Beach cleanup volunteers being sought


Hundreds of volunteers will hit Lake Tahoe’s beaches on July 5 from 8:30am to noon to remove trash left from July 4 festivities.

Staff from the League to Save Lake Tahoe and its partners will be stationed at a beach with free raffle prizes, refreshments, and cleaning supplies. Bring a refillable water bottle.

During last year’s July 5 cleanup, League volunteers and staff collected and sorted nearly 2,300 pounds of debris. RSVP online.

Cleanups are planned at the following Tahoe beaches:
Commons Beach in Tahoe City
Kings Beach
Kiva Beach/Tallac Historic Site
Nevada Beach
Regan Beach.


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Comments (9)
  1. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: June 25, 2015

    They never mention the over 4200 pounds of trash my company has cleaned up each year on the 5th for the past 17 years. Bummer

  2. Steve buttling says - Posted: June 26, 2015

    Thankyou KC for all of your efforts !!
    Amazing how people can just dump trash where they are on the beach and just walk.
    I think sadly we have to make it really easy and convenient for visitors to deposit their trash in cans.
    How about setting trash cans all along the beaches ahead of the crowds, and they will come carrying all sorts of stuff.
    Also how about a call out from KRLT big bill kingman before and after the music to please pack your trash to the cans ??
    Well a happy 4th of July to you all
    Kiwi Steve.

  3. pine tree says - Posted: June 26, 2015

    Thank you Kenny. Happy 4th Kiwi and Kenny.

  4. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: June 26, 2015

    I have offered my larger trailers every year to be parked on site. The real problem lies with the new trash containers. The first person that puts a large plastic or cardboard container in them blocks the opening. They are not designed for large objects so the trash piles up outside. Another solution is to have containers on the beach with plastic bags with them and someone to go around every hour and just change them and leave them for the morning. The biggest issue I have found over the years is not enough cans. For the most part the beach is semi clean. We just have to accept the fact that the small percentage of pigs (and I means slobs) on our beaches ruin it for the rest of us. We have to take a proactive approach to this and not always reactive and prepare our beaches for the onslaught.

  5. nature bats last says - Posted: June 26, 2015

    Every time I go to the beach I pick up other peoples trash. Its a habit and I was raised to leave a natural place cleaner than when I found it. Even cigarette butts, bottle caps, plastic straw wrappers, micro trash is just as bad as bigger stuff. Critters try to eat it sometimes. Any time someone removes garbage its a good thing. Pack it in/pack it out. PLEASE

  6. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Kenny. Your small trash can theory is just an excuse to leave a mess.

    Last year it was NOT a “small percentage of pigs” but a large percentage of pigs. The tourists now EXPECT someone else will pick up their garbage.

    I am boycotting the pickup this year. Sorry, but I have picked up enough over the years and am tired of being a servant of the tourist. You bring it in, you take it out.

  7. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    rock, I have doing it for 17 years and in all those years I have asked for volunteers, provided coffee and rolls and have only one person shows up on a consistent basis If that was you I Thank You but if it was not I don’t believe I have seen you there. We have picked up approx. 4200 lbs of trash each year but we start at 6am. The league does not want to start until 9. I have been there and believe what you want, it is getting better with cans on site. Would have been nice if the city offered the adopted beach clean up to someone who was doing it long before it became an eye candy program for some groups.

  8. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Kenny, I have been doing beach cleanups, trail cleanups, wilderness cleanups, cig butt cleanups, neighborhood cleanups etc. for over 25 years.

    I used to start after the show on the 4th and whenever; some with groups, my family, my kids or just on my own with a bag and and a picker.

    I am just tired of the tourist attitude. Sorry, but again, if they can haul it to the beach they can haul it back to the vehicle.

  9. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    rock, Thank You for the effort you have put in to make our community a clean one.