Marines to use Lake Tahoe Airport for training


The U.S. Marine Corps will be in South Lake Tahoe on a 13-day training mission from July 27-Aug. 8.

The Marine Light Attack Helicopter Training Squadron 303 is based out of Camp Pendleton. Squadron 303 trains all future pilots for the Marine Corps Cobra and Huey fleets.

The training will include day and night flights of multiple aircraft between the airports in South Lake Tahoe, Minden and Carson City.


The higher altitudes better prepare the Marines for future missions, such as the recent humanitarian relief efforts in the mountains of Nepal.



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Comments (27)
  1. Irish Wahini says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    Oh Great! Helicopters are VERY noisy and I don’t think day & night training operations should be allowed at Lake Tahoe Airport! They should do training somewhere where they are not invading a residential environment – Like Reno or the air base at Fallon, NV. Really????? Who allowed this? Peace and tranquility is one of the reasons that visitors come to Tahoe to visit – and this simply does not fit that objective! NO, NO, NO! We need to stop this before it starts!

  2. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    I think this is really cool for our little town and I’m proud that they’ve selected the SLT airport for these important training exercises. However, I wholly expect the full complement of whiners and NIMBY minded to be out in force against this. If this community can welcome the onslaught of July 4th and summer revelers all for the sake of the mighty dollar then welcoming these individuals for emergency and other training exercises shouldn’t be so bad.

    Personally, I like the sound of aircraft and helicopters overhead as it demonstrates that we’re not so isolated and that there’s more than just this little community in the world.

  3. Frank Riley says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    Here comes the government takeover! I hear that T.J. Maxx and the Lampson Plaza shops will be used to hold confiscated guns and conservative resisters. But Texas will send us National Guard troops, so hold on.

  4. pine tree says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    I agree with USMC. We put up with everything else. It is only for a short time. Tahoe will be safer for it and we can honor our troops.

  5. Dean says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    I think I’d rather hear the helicopters than all the damn barking dogs that people think need to be out all night to keep the neighbors up. It’s good the military is preparing them for flying in high altitudes rather than just sending them out there cold.

  6. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    Irish Wahini, I have to agree with you on the Marine helicopter training at our airport.
    I don’t mind the noise from Calstar as I figure that maybe their saving a life plus I’m a Calstar member.
    That noise I’m fine with. Get that person to Renown and get them good medical care.
    I guess it will be 13 days with very little sleep while my dog barks at the helicopters.
    I live near the flight path which is no big deal as airplane noise does’nt bother me. Military training in a quiet residential area and resort town does seem to be a bit much. Old Long Skiis

  7. Steven says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    Hey, maybe they can do some continual buzzing over Desolation Wilderness and destroy the peace and quiet of all the hikers. Which is what Reno Helicopters does on a regular basis, and is illegal.

  8. Mr mustache says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    The high altitude training better prepares them for regions like the mountains of Afghanistan where they carpet bomb innocent children.

    There. I fixed the last line in the article.

    It’s pretty obvious the powers that be want Tahoe to become another Sacramento/San Francisco. I guess it’s time to just embrace it.

    What we need is a public trolley system!

  9. Shadow says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    For a few days and nights we can deal with the noise. I can’t imagine it will be too bad. What a great opportunity for children and adults to see these amazing machines. Suck it up and enjoy the special occasion to see our military in action.

  10. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 27, 2015

    I hope thay allow us to view the helicopters. I love to hangout at the airport the last day of the golf championship and watch all the jets. Could care less about the celebrities.

  11. dumbfounded says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    If the Marines say that they need to train here, I am all for it. They put their lives on the line for us and deserve every advantage that they can get. Quit whining.

    Too bad that the Marines can’t come and show their equipment off at the Lake Tahoe Airshow any more, like they did for almost twenty years. The bureaucrats killed that wonderful event with their incompetence.

  12. AROD says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    I do not like this at all. So it will be like living in Baghdad. They DO NOT need to be training in residential areas. I am surprised all you conservative, anti-government folks are accepting of this. Oh, its the military industrial complex so its OK. No fear of them training here to take over neighborhoods and oppress the citizenry?

  13. Dogula says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Jade Helm?
    Didn’t know they were doing it in Tahoe, too. Anybody else reminded of the old curse, “May you live in interesting times.”?

