Suspect accused of spitting on EDC deputy


An El Dorado County was arrested on Fourth of July for allegedly assaulting a sheriff’s deputy among other charges.

The deputy, whose name has not been released, heard what sounded like fireworks near the El Dorado Hills branch of the El Dorado County Library at 11pm July 4. The deputy located several people lighting and shooting off illegal fireworks from the back of a house in the 3800 block of Tilden Drive.

At the bottom of the driveway near the house, the deputy and security officer were confronted by 29 year-old Evan Lyons of Orangevale. Deputies said, Lyons was instantly confrontational, appeared angry, and was quite intoxicated. Lyons was uncooperative, became increasingly agitated and was verbally assaultive. People inside the house started to emerge and two dogs were released.

When an additional deputy arrived, Lyons was taken into custody. During the arrest and placement into the patrol car, Lyons was resistive. Once in the car, deputies said Lyons spit through the cage into the driver’s compartment and that on the way to the jail, Lyons continuously yelled using profanity and made racial slurs. He also allegedly threatened the deputy, spit on him and said he wanted all cops to die. The suspect also reportedly threatened to find the deputy’s family and described how he’d do them harm.

Lyons was booked at the El Dorado County Jail on charges of public intoxication, resisting arrest, and battery on a peace officer.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (13)
  1. copper says - Posted: July 6, 2015

    That used to be booked as an attack with “a noxious substance.” Don’t know if it ever made it through court like that but the likelihood that a knucklehead’s saliva is indeed noxious is probably great.

  2. Look at this says - Posted: July 7, 2015

    Sounds like a pretty standard arrest, happens all the time. is that news.

  3. nature bats last says - Posted: July 7, 2015

    Make the idiots pay for the illegal fireworks. That might bite into their beer budget. You cant fix stoopid!!!!!!

  4. hmmm... says - Posted: July 7, 2015

    There’s a saying….”Instant a**hole; just add alcohol.” Seems to fit here.

  5. Steven says - Posted: July 7, 2015

    At least that is one obnoxious idiot that didn’t make it to Tahoe.

  6. Elise says - Posted: July 7, 2015

    FYI – this arrest was all caught on home surveillance video. The video is clear and concise as to all this information in this new story being false. The video clearly shows the man as not intoxicated nor were any blood, breath, or sobriety tests done. There were no fireworks set off at this residence and it was a residence behind this home. The cops were driving around the neighborhood looking into backyards and shining flashlights. The man was in the jacuzzi in the backyard. The video also shows no resistance of arrest. Unfortunately cops have become abusive in their power and with surveillance video it will come to light. Moral is: Don’t always believe what you read.

  7. tahoebluewire says - Posted: July 8, 2015

    If this cop was anything like the one that pulled me over in a very aggressive manner for my ‘plate light then a little sputum may have been well deserved!

  8. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 8, 2015

    Elise: I can’t wait for your video (and sound) proof that the poor innocent non intoxicated, non confrontational person from Orangevale was a victim of Police looking in back yards and wondering who they can mess with for lack of anything else to do. I await your video post.

  9. sunriser2 says - Posted: July 8, 2015

    Is it a felony to file a false police report?

  10. Ninja365 says - Posted: July 8, 2015

    Guess this moron has never heard the saying, “Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out”.

    Elise, it’s hard to tell who’s dumber, you or “The man”.

    Kits Carson, I’m with you!! I’ll provide the popcorn!

  11. GB2005 says - Posted: July 8, 2015

    I knew this loser in High School (before he was expelled) Did not surprise me. This is not his first run in with the police. he had no problem posting all over FB how he hates cops but then deactivates his page after this. Coward!! Throw away the key!!

  12. hmmm... says - Posted: July 9, 2015

    Oh God help me…I’m agreeing with Kits….

  13. GB2005 says - Posted: July 9, 2015

    My bad! This Facebook is back up!! It’s a must see!!! Hope Eldo Cops sneak a peek!