SLT councilwoman banned from talking to staff


By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman JoAnn Conner is no longer allowed to speak to city staff.

This edict came about last week after a closed session meeting in which the agenda item was the city manager’s review.

JoAnn Conner

JoAnn Conner

City Manager Nancy Kerry told Lake Tahoe News on Monday that as a result of the review Conner is to have no interaction with staff and staff is not to engage Conner.

Kerry would not say why this occurred or why Conner is being singled out.

City Attorney Tom Watson, who met with department heads and had meetings with other staff about the new protocol, passed down the directive. All communication involving Conner is to go through him.

Watson deferred comment to the City Council.

Mayor Hal Cole and Councilman Tom Davis said it was a personnel matter and therefore they could not talk about it. Councilmember Wendy David told Lake Tahoe News, “Council is committed to running a professional organization where we can move our city forward in the best way possible.” Councilman Austin Sass could not be reached.

Conner, who has one year left on her four-year term, acted like she wasn’t aware of the communication ban when Lake Tahoe News called Sept. 21.

“I have to make some phone calls to find out what is going on,” she said.

About 30 minutes later she emailed saying, “It is unfortunate internal issues have been made public. I generally deny any allegations and look forward to working with my colleagues to resolve any issues and move forward with positive accomplishments.”

However, 30 minutes before she was to attend the Sept. 21 Waste Management JPA meeting as the city’s representative Conner lined up alternate Davis to fill in.

Conner is known to have a short temper, and use profanity and derogatory words verbally and in writing. Her targets have been staff, elected officials and community members.

Duane Wallace, who is a member of the chamber Conner used to be president of, said, “She can be very caustic to people who disagree with her. I think I’m just one of a bunch.”

During the paid parking brouhaha Conner verbally berated people outside Grocery Outlet who were against the measure.

Former City Councilwoman Brooke Laine told Lake Tahoe News, “She would use colorful words to refer to me when she was talking to other people in the city.”

Instead of using Laine’s name, Conner’s favorite two words for her were “f—ing b—-.”

Laine had multiple examples of how Conner acted as a bully toward her beyond the name-calling.

Conner has been a bully for much of her tenure on the council. This was first documented in a column on Lake Tahoe News in October 2013.

While Conner has the right to be a bully and say what she wants, as a city councilmember she is an employer. She and the other councilmembers are the employers of Kerry and Watson.

Kerry and Watson, and the city as a whole, could be held liable if they don’t take action to protect the rest of the staff. A handful of employees have approached the city attorney asking for guidance in how to deal with Conner’s abuse. No communication is one way staff can be protected.

Aside from the verbal and written abuse, there are staff members who are leery of crossing Conner in any manner because she has a concealed weapon permit and often has her gun in her purse at meetings.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (127)
  1. Level says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Conner’s a goner in 2016.

  2. Jane says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    I know first hand many examples of this woman’s abusive behavior- as do many people. This woman is dangerous, vile, threatening, she uses the most disgusting words, she’s berated people from the Dias, in meetings, and just about anywhere.

    I have witnessed a friend berated by this woman; I’ve heard examples from many others of things she has done to people she never should’ve been elected.

    Elected officials sometimes think they have the power to do whatever they want and they don’t and it’s good to see the city Council stand up and take some action. It’s about time. Our city is run more professionally today than it has been in many years and this is just another example of doing the right thing.

    It’s about time people stand up to bullies. Bullies don’t belong in the workplace, they don’t belong in the schoolyard, they don’t belong in any business or any company and certainly not as an elected official.

    If JoAnn had any sense of duty she would resign so the city doesn’t have to deal with this or face potential lawsuits.

  3. Tahoe Time says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    This was inevitable. Who hasn’t seen Conner demolish someone standing up to speak at the council meetings or talk down to people in the audience or to those who dare to disagree with her. The way she’s treated her fellow council in full public display has been deplorable and embarrassing on its own.

    This is a very serious problem not to be masked as just bulling no matter how bad that can be. This could be a legal problem. There is no place like a workplace to generate millions in settlements for abusiveness. The City Council has no choice but to protect the city.

    We are on a good course in this town and we need to get people into office who exemplify working together not sending people scurrying for cover.

  4. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Jane said: “If JoAnn had any sense of duty she would resign so the city doesn’t have to deal with this or face potential lawsuits.”

