  9. Don says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Wrong HMMMM

  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Bear League member myself. To become a member write BEAR league pob. 393, Homewood, Ca.96141 or call
    (530) 525-paws. thanks’ Old Long Claws

  11. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Sometimes the best of intentions backfire. The league has made the problem MUCH worse.

  12. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    So help me out by cite your sources, then. Everything I looked at says the tree shrew has the highest ratio among mammals, small ants the highest of all.

  13. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    citing, not cite

  14. WalkingMom says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Just sad. Once again, the health and well-being of our bear population is put at risk by this (probably) well-meaning but obviously delusional group. There is nothing noble or correct about leaving a possibly injured animal to suffer. They do not, and will never belong in a populated area. There is no healthy diet to find here, and they will almost always lose to a car. Get over yourselves, get educated, and start working on some REAL solutions.