Studies: World’s water basins being depleted


By Rosanna Xia, Los Angeles Times

More than a third of the largest groundwater basins in the world are being depleted faster than they are getting replenished, and there are little to no accurate data showing just how much water is left in them, according to two studies published Tuesday.

Researchers used data from NASA satellites to examine the 37 largest aquifers in the world. They found that eight were being depleted with almost no natural replenishment and five, including the Central Valley, were “extremely” or “highly stressed,” with not enough water flowing back to offset how much is sucked up. Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan and northern Africa have the most stressed aquifers, according to the research.

The studies spotlight increasing sustainability concerns as regions like California rely more and more on groundwater during times of severe drought.

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Comments (10)
  1. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    NOT a good thing.

  2. Hikerchick says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    If you think the wars we’re fighting to defend US oil and gas pipelines, structures and contracts are horrible, wait until we see the wars that will be fought over water.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    Why do you think the EPA is trying to change the definition of the “waters of the United States”? Feds want to have total control over all of it. You no longer own your own pond.

  4. nature bats last says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    The sky is falling, oh the horror, the government wants to protect OUR water resources. Ok, than stop wasting water on fracking, or washing cars, or golf courses. Desalination for southern calif is a good place to start…

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    No, Dog, some focking fracking company wants it. Get OFF the ‘gub’mint is always evil’ conspiracy theory crap!

  6. nature bats last says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    Hmmm, when you are reading from the foxnoise script its hard to think for yourself. Im guessing dogzilla dosent even know what fracking is. People like her need to be able to blame someone and since foxnoise is all about pointing their fingers at the government, well it makes it easy for nonthinkers to follow their list. But you already knew that. Its just continually amazing to me the ignorance and willingness to keep reminding the rest of us about that point.

  7. duke of prunes says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    “Why do you think the EPA is trying to change the definition of the “waters of the United States”? ”

    Source please, that shows why this is part of some conspiracy.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: July 19, 2015

    As you often say to others, why should I do your work for you?
    Google it.
    There are lots of arguments on both sides. You’ll agree with the Feds because that’s the kind of guy you are. You enjoy your enslavement and want more.
    I don’t like it, because in spite of all the claims that it’s about protecting natural resources from evil corporate interests, it just boils down to private property rights. Which you do not believe in.
    So there’s no point discussing this with you. But people should be aware of the constant and unrelenting overreach of government. The lands that you and your family may have held title to, and paid taxes on, for generations is not really yours. It all is left up to the whim of bureaucrats.

  9. duke of prunes says - Posted: July 19, 2015

    If you don’t have anything to backup your wild claim don’t make it.

  10. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 19, 2015

    @the Duke-ster- imgaine if Bill O’Reilly and Sharron Engle had a love-child raised by (M)an Coulter and Rush Limbaugh….