Man arrested after standoff at Tahoe Keys Marina

Law enforcement surround the suspect Saturday afternoon at the Tahoe Keys Marina. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Law enforcement surround the suspect Saturday afternoon at the Tahoe Keys Marina. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Updated June 21 6:03pm

From a SLTPD press release today:

[Cory] Pearson attempted to drive over a berm, but became high centered.  The Armored Rescue Vehicle pinned Pearson’s vehicle against the rock. Pearson attempted to flee on foot and turned toward officers, concealing his hands in his waistband. A less lethal shotgun bean bag round was deployed, striking Pearson, causing him to fall to the ground. Officers approached Pearson with a K9 unit. Pearson continued to refuse officers commands, so the K9 unit was deployed and Pearson was ultimately apprehended without further incident.

A black replica, semi-automatic pistol was located in Pearson’s waistband, where he was concealing his hands. Pearson was transported to Barton Hospital for medical treatment as a result of the bean bag and K9 deployment.  Pearson was booked into EDSO jail by deputies for driving a stolen vehicle, felony evading,  possession of an altered or imitation firearm, resisting an officer with violence or threats of violence, wearing a mask during the commission of a crime and driving on a suspended license.


Updated June 20 7:14pm:

Cory Pearson, 35, of Sacramento is the man who was arrested. Exact charges have not been released.

Update 5:19pm:

What started as an El Dorado County sheriff’s deputy checking on a vehicle pulled to the side of Highway 50 in Meyers ended with one suspect in custody more than four hours later.

El Dorado County sheriff’s Sgt. Paul Hadjes told Lake Tahoe News the subject was wearing a bandana over his face and told the deputy he had taken some bad drugs. While the deputy was calling for back up, the suspect took off.

A slow speed chase Saturday afternoon led everyone through South Lake Tahoe to where the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association office is. The suspect was able to maneuver around all the cop cars and went down Venice Drive to the Tahoe Keys Marina. At this point he was trapped.

South Lake Tahoe police, California Highway Patrol and U.S. Forest Service provided additional resources.

The suspect, whose name has not been released, moved the stolen white sedan several times around the parking lot before parking it to the right of the launch ramp.

South Lake Tahoe Sgt. Travis Cabral told LTN the vehicle had earlier been stolen from Lakeland Village.

The suspect was eventually taken into custody after bean bags were fired at the vehicle.

The suspect had a fake firearm that looked like a real weapon, according to authorities.

Cabral told LTN the CHP helicopter was used to give more eyes on the scene in case there were other people lurking in bushes or who might have been in the vehicle and tried to escape.

Update 4:25pm:

One person has been taken into custody after officers shot out the back window with bean bags.

The suspect was taken to Barton Memorial Hospital with injuries from the bean bags.

The suspect had a replicated handgun, according to authorities.

Update 4:12pm

The restaurant patrons were allowed to leave at 4:07pm under sheriff’s deputy escort.

Most had a story to tell.

Jim and Tauni Pace of Boise recalled being abruptly interrupted from their patio lunch when the chopper told them to quickly go inside and lock the doors.

“We didn’t know what the heck was going on,” she said.

Terry  Scales of South Lake Tahoe wondered the same thing.

I’ve never seen anything like this,” the 39-year resident said. “I’ve never been on lockdown. This is usually a fun time– you come here for a rum runner.”

Update 3:33pm:

A small army of law enforcement with assault rifles is aimed at a white sedan parked to the right side of the launch ramp at Tahoe Keys Marina.

A California Highway Patrol helicopter has been circling above more than 20 patrons at the Fresh Ketch who are stuck inside the restaurant because law enforcement has placed it on lock down. The vehicle is occupied by a South Lake Tahoe man, according to restaurant patrons.

South Lake Tahoe Police Chief Brian Uhler told Lake Tahoe News the man is reportedly armed.

The driver has moved the vehicle multiple times. It was first parked in one of the stalls outside the Fresh Ketch. The driver has since moved it closer to the launch ramp. Law enforcement is not letting people down Venice Drive.

