Opinion: Senseless killing of Tahoe bear

Someone on the South Shore killed this bear. Photos/Toogee Sielsch

Someone on the South Shore killed this bear last week. Photos/Toogee Sielsch

By Toogee Sielsch

On  July 9, a family living on Minniconjou Drive in a neighborhood off Pioneer Trail in South Lake Tahoe had the pleasure of enjoying seeing one of our furry forest denizens cruising through their neighborhood. These are the kind of folks who feel getting a view from a safe distance of one of the black bears that live in the basin is a true gift to be cherished.

Later that evening they remember hearing what they described as a single large firework explosion or maybe a gunshot.
I can’t even imagine what went through their minds when the next day, Friday, while taking a walk on a trail through the forest-meadow interface below their neighborhood. They found the lifeless body of the untagged, beautiful, healthy, and muscular 2 1/2-year-old black bear they had seen alive and well the day before. They immediately returned home and made a call to Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care.
Apparently one of their neighbors from Minniconjou Drive, or one the nearby streets like Jicarilla Drive, didn’t quite feel the same way about the bears living in the basin that this family and many of the rest of us that live here in the Tahoe basin feel.

Sunglasses give perspective of how big this bear was.

Sunglasses give perspective of how big this bear was.

At 5:40pm July 10, I received a call from LTWC asking if I could go take a look at a possible dead bear. My youngest son, Ian, and I met the family at the end of Minniconjou Drive. They showed us where the carcass was. As we approached the dead bear, I was struck by his body position. He was on his back, head rolled to one side, and tongue out and bitten through at the base of two trees.

I took pics on the approach and from other angles before I moved in and did a field examination on the body, looking for any wounds or signs of trauma. I was baffled by the lack of blood at the scene. On the bear’s backside I found multiple small puncture wounds. I must admit that my first impression is that this could possibly be an accident and the bear received those puncture wounds falling out of a tree. But I also know that the first thing a black bear learns when its mother takes it out of the den for the first time is how to climb a tree and stay up it in danger. And there weren’t any freshly broken branches around the body, which would be scattered if it had hit and was injured by branches in the fall.

My second impression was that the puncture wounds were buckshot wounds and the bear was shot while climbing up the tree and let it’s grip go and fell to its death.

Ian and I dragged the 200- to 225-pound,  2 1/2 year old bear uphill as it was getting dark and not wanting to leave the carcass to the other wild animals in the area and thereby destroying any evidence.

On Saturday, California Fish and Wildlife Game Warden Darrell Stevenson was called to examine the body at LTWC and confirmed the wounds as being from large buckshot from a shotgun. At 2:30pm on Saturday, I walked Stevenson through the site where the bear was found dead. He had spent much of the morning going door-to-door on Minniconjou Drive and adjacent streets interviewing folks for any information.

Above are the facts, and now on to the opinion section of this piece: What kind of inferior life form feels that for nothing more than knocking over a few trash cans, which isn’t a bear’s fault that they are left out, a bear deserves a death penalty? Not to mention some wingnut is shooting off a firearm in an inhabited neighborhood here in our town? Some folks like to frame we animal activists as crazy, but this horrendous action defies crazy, and tips into the realm of psychotic.Ann Bryant of the Bear League is setting up a donation fund for the information that leads to an arrest and conviction of the scumbag who did this heartless deed. Anyone having any information about this crime may call the Bear League at 530.525.7297.

This crime might very well go unpunished, but please, let’s not let it go unnoticed.

Toogee Sielsch is a resident of South Lake Tahoe.

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Comments (49)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: July 12, 2015

    And it’s really hard to get any evidence off shotgun pellets/shells, too. I hope this person’s karma happens fast.

  2. Don says - Posted: July 12, 2015


  3. Steve says - Posted: July 12, 2015

    Hope they catch the jerk that did this and hope that I get jury duty for same to see that justice is swift and unforgiving.