  14. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    I and many others in this town served in the military to help defend your right to trash us. Our soldiers need to train to defend our freedom just as most of you have trained your social skills in being obnoxious. Without training we will not be prepared for the next conflict. Whether or not a soldier agrees with the political aspect of any conflict we will do the job we volunteered for. Yes, volunteered. We volunteered to take your abuse, your negativity and hostility directed toward us in our own community. I spent 20 years in the Nevada Army National Guard and am also a part of the Marines as I am also an instructor in Winter Warfare Leaders Course. Please do not take out your frustration with our men and women currently in uniform who serve our country and ultimately you. Try thanking them. If you want to ***** and moan I live at 2189 Blitzen Road. Feel free to stop by and you can ***** at me while we sit in the back yard and watch our Military perform and perfect the skills to defend you and your right to sit there and *****.

  15. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    ‘Jade Helm’ is lunatic fringe stupidity-Glenn Beck and Alex Jones pander to the feeble minded wingnuts- all my Vet friends know that is an insult to our military-
    supporting our troops includes not consenting to perpetual war

  16. Dogula says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Lunatic fringe stupidity? Totaled, you’d better check your references. It is a real, authorized, military exercise going on all over the southwestern USA.
    You ought to have a doctor check that knee. It sure jerks a lot.

  17. AROD says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    I do not read anyone disrespecting our service men and women. The problem is with the plan to train in a residential area. It is not appropriate.

  18. copper says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Anyone who has served in the military has seen and experienced the “not in my neighborhood” expressed by virtually every community that has ever faced a large (or often any) military presence, however temporary. That’s one of the many reasons current service folks with whom I’m in touch laugh at the cynical “thanks for your service” civilians have taken to expressing to apparently hide their guilt and relief that someone else, or someone else’s kid, has taken on a task they wouldn’t want to come near.

    Which reminds me, is anyone here familiar with the actual story behind Bridgeport rejecting having a military housing complex (and the consequent huge military funding assistance for their school system)located nearby, while, much further from Pickle Meadows (MCMWTC), Coleville happily accepted to their citizen’s credit? Some have suspected that one of the reasons was that the presence of military families would change the social and racial dynamics of their all-American schools and community.

  19. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Dog! Somebody said that Martians were coming out of the ground via thunder and lightning strikes and attacking the East Coast too! LOL! :)

  20. duke of prunes says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Not surprised dawg fell for that conspiracy theory.

  21. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Since the airport is slated for marine helicoptre training, why stop there? The casinos are showing losses in profit and facing bankruptcy. Lets turn the casinos into military bases! They have lots of empty rooms and lots of parking for tanks and other military vehicles. Resturuants to feed the troops… oh my the possibillities are endless.
    Of course I’m just joking around here, Just having fun with something that seems wrong.
    It just seems trainiig pilots of military craft over So. Shore is not a good thing.Don’t they have military bases for that?
    “I love the smelll of gunpowder in the morning” OLS

  22. copper says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    OLS, I know no more specifics about the training than you do, but I’m pretty sure, and have a small amount of experience to back me up, that military training goes somewhat beyond – well, make that way beyond – blowing everything up. They’ll no doubt find using a small airport in the mountains in a residential community will provide interesting challenges. But since neither of us have any idea what the mission or missions of the exercises will be, we’ll just have to see. I’m looking forward to it and I’m betting that it won’t involve destroying the town.

    Also, with 13 days of training, I’m pretty sure there’s going to be some GI money spread through the community. Soldiers have playtime too, y’know.

    By the way, I understand that the Thunderbirds are appearing at Minden (Tahoe?) airport some time in August. Is there going to be some opposition to that military appearance as well?

  23. Al Terego says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Welcome Marines! And thank you very much for your service!

  24. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Copper, I’ve thinking about this. I don’t know if the Marines would be interested, but let the public look at these helicopters up close while on the tarmac.
    Yes, they will spend money in town and besides the noise they could make a positive impact on our community if done in the right way. Turn lemnos into lemonade. OLS

  25. Mr mustache says - Posted: June 28, 2015

    Kenny curtzweiler calling people obnoxious?

    Talk about pot/kettle! Oh the irony.