Carson City deputy killed in shooting


By Reno Gazette-Journal

A Carson City Sheriff’s deputy was killed during a confrontation with a suspect early Saturday morning, the Carson City Sheriff’s Department announced in a news release.

At 2:18am, deputies responded to a report of a domestic battery involving physical injury at the 4100 block of Montez Drive. A woman was found at the scene with injuries, the release said.

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Comments (20)
  1. copper says - Posted: August 15, 2015

    Very sad news. Like it or not, he died protecting all of us.

  2. dan wilvers says - Posted: August 15, 2015

    So sad for this man’s family. Tragic in every way.

  3. Look at this says - Posted: August 15, 2015

    Our heart felt thoughts and prayers are with the family and the Carson City Sheriff’s Office. This brave young man, husband and father gave his life protecting us from evil.

  4. dan wilvers says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    I was speaking with the father in law of a local officer this morning. There are anywhere to 15-20 domestic violence calls a week. I mention this because in a day where most of the press is negative towards law enforcement, these very brave people are continually putting themselves in harms way. Domestic violence calls in the middle of the night can be tenuous at best.

    I am very thankful for the protection and the care our local officers provide. The next time you see one tell them thank you for their work, they deserve it, trust me.

  5. Liberule says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    I would thank a cop for their service but I’m honestly afraid I may get shot by one of them. I think these days it’s best to avoid ANY police contact at all costs.

  6. fromform says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    dan, who are you trying to con now? given your ‘chosen’ line of work, any thoughtful person has little reason to trust you.

  7. dan wilvers says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    From form, sarcasm I hope, otherwise cowardly for a pseudonym.

    For those who don’t know, I’m a local pastor. Meant every word of what I wrote too.

  8. fromform says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    no sarcasm. religion is a con.

  9. fromform says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    no sarcasm. any thoughtful person sees the con that is religion.

  10. Liberule says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    Dan Wilbers: interesting new research on people who believe in religion and how it correlates to IQ. How do i put this gently…. You guys are dumb.

  11. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    Yo when you Guys hit the Pearly Gates remember what you wanted because you are going to get it.

  12. fromform says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    chief: live long in fear and delusion

  13. Dogula says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    No fear; Christians trust in God.
    Why is it so important for those of you who claim atheism to belittle believers? Does it fill the emptiness somehow?

  14. Justice says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    Too bad the deputy didn’t shoot first, I am glad he killed the guy who shot him which saved other’s lives. I think there isn’t enough paid to our law enforcement people to face these kind of risks and they should have all of the first rate military grade gear and protection available. I also hope that his co-workers and the county and the state of Nevada will take care of his family now and that they will be able to recover some day knowing their loved one saved lives and like our military people, he made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting others.

  15. Slapshot says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    Free form it’s clear you don’t have an interest in religion, fair enough. But that has no connection to Wilvers comment on being thankful for police. Just because you don’t support religion and Wilvers is a pastor does not caste doubt on his support for the police. In the same way your belief that religion is a con would not caste doubt on something you support.

    If you want to pick an intellectual or philosophical fight with a pastor/priest/rabbi about religion being a con then just do it.

  16. Look at this says - Posted: August 16, 2015

    Liberule and from form are out of line in this post but I agree most man made religion is a con, even liberule and from form know that God created this world and gave his son for our salvation. Read the bible for facts and answers, there is even explanations why bad things happen in our fallen world. I hope Deputy Howell knew the Lord.

  17. SeaMoore says - Posted: August 17, 2015

    I’ve been gone all weekend and come home to this tragic news. Very sad day for law enforcement and this particular family. Then I read the comments as I always do and was saddened even more. Find another forum to vent your personal beliefs and stop people bashing, especially on an article like this. Show a little respect people.

  18. Liberule says - Posted: August 17, 2015

    As usual people bringing religion into a story it has nothing to do with. Don’t be surprised if people disagree. Pearly gates? Lol. That’s cute.

    Look at this: you are wrong. I don’t agree with one word you said. Invisible sky man has NOTHING to do with creating the earth. Sorry.

  19. Al Terego says - Posted: August 17, 2015

    SeaMoore, I agree completely! This was a horrible tragedy! My heart aches for the deputy’s family, coworkers, and friends who are reeling this loss!
    Hey Knuckleheads, take your arguments to another story! Compassion is what should be happening if you comment on this story!

  20. fromform says - Posted: August 17, 2015