  4. Keith says - Posted: July 12, 2015

    Hopefully, the person who killed the bear will be identified. The killing was probably committed by a person in the neighborhood and people in the neighborhood probably know who in their neighborhood owns a shotgun. The person that committed this crime must be held accountable.

  5. Steve buttling says - Posted: July 12, 2015

    What an A hole to do this.
    When caught “he” will probably say he feared for his life.
    Get a rope !!

  6. old long skiis says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Killing a bear is a serious crime. Yes, if a bear breaks into your house looking for food you will find yourself threatened if you can’t scare it off and the bear is in tight quaters with little means of escape.
    I hope they catch the shooter and that person is brought to trial. Take care of the bears and don’t shoot them. OLS

  7. Atomic says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    It’s gotta be one of only a few homes in the immediate area. Somebody knows something. Ann needs to put up flyers in that neighborhood with the picture of the dead bear and a phone number to call anonymously. Someone will come forward . Thanks Ann for always being there for the Bears.

  8. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Anyone living in that area should be fearful for their pets, children and themselves to have a person living amongst them not only capable of discharging that weapon in a residential neighborhood, but of shooting an animal in the back when it was climbing a tree. Shooting something/someone in the back is the sign of a coward and of someone that just wants to kill. Individuals living in neighborhoods are aware of what types of people live next to them, across the street, or behind them and someone needs to come forward with information on the identity of the demented coward who committed this crime. If this person gets away with this who knows what’s next on their agenda.

  9. SeaMoore says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    This should not be in the Voices » Opinion section it should be on the front page of all three media sources here in town. I’ve counted filmed and photographed 7 different bears this year in our neighborhood off Pioneer and bears are not a threat. I hate to think that this bear that was shot was probably one of those bears I’ve been filming. They need to catch this guy and put him in a tree and let the public try to shoot him down with a 12 gauge.

  10. Toogee says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    SeaMoore I totally agree with you and I have been hard at work all weekend trying to get this story to go national. The Bear League post on FB has gotten over 700 shares and pledges for the fund to offer a reward for an arrest and conviction are off the hook.

    Like I said in my letter, this crime may very well go unpunished, but PLEASE do not let this travesty go unnoticed!

  11. JohnnyGP says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    first, thank you for no one forcing politics or gun control into this sad story, so far. Aassuming this was a resident, I am sure the immediate locals know who probably did this. It is not likely a tourist had a gun and not likely a resident was walking/hunting far from his/her home. Now is the time for the killer’s neighbors to step up and do what is right. Turn your loser neighbor in!

  12. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    It is not reasonable to think someone was out in the woods hunting a bear to shoot. Aside from illegal, it would be quite visible and someone would see them.

    Therefore, it is likely that this bear was shot in someones yard, garage, house etc, and ran away injured.

    This would possibly explain why no significant blood was seen at the site where it was found.

    To try to climb a tree to feel safer is normal for bears. Injured,and weak from blood loss during its flight, it probably fell and died.

    More than one person probably heard the shot, and know what direction it came from approximately.

    Many people are understandably reluctant to turn in a neighbor for anything that might lead to arrest, even in the instance of protecting their home or person from a bear. This factor is especially relevant if the neighbor is known to be an aggressive, angry nutcase as some are.

    I wouldn’t count on anyone volunteering information on this incident, out of fear of retaliation.

  13. Moral Hazard says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    I only walk and hunt far from my home. But its not a hunter, I only got my bear tag last week and the season is not open.

    If I am in my truck I probably have a shotgun with me, even on vacation. I may go sporting clays shooting.

    Bears climb trees after being shot, then fall.

    There is nothing in this story that indicates where the bear was shot.

    Discharging a shotgun within 500 feet of a legally permitted structure is illegal and is a misdemeanor, not likely a national story.

    Bear poaching is a misdemeanor and not likely a national story.

    If they find out who did it the bear had better of been in his house or they are going to catch hell from a lot of sides including us red necks. We follow the rules and hunt in season and fair chase. This is not that.

    If a bear is breaking into cars and homes report it. The authorities will handle the problem.