    I could not agree more. This woman needed censuring by the former City Council and she needs it from this City Council. I think this action is long overdue.

    Spouse – 4mer-usmc

  5. nature bats last says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Thanks for shareing about the concealed weapon thing. Ill stay way far away from her. Im surprised with her obvious personality issues that she Is allowed to bring her weapon to meetings. That is a wreck waiting to happen!!!

  6. Bubba says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Without knowing the facts regarding the action taken against JoAnn Conner, lets hold off on the attacks. One of the problems with our country is the lack of civility. I am growing tired of this website because of all the ugly comments people make.

  7. Steve says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Anybody who would refer to Brooke Laine in the manner described herein should be shown the door immediately. It is time for her to go find a real job. Good riddance.

    Further, with her reported short temper it is sensible to revoke her concealed weapon permit immediately. And why she has a CWP in the first place warrants explanation without delay. Who on earth issued it and why?

  8. Stissy says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    I know Joann Conner and she is one of the sweetest ladies I know and I’m sure just cause of knowing her she must of had a pretty good reason for using foul language …so all of you saying that she is a horrible person should learn to listen to both sides cause I’m sure none of you know what really went down…don’t all be to quick to judge!!

  9. Slapshot says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Time to resign.

  10. Tahoeadvocate says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    How can a councilmember serve without talking to city employees?

  11. Frank says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    According to first hand quotes and accounts, she cusses out and bullies her colleagues. That sounds like enough on its own. First hand accounts from other witnesses of her verbally accosting people in the public, other agencies and sounds like employees. That should really be enough. In her own words, she denies knowing anything about anything and needs to call people to find out but then only cops to “internal issues”. Lying is always a good trait to add to the list. Agree with Steve, Brooke Laine being treated like this ought to be enough as well. Enough is enough, this has been going on since she was elected and time to call it a day.

  12. hmmm... says - Posted: September 21, 2015


    I don’t know what really went down. Do you?
    Here’s what I do know. Back when the council was considering the plastic bag ban I was standing in line at a local bakery when she got very insulting to a customer who voiced agreement with the ban. She didn’t use profanity, but she was condescending and insulting. I believe someone used the term talking down to people…and in that instance she definitely did.

    Using a bit of foul language, I don’t think is a major deal…calling someone a ‘effing *****’ is more than a bit, though, it gets in the way of grown up discussion. The concealed weapon thing, I have a problem with that. Angry people and firearms are not a good mix.
    This is not the wild west of the 1800’s.

  13. billy the mountain says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Ohhhhh I get it… *con*ner. Trippy maaan.

  14. worldcycle says - Posted: September 21, 2015

    Sounds like Trump won’t have to look far for the perfect running mate.

  15. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    I think JoAnn does a fine job! She’s accseable and gets things done for the locals and vistors. She does’nt kiss butt and she is not bought off by anyone.
    Plain spoken is a virtue, not a curse. You keep goin’ girl and doing what’s right.
    JoAnn Conner don’t give up the good fight .OLS

  16. Kae Reed's Fan says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Where is it allowed under the California Open Meetings Act to discuss a matter like this in closed session? Further, it is my understanding that action taken in closed session must be reported out.

  17. Whip says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Sounds like this alleged abuse of city staff has been going on for quite some time. The city has some serious issues if the city manager never took action until some staff had to go to the city attorney for advice.
    With a statement like this; “Aside from the verbal and written abuse, there are staff members who are leery of crossing Conner in any manner because she has a concealed weapon permit and often has her gun in her purse at meetings.” I’m surprised the city hasn’t already been sued by staff.

  18. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    how come crazy people get to carry guns around town?

    Joann and old Runnels.

  19. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Tahoe Advocate wrote: How can a councilmember serve without talking to city employees?
    Won’t be a problem as we have the same issue in the county except ours can’t talk to not only staff but cannot vote. At least she can vote

  20. Isee says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    I don’t appreciate the way this ‘news’ is presented. Things that are not proven to be factual are stated here as facts such as- “Conner has been a bully for much of her tenure….” I was under the impression that people are innocent until proven guilty and usually the word “alleged” is used in reporting. There are serious allegations made that could be causes of legal action and the city handles it exactly wrong! This was not an issue that should have been handled in public.

  21. Liz says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    She needs to resign now. This is unacceptable and dangerous behavior!

  22. Buck says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    JoAnn: please tell us your side of the story as you have responded many times in the LTN. Thanks.

