Missing paddleboarder found safe


The paddleboarder who went missing last week in South Lake Tahoe has been located.

Zbigniew “Zibi” Moryn called officers this morning to confirm he was safe. He is traveling to several areas of the United States and is currently in Missouri.

Moryn, who is from Poland, told officers a personal watercraft wake combined with strong winds knocked him off the board.  The wind quickly carried his board away from him, which had his lifejacket and GoPro camera on it. He believed it was safer to swim to shore. He returned the oar to South Tahoe Standup Paddle at El Dorado Beach.

The board was found by a boater about one-half mile offshore from Timber Cove Marina on Aug. 12 about 4:45pm.

It was the company that alerted officers to the board being found without a person.


— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (44)
  1. My Thoughts says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    A happy ending!

  2. Paul L. says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    That’s good to hear! It might have been helpful if South Tahoe SUP had let everyone searching for him know that he had returned the paddle safe-and-sound later that day…

  3. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    It might have been a good idea to take the board back to where he got it. Nice and appropriate name…Moron….I mean Moryn. Also, SUP should have told the searchers. Gross negligence on both parts.

  4. liberule says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    He’s in Missouri? He should visit Ferguson! I heard it’s lovely this time of year.

  5. old long skiis says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    I’m glad to hear the young man on the rented SUP is okay.Probably a lot of man hours spent looking for him.
    Too bad this was’nt better managed. Paddel on. OLS

  6. Justice says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    “My board floated away so I went to Missouri and forgot to notify anyone of those facts.” This was a huge Comedy of errors and they should send him a large bill for the SAR. Then, and most important, They should restrict the Poles from leaving Poland.

  7. fromform says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    of course south tahoe sup will do the right thing for taxpayers and pick up the tab

  8. Dogula says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    Form, how is the business responsible?? What a ridiculous thing to suggest. The kid who rented it bears that burden. Sure, the rental company should have gotten more information. But even if they’d had the info, the kid still disappeared to another state.
    You just hate business?
    Also, the story in the other newspaper said that the oar was found underwater near the board, while this story says the kid brought the oar back. I’m curious which version is correct.

  9. Kits Carson says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    Just another “I could care less” foreigner who doesn’t claim any responsibility. He should be charged for the SAR man hours, etc. Then shipped back to Poland.

  10. Atta Boy says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    Just taking an educated guess here.

    I’d bet that Moryn paid cash and the employee at South Tahoe SUP decided to put the money in his pocket rather than document the rental properly. After all, it’s harder to get caught when there is no paper work. It also could explain why there was such a delay in South Tahoe SUP reporting Moryn as missing. It can be a tough to call your boss and say “hey, I tried to steal from you by doing an off the books rental, and now it looks like the guy is missing out on the lake somewhere”.

    Pure speculation, but, I thinks there’s more to the story than what is being reported.

  11. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    I find it funny that a few folks commenting on this and the original article seem to think this is a big deal.

    As far as I can tell this story beginning to end deserves nothing more than a: Huh.

  12. Justice says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    Empty Picture doesn’t understand tax dollars and man hours and volunteers and their putting their lives on hold to search and what is spent on Search and Rescues for fools from other countries who flee after they look like they might be drowned.

  13. Parker says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    Where Stand Up Paddle really erred was in even renting to Moryn in the first place, regardless of whether they has id or not. The high winds made for quite unsafe conditions!

    Not a responsible action from the City’s hand picked concessionare!

  14. burt says - Posted: August 18, 2015

    Well, Mr. Picture, I guess since they found him alive you could write it off as a “huh” It’s not like someone died due to the fact that someone rented him a board when there were high winds. That happened the next day during a lake wind advisory on what has been reported as rental boards.

  15. County Gal says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Just another stupid Polish joke. Yo Moryn send us your check book.

  16. Irish Wahini says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Thee business needs to require the renter leave his driver’s license, passport, or legal ID as deposit or return of equipment. He would have reported the incident if his ID had been held.

  17. Steve buttling says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    I just tried this water sport a week ago and found it to be a great work out.
    Sadly the SUP culture does not favor wearing Pfds but placing them under the provided strap which says “place life jacket here”
    This is like having a condom in your pocket and having sex, and thinking you are safe
    In my recent sup attempt, yes I fell off lol I wore the attached ankle leash and pfd , and the jacket did not interfere with the paddling.
    I see sup ers every day on the lake and 80% are not wearing the jacket but have it “in their pocket” 10% have no jacket at all aboard 10% are wearing a pfd.
    Just another tragedy waiting to happen. I am glad to see a happy ending to this recent scenario ,
    If you have ever had the task of retrieving a body from the lake you might see the bigger picture ,sadly these accidents will continue until pfds are required to be worn.
    See you out there.
    Cpt kiwi Steve.

  18. Liberule says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    So incredibly sick of the tourists. Go back to your own crappy town. This has been a really bad summer in terms of how the tourons have created problem after problem. stealing money? Wouldn’t be surprised. The employees of this business are pretty shady dudes.