There are reportedly people at the beach at Cove East who are not allowed to walk back on the path.

A man who claims he is armed has forced the evacuation of the Tahoe Keys Marina in South Lake Tahoe.

El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies chased the man to the marina in their vehicles. What initiated the pursuit is unknown. Deputies were not available.

“He will not surrender and he has indicated he is armed,” South Lake Tahoe Police Chief Brian Uhler told Lake Tahoe News.

The immediate area was cordoned off just before 2pm June 20.

Negotiators and tactical teams have been called in.

No one at the Fresh Ketch restaurant was answering the phone.

— Kathryn Reed and Susan Wood


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This article was written by admin


Comments (28)
  1. mountaindude says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    I have been listening to the scanner traffic. Quite a low speed, many maneuvers affair.
    With all of California’s gun laws, and laws in general, I find it unbelievable that a criminal has a gun and is breaking the law.

    It almost seems that the gun laws are designed only to control the law abiding, and the desire to act in a criminal manner that may be the issue.

  2. Jessica says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    My mother and father are inside the restaurant right now. I’ve been speaking to them via text and getting pictures and photos.

  3. Jessica says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    My parents are at that restaurant right now. They have been sending me photos, videos and calling me with updated info on what’s going on.

  4. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    $10.00 says the cops shoot the poor bastard.

    hope somebody gets the video.

  5. Justice says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    This is way too common today, someone who doesn’t want to go back to jail/prison, they RESIST arrest and they are everywhere waiting to go off. Violent crime is way up and the laws have been watered way down making this cycle of crime get much worse. This might not end well and this is why local law enforcement is important and should be supported by all law abiding people.

  6. Level says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Justice says, “Violent crime is way up”.

    The FBI statistics show in the five year period 2009 through 2013 that violent crime has decreased by 12.3% since 2009, and 14.5% since 2004.

    So justice, please show us your statistics and their source.

  7. Gary says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Fire truck and ambulance just drove down. Indicates something happened.

  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Tahoe Keys Marina. Not many details in the story but it is odd he’s holed up there with the possibilty of being armed. Curious to get the full story.
    Whatever happened to the state owned land that TK Marina turned into a dirt parking lot without a title to the land or a grading permit or any authorization from the CTC?
    Just thought I’d ask. OLS

  9. mountaindude says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    The Bureau of Justice Statistics shows huge drops in violent crime and a 39% drop in firearms related violence from 1993-2011.

    I am just not sure where justice is getting his stats.

    The agenda driven hype always tells you things are dire, while their own numbers say otherwise.

  10. Moral Hazard says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Level, that is true: and absolutely fascinating. The party line is that as unemployment and poverty increase so should crime. People are motivated by desperation and will commit crime. Except it didn’t happen. In fact crime went down….and I guarantee nobody was claiming that in 2008. I hate to admit it, but economics is a social science and not a hard science.

    Possible causes:

    -Lower blood lead levels from outlawing lead paint and gasoline (huge statistical link, tiny t-value).
    -High incarceration rates
    -Generational change, and this generation is nicer (I like that one)

  11. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Kae,Thanks for the update on the fugitive holed up at TK Marina causing people to evacuate.
    Glad to learn our law enforcement caught him.Thru our multiple agencies, we are well protected here on So.Shore.Thank you one and all for keeping us safe! OLS

  12. Kits Carson says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Mountaindude, You’re joking….right?! A criminal breaking the law YET AGAIN, by having a gun. Yes, SHOCKING!

  13. reloman says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Chief look like you won your bet the police did indeed shoot him with bean bags.

  14. lee says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    My daughter is a server at the Fresh Ketch….about fainted when she called to tellme what hapened. The Fresh catch staff made sure everyone was safe a million thanks to them. Also the SLT police department was on top of it every minute.Thank you to the entire police department for their quick response and making sure everyone was safe .