  14. nature bats last says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Sick friggin humans with guns, what could go wrong?

  15. C.Dub says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Discharging a firearm in the LT Basin is prohibited, is it not?

  16. WalkingMom says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Had the family who originally spotted the bear chosen to do the right thing, and deterred the animal from being in their neighborhood, perhaps the poor thing would still be alive. Another example of how there is nothing “harmless” or “normal” about seeing bears in residential areas. It isn’t safe for them or us. Stop watching them, stop taking pictures. They aren’t there for your enjoyment. Buy some noise makers and pepper spray and teach them to fear us again. Or focus this fanaticism towards an animal that actually needs protecting. The bear population isn’t even threatened.

  17. animal angel says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    whoever did this crime I hope karma comes back to them big timethis animal is defenselessand not bothering anybody there’s no reason to kill it I’ve been bother Tahoe airport and I’m head bears come right up to me and was never scared and never bothered they are beautiful smart creatures and should be left alone this makes me really not like peoplethey should be locked up in jail whoever did this and throw away the key it should be a major felony and a life sentence

  18. Biggerpicture says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    WalkingMom, let me see if I’m understanding you. You feel the blame for a bear being shot in a neighborhood should be laid at the feet of the people that saw him and took pics, though they never did anything to entice the bear into their neighborhood?


  19. WalkingMom says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    I never blamed them, simply stating that the feeling that the bears actually belong in town is certainly helping to increase the problem. There are more bears then I have ever seen down here, even when there is no trash available, and they show no fear towards humans. It could have just as easily been hit by a car walking our roads. It is amazing to see the bears when out hiking, in their natural environment. I do not want to see them in my front yard. If anyone actually cared about the bears here, they would be thrilled to see them back in the hills where they can be healthy and happy.

  20. Sunriser2 says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    There needs to be some kind of a game plan besides all bears good all people bad.

    I think the current practice of releasing garbage bears into the woods and expecting them to carve out their own territory is like dropping me off in the middle of Watts and saying be free.

    The drought is causing the ever expanding wild bear population to enter areas around Reno and Carson City. Does anyone really think a garbage bear is going to make it in the wild?

  21. steve searles says - Posted: July 13, 2015


  22. Noel says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    There is no excuse short of a life threatening situation to justify this. That bear would have had to found coming through a door to offer any chance of an explanation. I have a bear that a few times a year knocks my bear proof can over and tries to open it. I have talked to him face to face and asked him to stop doing this. He never showed any aggression toward me whatsoever. Unfortunately he has probably lost his fear of humans. When I tell him to beat it he does however.

  23. rock4tahoe says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Yeah, I don’t get this either. We life in Tahoe to enjoy the beauty and wildlife; not deface and shoot. Sad.

  24. Harbinger says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    I agree with 4merUSMC, shooting an animal in the back is the sign of a coward. Someone in the neighborhood knows who did it. I hope they catch the creep.

  25. Moral Hazard says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Sunriser you are exactly right. Go into any drainage in Tahoe that has everything a bear and young need and it will be occupied. There are realities about how many bear can occupy an area. Trash is the only reason Tahoe supports as many bear as it does. If you take the trash away without another food source they are going to have to do something to survive. Out in the woods are a bunch of territorial bears, or they can make a go of breaking into houses and living under porches.

    There needs to be a serious conversation about how many bears this area can realistically support and then managing to that population.

  26. nature bats last says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    WalkingMom, maybe you are the one that needs to not be here. It is well documented that humans are encroaching on the bears habitat. If you dont want bears in your neighborhood than feel free to move back to LA or Sac. Humans are the ones that need to adjust. I personally enjoy living in an area that is also the home to a wide range of wildlife. I choose to live here with the critters that are supposto be here. Many of the humans I can live without….

