Edgewood-NBC-ACC renew contract



Mark Mulder putts on the reconfigured hole 9 on July 17. Photo/Carolyn E. Wright

Mark Mulder on July 17 putts on a reconfigured hole 9 at Edgewood Tahoe. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

By Kathryn Reed

STATELINE — Veterans of the American Century Championship are contending with two new holes. Holes 8 and 9 have been reconfigured to accommodate the Edgewood Lodge that will break ground in August.

A fence is up around part of what was the green for hole 9. It has been moved farther west to be closer to Lake Tahoe.

The fenced area is where the 159-room hotel will be built. It will have views of the lake and golf course.

At one point there was talk of having the tournament be 15 holes this year, but Edgewood Companies, which owns the property, and the contractors were able to keep 18 holes intact for the ACC.

The lodging property is expected to take 20 months to build.

These hotel guests will be able to watch the ACC because on Friday a seven-year contract was signed to keep American Century Investments as the title sponsor of the tournament that is owned by NBC, and to continue playing it at Edgewood Tahoe. Financial terms were not disclosed.

American Century Investments’ Chief Marketing Officer Mark Killen at a press conference said the chemistry of all the parties involved makes this tournament so successful. This is year 17 American Century has been involved in the 26-year-old tournament.

This is the longest running celebrity golf tournament in the United States.


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Comments (7)
  1. old long skiis says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    Lots of people in town for the golf tournament. Anything that brings in folks who spend money is good for our local economy.The noise of the jets and people partyin’ til the wee hours is annoying but that is part of living in a resort town…unfortunately!
    Personally, I could care less about these so called “celebraties”. I just don’t see the attraction to watching retired actors and atheletes play golf.
    Hope everyone has a good time and stays safe and they leave some money here for us peasants.
    Take care, OLS

  2. sunriser2 says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    OLS + 1,

    Who caress about the stars? I love to go to the airport Sunday afternoon and watch the jets.

  3. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    Go to the Aspen airport. This is a way of life there. It’s amazing how many private jets are there all the time. And yes, the retired stars here do nothing for me. Couldn’t care less about them. Their winnings go to charities (a good thing) and their money goes into our casinos. I see no real gain here.

  4. michael lee says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    So Kit C, what in your vast experience would be good for SLT?. I really can not remember a positive comment ever from you, about anything
    A really rotten person day? That way you can attend.
    You seem to walk heavy on this platform you must have a solution for everything so share something tangible.

    OLS……stay positive bro. I personally like hearing from nice peeps like you in this troll infested blog.
    Somehow i think those tax bucks somehow find there way to SLT coffers to some degree.
    Another FAIL for KC

  5. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    Troll Infested…..yet YOU are here. LOL

  6. Hmmm... says - Posted: July 18, 2015

    I care about the stars! The one’s in the sky, that is.

  7. Walter Reinthaler says - Posted: July 19, 2015

    The tourist that comes to SLT for the golf tournament is just what this town needs. SLT needs more events like this and not the garbage leaving college kids that come for the 4th of July or Snowglobe. Those that come for the golf stay in nice places, eat at nice restaurants,fill boats with expensive gas, gamble and come back year after year. This is your tourist tax base that keeps our city going. If they fly in on a jet that means they even have more cash to spend. Sometimes I feel like no matter what happens it is not good enough for many of you.

    We welcome the tournament, players and fans to SLT and please come back in the winter too!!