  23. Observer says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Lake Tahoe News has sunk to a new low…….I smell a rotten egg, who the hell is reporting internal city matters to LTN in the first place? Disgraceful.

  24. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Observer-try reading the 2nd paragraph of the article which states that City Man. Nancy Kerry broke the news about Ms. Connor and interaction with staff to LTN-
    and the rest of the allegations have been witnessed by numerous citizens around town and City workers on numerous occasions-just watch the Council meetings and tell me you don’t see some condescending/snotty behavior towards all that do not agree with her-
    Hey I voted for her and supported some of her positions but I won’t make that error again

  25. hmmm... says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Walter Reinthaler must be licking his chops at the thought of a recall….

  26. copper says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Observer (ironic, that name), that’s what’s called good reporting. A rarity in the media these days. It’s the part of the newspaper I’m sure Kae is proudest of. And rightfully so.

    I don’t know Kae well, but I hope this forum is the part she’s least proudest of – at least on occasion.

  27. Observer says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Obviously some of you don’t understand sarcasm……..

  28. nature bats last says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Actually, sarcasm can be difficult to ascertain in written form IMHO. it might be that “observer” is a new name to associate with on these comments so its hard to know your “bend” in these issues. Ok, so it was sarcasm…

  29. duane Wallace says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    I wanted to clarify something in my remarks. I did not intend for anyone to imply from my remarks that the Chamber of Commerce Board was involved in any thing I said personally. In reporting the story Kae mentioned that we both belonged to the organization. I apologize for that misconception.

  30. Observer says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Here’s my ‘bend’…. What’s the ‘real’ reason behind publicly airing the city’s dirty laundry, what’s the actual agenda, and then I wonder…. who’s next on the hit list?

  31. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Observer- I wonder, was that comment about transparency in local gov’t also ‘sarcasm’?

  32. Observer says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Let’s wait and see what the ‘Fuhrer’ does next shall we?

  33. nature bats last says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Actually the only thing relevant in this story (to me) is to know she is carrying a weapon and to keep my distance. Not that I wouldnt anyway. Another unstable person packing heat. What could go wrong?

  34. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Godwin’s Law never fails in exposing the weakness of those with a losing argument.

  35. Evil JoAnn Conner says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    She is one of my many problems in town…She needs to go.

  36. Tom Wohrman Sports says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    I first hand watched her attack my ski shop tom wohrman sports on the comment section of the tribune. Get rid of her before she ruins SLT with her tacky mouth.

  37. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Too bad to hear all the critizim of JoAnn Conner. She is one of the best people on the city council!
    The name calling dirrected at JoAnn is completely wrong. Be nice and respectful. OLS

  38. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: September 22, 2015


    Where have you been? Ms Conner is well known for her dis-respect to others, her sometimes foul mouth and general hostile attitude toward those who disagree with her ideas. She has exhibited near total failure to be respectful.
    You have to earn respect and she is very low on the learning curve there.

    I agree that name calling only engenders more of the same, but the woman we are speaking of has a habit of throwing the first stone, with little provocation.

    I don’t recall she was this unstable when first elected.

    I am wondering if she is having some stability issues due to a medical condition, bad reaction to meds or other condition.

    Does she need a session in an anger management class.

  39. Hal Cole says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    I rarely comment on the blogs, but feel that this is a very serious matter. People’s livelihoods and reputations are at stake.

    One of the responsibilities our city manager is tasked with is the supervision and protection of her employees. As an employee of the city council, she is also subject to supervision and protection from us as well.

    Under our protocols, she may limit the contact we on the council can have with both our department heads and our line employees. This is for good reason. It is very easy for a city employee to be intimidated and confused by criticisms or directives given to them by an elected official. It also affects the performance of our organization when mixed messages are given to them regarding their duties.

    In this particular instance, our city manager determined that Ms. Conner’s behavior toward our employees as well as herself had risen to the point where we were not only not functioning well as an organization, we were also potentially exposing ourselves to litigation. Under her authority she communicated to staff that they would no longer be able to have direct contact with Ms. Conner.

    Our closed session was an opportunity for her to inform us of her decision. Any and all information related to her decision, be it personnel related or not, is protected and confidential.

    The net result of our meeting was that there was no reportable action taken. It was, and still is, the city council’s option to overrule her decision and/or change our policy regarding our interaction with her employees. To this date no council member has approached me with a request to agendize this matter.

