Caltrans halts Hwy. 88 work to ease Hwy. 50 closure congestion


Pressure from South Lake Tahoe officials worked in getting Caltrans to stop construction on Highway 88 over the Carson Pass today.

This is the route state highway officials had told people to use to get to and from the South Shore with Highway 50 being closed because of they Kyburz Fire.

The paving project stopped at about 2pm July 24. However, by that time there was already a four-hour delay, according to Caltrans.

“There are an OMG number of cars stacked up with no bathrooms, no knowledge of the delay and no cell service. I’d say I passed 4,000,” South Lake Tahoe resident Duane Wallace told Lake Tahoe News at about 2:10pm.

It was city officials who worked to get Caltrans to stop the project.

City Manager Nancy Kerry said it was everyone working together that got the job stopped. She told Lake Tahoe News it could be devastating for the region if people are not able to easily get to and from the area.

Highway 80 is an option. Work on Highway 89 ended at 10am Friday.

Highway 50 is closed between Meyers and Sly Park Road. It’s possible it will open to one lane metered traffic later today.

Click on the state icon at the top of Lake Tahoe News’ home page for up-to-date information from Caltrans.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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This article was written by admin


Comments (12)
  1. C,mon Man says - Posted: July 24, 2015

    Thank you to Sue Novasel for her continued high profile involvement and support regarding any pressing need in District Five. C’mon man.

  2. Kody says - Posted: July 24, 2015

    Good point, C,mon.

  3. County Gal says - Posted: July 24, 2015

    You Go Sue! New Job?

  4. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: July 24, 2015

    I was near Kirkwood at 3:30, and made good time back to town, no stoppages, just heavier traffic than normal.

  5. SHMILY says - Posted: July 24, 2015

    Planned a motorcycle trip to Tahoe. Taking 80 up and planned on taking 50 down. 88 is jammed. Looks like, taking 80 up and coming right back down 80.

    Fire fighters and whatever crews working out there. BE SAFE!

  6. duane Wallace says - Posted: July 24, 2015

    Sue Novasel did react to the problem. The Cal Trans paving project snuck up on everyone. There were thousands of cars stuck up there with no cell service, no bathrooms and no food. Who would have thunk that Cal Trans would start paving the only way into town at this end of the lake? I was stuck up there by Red Lake. I got out of my car and walked up the line and talked the flag guy into getting on the walkie/talkie to his bosses. We talked back and forth about it. I explained what a big problem it was to our economy and that they should stop the paving immediately. Then I got word to my wife Tami somehow with a text and a prayer considering the no cell service wording on my phone. Tami called everyone as did Tom Davis and Dr. Dave Borges from the South Tahoe Chamber when my message got to them. Sue Novasel’s office did jump right on it as did both B. Gorman from the other Chamber,the LTVA and the City Manager. They all reacted as quickly as they found out. There were literally thousands of cars backed up from Carson Pass, past Caples Lake and over to Kirkwood. What really got to me was I forgot to bring my bait and fishing tackle. Red lake was turning over with Algae so no good there but Caples & Silver lakes looked great. Then on the way back KFBK radio station kept saying there was no way to get to Tahoe. I called and called but no one answered.

  7. C'mon Man says - Posted: July 25, 2015

    Thank you DW for your response. Well done. I also appreciate the efforts of; your wife Tami, Tom Davis, Dr. Borges, LTVA, and the city Manager. Thank you to each of you. DW, you drive my point home though when you claim that it was the District Five office that jumped in. Not Novasel. But congratulations to Supervisor Novasel for chairing an ad hoc committee with the angry man and with the upside down timeline. Progress!

  8. C,mon Man says - Posted: July 25, 2015

    But then again DW, with the recent two tier court ruling(s), I would think you have more than enough to worry about being part of STUPD leadership than to spend time covering for Novasel……

  9. duane Wallace says - Posted: July 25, 2015

    The District has been watching that very closely. I wasn’t on the Board when they put the water rate structure together. But I think they did it pretty well. They didn’t make it a punitive rate structure like the one that had hugely accelerated rates as the use went up. STPUD made an across the board base rate and basically one rate for water use. The one in the law suit seemed fair to some in the public in the sense that they really charged the over users through a series of accelerated punitive rates as use went up. But the courts point was that the production of water costs what it costs to produce and that rates should be tied to what water costs not social engineering through punishing heavy use. For what it is worth, I’m not for bigger more expensive government and government engineering.

  10. Steve says - Posted: July 25, 2015

    The moral of the story is when taking a trip, to go to the bathroom before you leave your house or lodging. Stuff happens.

  11. C,mon Man says - Posted: July 25, 2015

    Astute and sound advise Steve. Lord only knows if they will leave enough trees to “go” behind. Heh heh

  12. Isee says - Posted: July 25, 2015

    Duane- Thanks for your help. The roadwork out on Hwy 88 has been ongoing for weeks, so saying that snuck-up on everyone doesn’t fly. We spent an extra hour last week getting to Silver Lake. If Caltrans had it on the Hwy 89 road info board, it wouldn’t have been such a surprise to so many. Communication breakdown.