  27. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    So the problem is too many homeless bears in Tahoe?
    We should build shelters for them and help them get back on their feet. Maybe daycare for baby bears who’s parents work those weird bear hours. What do they call them? Oh yeah, latchkey cubs. Won’t you help? Won’t you please help? The money we spend on those no good dregs of society that like to live in the meadows and pan handle at Safeway and Raleys would be MUCH better spent on Yogi and Boo Boo. Buy them some pic a nick baskets.
    Seriously folks, it’s truly a shame that an animal was killed. Speculation is all you have as far as to why. To start talking like a lynch mob is ridiculous.
    Mankind and bears are not built to live in close proximity to each other. They are not our “fuzzy forest friends”. Respect them in the wild and let the authorities handle them in town.

  28. Lisa says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Why do they call Bears wild? Because they are wild to roam anywhere ,They would not be called Bears if they were not wild.Leave the Bears alone,

  29. WalkingMom says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    I have been here for 20 years, and lived in bear country long before that. NEVER have I seen bears so comfortable in close proximity to humans as they have been the last few years. They have zero fear of us, barking dogs, cars, etc. Why anyone who claims to love the bears would find this acceptable is just absurd. How many are hit by cars each year? Should we close our roads? It is in the BEARS best interests to head for the hills. Why is that so hard to comprehend? What normal diet can they possibly hope to find here? The populated areas of Tahoe are simply not an acceptable habitat any longer, even if they once were. Find something new to post pictures of on Facebook, and do what’s right for the animals.

  30. Christine B says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    If you can not co-exist with wildlife then get the hell out of Lake Tahoe. This infuriates me on so many levels but be on notice Mr. Bear Murderer, karma has a way of getting even.

  31. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    This is going to get ugly real fast and that will not help anyone, Bear or Human. If the Bear league holds true to form the personal threats, phone calls, letters and drive by should begin soon after someone leaks who they are. I sincerely hope that someone does not work for a government agency as I care about that person and do not want them to get sucked into the tactics by the league or perceived tactics by anonymous people. We can coexist with our animals but the league goes after the wrong people. They and we, including me, must go after the politicians who can make the changes necessary so we can coexist. Personal attacks go nowhere and accomplish nothing. I should know about personal attacks but this is not about me as someone will soon comment on what I have said and go nowhere anyway. Politicians are the key to this problem. My opinion only.

  32. Local2 says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Very sad, I don’t care what people think, these are our forest wildlife, yes they have been here WAY before you people had shown up! Want to help them? Then open your wallets and install a bear proof garbage box! Who ever killed this defenseless young bear, I do hope your caught soon and face a huge fine and a few months in jail to think it over what a chronic sick heartless scumbag you truly are.

  33. Lisa says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    They found the coward .Now lets get justice done .If not right the first time, It will happen again .

  34. sunriser2 says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    More bear boxes, great plan its been working so well.

    San Francisco and Manhattan were bear territory at one time. We should send them a couple of buss loads with some of our homeless.

    As I said there needs to be a plan besides bear boxes.

  35. sunriser2 says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    More bear boxes, great plan its been working so well.

    San Francisco and Manhattan were bear territory at one time. We should send a couple of bus loads to them with some of our homeless.

    As I said there needs to be a plan besides bear boxes.

  36. old long skiis says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Bears getting into trash has been going on for a looong time. Buy a bear box or at the very least a bear resistant can.
    Try to reduce the amount of waste you generate and put your trash out on collection day.
    Bears behavior has changed a lot over the years. They are’nt afraid of humans, dogs or busy neighborhoods.
    Be bear aware! OLS

  37. Keith says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Read on another news site that a 78 year old man has been identified as the person who shot the bear.

  38. Lisa says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    Yes and now its time for justice , if not ,then it will happen again ,Prosecute the killer .

  39. Toogee says - Posted: July 13, 2015

    There are some serious discrepancies as to the timeline of Game Warden Stevensons report as to solving this crime and how my involvement plays into the story. That will be brought out soon, I promise.