  19. Lisa says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Liberule… if the tourists go back to their “crappy town”, just what do you think will happen to the economy of this not crappy town? Just curious.

  20. My Thoughts says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Lisa you are right. if it wasn’t for the tourist none of use would be able to live here. No matter what anyone that lives here does to make a living it can be linked to the tourist industry, We should thank every tourist that we meet for coming here because with out them we wouldn’t be able to live here if they stayed away,

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Kats Cr@p, like you care? You only care about your own species, not People.

  22. Liberule says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Lisa: my career absolutely 100% does NOT have anything to do with idiot tourists. Just because you’re a waitress who depends on tourist tips doesn’t mean I am. As far as I’m concerned you can leave too and I’ll still make the exact same wage. Nice try though.

    Ps. This towns pretty darn crappy too.

  23. Liberule says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    My thoughts: you are very clearly uneducated. Just because your gig at the coffee shop needs tips from tourists not everyone does. Every post you make on here is simply assanine. Go back to where you came from.

  24. Liberule says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    I make it a habit of being as rude as possible to every tourist I come across in the hopes they will never come back to MY town.

  25. Local says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Liberule…you are a knucklehead. Go back to SoCal. You’re not welcome here. JA.

  26. Liberule says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Local: born and raised here. How about you go back to Sacramento. You don’t have a clue bub. JA? Jack ass?

  27. Walter Reinthaler says - Posted: August 19, 2015


    The services of all public services depend on tourist tax dollars and this crappy town as you call it would not survive. Not sure what you do but it does not take much intelligence that is for sure.

  28. Walter Reinthaler says - Posted: August 19, 2015

    Glad it turned out that the paddle boarder turned up safe but he he did cost the city and state some money for the search.
    If someone turned in a paddle didn’t someone ask where the board was?

  29. My thoughts says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    Walter has it right. If you need an ambulance, fireman or a police officer taxes paid by tourist go towards these services. The money to plow the street so you can get to your job comes from taxes. Every puplic service that you receive is payed by taxes or fees that are paid by residents and the people that visit Lake Tahoe. So if you take the tourists away the jobs they create go away and the taxes and fees that pay for public services go with them. Every job here needs the visitors that come and spend money to exist. If you believe that your career doesn’t rely on the tourist think again.

  30. Liberule says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    Walter: I’m a hydrologist. What is it you do?

  31. reloman says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    my thoughts, you are forgetting, that without tourist, the economy would only support maybe 2000 people at the most. So we would have no hospitals, grocery stores and matbe a general store or two at most.

  32. nature bats last says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    So many ugly people in this town..all fiinger pointers and entitled whiners…

  33. Sam says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    Librule, there are only a few organizations who have hydrologists at them. RO Anderson, The Forest Service, one of the water utility companies, or UC Davis/UNR/Stanford/Berkeley. Given that you also grew up here narrows the pool even more. Which means, people can put a name to the awful comments you are making.

    Do you really want that?

  34. Born and Raised says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    Let me guess we are shipping his GoPro to him express mail – costs to be assumed by the taxpayers, too.

  35. fromform says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    sure looks like the rental company did not bother to report the return of the paddle in a timely fashion, this resulting in the search effort that tax payers footed. incompetence.

  36. Liberule says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    Sam: you missed one. But nice sleuthing!

  37. nature bats last says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    I know a toilet plummer who says he is a “hydrologist” which seems to be the type of hydrologist liberule seems to be. Would enjoy flushing this ugly hateful person down the drain…

  38. burt says - Posted: August 20, 2015

    Back to the issue at hand. What Moryn did was exactly what they would teach you in life saving. You do not put yourself at risk and become part of the problem as unfortunately happen on the following day. He was rented a paddleboard in high winds and (not surprisingly) soon found himself in trouble and decided to save his life instead of the equipment. Very smart move! If anyone should be paying for search and rescue costs it would be the company that rented to him to start with in high winds.

  39. Walter Reinthaler says - Posted: August 21, 2015


    I am in the construction steel industry.

  40. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 28, 2015

    Liberule says:

    He should visit Ferguson!
    So incredibly sick of the tourists.
    Go back to your own crappy town.
    As far as I’m concerned you can leave too.
    Go back to where you came from.
    I make it a habit of being as rude as possible…

    Obviously! LOL!

    Anyway, this Human Being thinks it is good that the Paddle-boarder was found safe.

  41. Liberule says - Posted: August 28, 2015

    Rock: great job you can read! And regurgitate. Thanks for rewriting my comment. How about you go get a job now?

  42. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 29, 2015

    Au Contraire Lib, I have been working since I was 14; not that you care about such things or what Humans like me actually do. You want to take another swing at being as rude as possible?

  43. Liberule says - Posted: August 29, 2015

    Rock: I care about some humans. Just not you.

  44. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 29, 2015

    Ah, a common selective misanthrope ‘eh… how dreary.