Family pursuing lawsuit against SLTPD


By Van Tieu, KRNV-TV

There are new allegations in the officer involved shooting at the Tahoe Hacienda Inn in South Lake Tahoe earlier this week that left a 22-year-old man dead.

Kris Jackson

Kris Jackson

An attorney for Kris Jackson’s family is pursuing wrongful death and violation of civil rights actions against the officer who shot him.

Alan Laskin, says the officer should be criminally charged for acting out of protocol and killing Jackson. He says, according to Jackson’s girlfriend, who was there, she never heard any type of warning from the officers to stop, like “put your hands up” before Jackson was shot.

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Comments (15)
  1. Justice says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    They can’t even wait for the investigation and the reports to be released to file a lawsuit and the lawyer claims he knows the “facts” without them? The girl, as far as I know, wasn’t at the window when the incident happened. The article does state he was shot in the front left chest area and not in the back as some thought. Is this lawyer suing for loss of income from drug sales that his clients will miss?

  2. Mr mustache says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Hell yes. It’s time to start holding these trigger happy cops accountable. Rookie cop shoots kid for climbing out a window. Pretty simple.

  3. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    shoot first ask questions later.

    that poor cop was shaking in his boots he didn’t know what else to do.

    hope they sue the krap out of the City for trying to sweep everything under the rug.

    maybe the gun should have been in his holster not in his hand.

  4. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    They should come up with some kind of special dirt bag surcharge for the week to week motels to pay for the suit.

  5. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    The girlfriend says she never heard a thing. Willingly wanting to be with such a loser makes her credibility less than perfect.
    The lawyer heard the news and jumped off the Ambulance he was in to make some fast cash. Not surprising that the family that birthed such a person wants in on free money.

  6. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    At least they waited until the body was cold.

  7. Seriously? says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Wow the kid hasn’t even been buried yet and the family is looking for money. Gotta do something to make up for the money he isn’t making from drugs. Disgusting!!!

    Im still wondering why the officer was holding a gun and not a taser.

    With the girl blabbing her mouth, she may end up jeopardizing the ambulance chasers case. Wonder if the family is going to share their pot of gold with the girlfriend??

  8. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    It’s 3AM, dark and everyone is tense due to the report of a woman screaming.
    What’s going on inside that hotel room?
    No one outside the room knows.

    We hire law enforcement to protect us.
    The nature of the job sometimes puts them into dangerous situations where their life is also at stake.
    In reviewing an incident such as this we need to have all the facts available before condemning anyone.

    Why was this man climbing out a window?
    If he’d stayed in the room he’d be alive.

  9. AROD says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Time to hold these trigger happy pigs accountable for their actions. They are not above the law. This young man had made bad choices, no doubt. But he would frequent my place of employment and always acted in a respectable manner. Even on the day he was arrested he went away peaceful and without incidence. So many self righteous, bigoted, know it alls on this site. You are repulsive.

  10. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    If HE frequented your employment place? I’m guessing you don’t work in a five star establishment.

    “Trigger happy pigs”. Wow. Next time you need saving, please don’t call them and waste their time. Dead homeboy had a choice to make and as usual he chose the bad one….again. He may not have deserved to die but he opened the can of worms, nobody else.

  11. reloman says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    AROD, I so agree with you our cops in this town are so trigger happy. After all we have police shooting in SLT every other week and police killings every month or TEN YEARS or so. I am so tired of people making statements like TRIGGER Happy PIGS. You must have quite a few run ins with the police here to hate them so much. Every time I have been pulled over I was polite, they were polite, I went on my way.way.

  12. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Arod, let’s take the “trigger” rhetoric down a notch. The guy was wanted on Coke possession charges, caught in a window and unarmed. Is that reason enough to take a bullet to the chest.

  13. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Most criminals usually do hate the Cops. I hope Nimrod doesn’t breed.

  14. FoxNews says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    People just love to leave fallacious arguments anonymously. How about “innocent until proven guilty”? We don’t live in the film Judge Dredd. I wouldn’t call the cops if I had a problem because I wouldn’t want to get shot by them. I own firearms, which is a right protected by the constitution. I value human lives, so if I did not feel justified shooting and killing someone, I certainly would not want a cop to do the deed.

  15. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Hey Just@ass and Kitty, I thought you liked drug dealers or are you trying to “subterfuge” your own comments…