    As to those that utter or type rhetorical threats to the person responsible for this: PLEASE STOP! Contrary to popular opinion, that is NOT how we with The Bear League conduct ourselves. All who know me in this town can vouch for my honesty and passion in what I believe. I as a newly authorized spokesperson for The Bear League give my word that we, the ACTUAL members, will conduct ourselves in a respectful manner as it pertains to this and any other wildlife issue in the future.

    We at The Bear League have a mission to help educate folks about our forest neighbors, and also are more than willing to provide homeowners and residents with help and resources to create a place where humans and wildlife can live in peaceful coexistence by virtue of bear aversion interventions. If anyone reading this feels I’m misrepresenting The Bear League and takes issue with it, The Bear League, I would be more than glad to sit down and have a CIVIL conversation on the issue.

    And to Kenny Curtzwiler, my friend for 30+ years, please reach out to me and let me change your mind.

    I can be reached at

  40. Gigi Haskins says - Posted: July 15, 2015

    When you find the person who did this which I think you want shoot him with the same weapon he shot the bear. This is sooo sad!

  41. Patricia Ardavany says - Posted: July 15, 2015

    Once again some gun nut has broken the law and law enforcement hasn’t even arrested this felon. This person is a danger to the rest of those that live in his neighborhood because he is discharging a firearm in a populated area, which is illegal. People that do this kind of thing should not be able to own firearms and should have all that they posess confiscated.

    We long time residents are sick of these morons moving here and destroying the very environment and wildlife that the rest of us value. This is a perfect example of poaching and wanton waste of wildlife punishable with jail time and heavy fines which should be in this case without any exceptions given for the age of this criminal.

    I contacted the District Attorney’s office today and although they are as outraged as the rest of us, they have to wait for law enforcement to submit the results of their investigation to their office before they can do anything further. The D.A.’s office is encouraging all of us to write letters to the Sherrif’s Department, South Lake Tahoe Police Department, and to California Fish and Wildlife Captin, Patrick Foy, demanding that the law be enforced to the letter in this case.

  42. Gayle Harlow says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    The story broke my heart. It was beautifully written and I agree should be on the front page of the paper.

  43. tahoeanhiker says - Posted: July 16, 2015

    wow, some story- really sad to see the bear in the photo.

    I too have seen a moron driving on our street stop in the middle of the road, get of the car and start videotaping a mama and 2 cubs passing by on the same street. – conditioning the bear to human presence for the gain of a bear on your retarded video camera- damn fool

  44. rock4tahoe says - Posted: July 19, 2015

    Two days after this bear was shot, Homo Sapiens received pictures back from a spacecraft flying by Pluto showing a heart shape made of ice. We are capable of so many great accomplishments yet capable of so much destruction.

  45. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 19, 2015

    @Rock…In Greek myth, the lament of Orpheus for his lost love was enough to melt the cold heart of Hades(Pluto to the Romans), even if only for a short time. Perhaps there is hope for us yet…

  46. tahoebluewire says - Posted: July 21, 2015

    Idiot used the wrong type of gun. You don’t shoot a bear with a shotgun, you shoot it with a rifle. Prob caused it undue suffering.

  47. AROD says - Posted: August 2, 2015

    Any update on this senseless killing?

  48. Patricia says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Why haven’t we seen anything more about the Forest Service’s Wildlefe investigation? Are we all supposed to forget about it or has Fish and Wildlife just hoping we do? I have learned that poaching isn’t a felony, but a misdemeanor. Until it is made a felony this will continue. In China, the penalty for poaching a Giant Panda is death. Maybe we should take a cue from the Chinese and start enforceing more severe penalties.

  49. Joe says - Posted: August 4, 2015

    Well, what are the results of California Fish and Wildlife’s investigation? Did they forget about it or just expect all of the rest of us to? Discharging a firearm in a populated area is illegal and irresponsible. This idiot is a hazard to others and should be locked up.

    Poaching should be a felony instead of a misdemeanor, otherwise this kind of thing will continue to happen. The authorities in Nyrobie didn’t waste any time arresting the two guides that lured a lion out of a preserve for some dentist to shoot! They are also seeking the extradition of the dentist as well.