  15. Dave says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Today my wife and I decided to go to Tahoe Keys to go to the beach to relax, resolve over I had such a helicopter circling the area, moments later we decided to go back to our vehicle but yet we were stopped on the trail by the police officer who waved as in told us we couldn’t come any closer, we had to wait three hours in the hot sun cowering under the bushes, no communication from the police department we had no idea what was really going on, we had pregnant women and crying children wanted to go back to the cars, yet we had to wait until it was okay for us to come by, Marie her the shots the police left the area where the trail was so we decided to walk back notice we were only 100 feet from where the suspect was apprehended, no one gave us a clear to walk back to our vehicles so we decided to do it on our own, and no water and wishing we had people over 70 also, he was almost a heat stroke victim waiting to get his car, but through it all we made it okay we’re safe thank the dear Lord

  16. Joby says - Posted: June 20, 2015

    Chief, I guess cops are terrible and this “poor bastard” was a victim of the police forcing him to take drugs, steal a car, run over a motor cycle and fence. Then hole up in the keys. Our PD did a fantastic job! You owe a bunch of people $10! Try not to judge so quickly, police are not the bad guys, they are sworn to protect and serve. Great job SLT law enforcement!

  17. Haha says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Dave you’re a baby. Maybe the cop should have had some lawn chairs and a few cold beers for when he has to inconvenience people like you. Stuff happens get over it…

  18. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    This has to stop. If word gets out that our officers are shooting at lowlifes and our drugs are bad it could damage the business for the week to week flop houses.

  19. Local says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Excellent job by law enforcement. But why did the SLTPD need to bring the SWAT team and that ridiculous military vehicle to the scene. Can someone explain to me why we need a military vehicle for civilian police work in this town? What message is the SLTPD sending?

  20. copper says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Hey “Local,” would you rather wait for the shooting to start before bringing in the protection? Cops like to go home too, y’know.

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    This article says “The suspect had a fake firearm that looked like a real weapon.” I will give the authorities credit for not shooting the suspect.

  22. Justice says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    This one ended well and might have been far worse. For all the brain dead who are mostly liberals who think crime is going down, you are as wrong as you usually are. The Sheriff of this county released his report of the annual crime increases. The Bee reports a 25% increase in violent crime in Sac, times this by thousands of cities and tens of thousands of criminals and maybe a light bulb in the brain will go off, then again that bulb might have burned out long ago.

  23. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    Just@ss. Still trying to scare yourself… The Ebola thing didn’t have legs… Oh well.

    The Sacramento Bee reported on September 29, 2014 that violent crime rates had hit a 50 year low; 9 months ago. Then, on June 18, 2015 they said violent crime was up 25% however…

    “Sgt. Doug Morse, a Sacramento police spokesman, cautioned that the small sample provides only a snapshot of crime in the city. Violent crime in the city has fallen during six of the last seven years and, at the end of 2014, stood at the lowest level in decades.”

  24. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    the other paper is reporting that they did shoot him with the bean bag bazooka and then let the dog bite him.

    they escorted all the civilians out before this so nobody could get a video.

  25. Parker says - Posted: June 21, 2015


    You are correct. Using that vehicle, or show piece was well, attention getting.

    I truly want all policemen to make it home at the end of their shifts! But geez, what’s the SLTPD going to use when there’s an incident that involves multiple people & cars?

  26. Steve says - Posted: June 21, 2015

    This clown required the attention of dozens of law enforcement officers for 4 or 5 hours and more, special equipment including a state helicopter for multiple hours, and numerous off duty persons brought in on overtime and extra pay to deal with his antics. His thanks for all this, he fought and spit blood on the cops as he was being taken into custody. In my opinion he was treated way too nicely and with far too much patience.

  27. Justice says - Posted: June 22, 2015

    These wanted criminals are out everywhere and out of all control because the laws are weak and they know it as they keep being released and the door keeps spinning. Another hit out of the budget for this doesn’t mean much to the liberals who can’t think ahead and build or use more empty state prison space and senile Jerry refuses to lock up violent criminals and he loves to spend other’s money and keep the border open and give it away if you can sneak in from other countries.

  28. nature bats last says - Posted: June 22, 2015