    Given the information I have had access to, as well as my own personal observations, I support Nancy Kerry’s decision unequivocally!

  40. snap says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    This sounds like total crap, Joann Conner is not at all what you people are saying. She is a great person and I have known her for years. The one that is unstable is Nancy Kerry. Maybe try hearing more than one side of a story before you judge.

  41. J&B says - Posted: September 22, 2015

    Media is too commonly used by politicians as a tool to make a political statement or foster opposition toward vocal people. Don’t know the details of this situation, but would want the facts and not just the word of other politicians before forming an opinion.

  42. Walter Reinthaler says - Posted: September 22, 2015


    Why do you put my name into this? I don’t know the facts and didn’t vote for her? Please explain yourself?
    And lastly I use my name and don’t hide behind a handle.

  43. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    Cranky Gerald, Where have I been? I was here before the city was formed in 1965. Weve had some doozies in local government over the years. Anybody remember Terry Trupp?
    JoAnn Conner is a hard working councilwoman who is devoted to representing our community and its concerns.
    Make it a great day! OLS

  44. hmmm... says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    Haven’t you run for local political office? Aren’t you kinda to the ‘right’ of Rightwing? if both are true, this is your golden opportunity. If they aren’t true, you have my apologies.

  45. fromform says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    OLS, the term ‘being here’ may or may not have temporal implications. on a related topic, you tend toward the irrelevant…my experience re: ms. conner reflects what is reported here; i am amazed that it has taken this long for these revelations to become public.

  46. Isee says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    I can’t help but to wonder if these issues would be such a big deal if we were talking about a male city council member. Cursing isn’t a crime and most profanity comes from the mouths of humans that have a protruding, hanging part or 3. What’s up with that? It’s a double standard. If this were a guy, high 5’s would be flying- for getting attention and press, using profanity, colorful and “derogatory words”. When men behave this way they are regularly described as ‘assertive’, or a similar word that sounds complimentary and a women will be described as Ms. Conners was in this article.

  47. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 23, 2015


    I don’t believe this has anything to with gender and is 100% the result of Ms. Conner’s behavior. For years I watched Ms. Conner address the City Council at their meetings prior to her being elected and she was an ill-mannered bully then and her bullying behavior and contempt for anyone who doesn’t agree with her or with what she wants has remained constant throughout her service on the City Council. She is disrespectful to people having a differing opinion to her, tries to force her opinions and ideas on others through relentless filibustering, and does not know how to work with other people and compromise to reach a successful solution. She is like an adolescent who has to have her way all the time.

    I believe that whatever situation Ms. Conner had found herself in is absolutely of her own making and any type of censuring she receives is long overdue.

    Spouse – 4-mer-usmc

  48. subeetahoe says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    I agree with the City’s decision, and can bet that the issues with JoAnn probably reached critical mass during the 50th Anniversary Celebration this past weekend.

    JoAnn has managed to use her role as councilmember to further her “business” of event production… and has thrown her weight around with several city departments while doing so.

    I worked with her briefly before she ran for office and realized even then that she had a tendency to talk about people. I was not surprised when she eventually snapped on me and ended our work relationship…and I’m sure she added me to the list of people she speaks poorly of. Oh well.

    She should be held accountable for her actions and words as an Elected Official. The Public should not have to stand for this type of behavior. I suggest either a re-call or her having the dignity to resign.
    But knowing her, that won’t happen and we’ll be sure to get some more fireworks out of this story before it’s over.

  49. Paranoid American Voter Nut!! says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    wait, wait, wait. She has a gun in her purse at meetings?! You mean if I see her at the super market or post office she has a gun in her purse? Or if she is attending a function at a school where there are children present, she has a gun in her purse? Or if I want a gun I just have to steal her purse. Thanks for the info. Remember to VOTE! (wink)

  50. reza says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    If this woman (Conner) had any dignity she would either fight back and explain how/why she was treated poorly/unfairly by staff and council or she would resign. I heard By keeping her mouth shut the chances of all the details coming into the public domain are minimal.

    Living in shame and having one’s reputation ruined must be very hard. I feel sorry for her and hope she can get some help.

  51. Liberule says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    This woman is a terror to this community. Why do the craziest people I know have ccw permits? Pure insanity. She needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

  52. subeetahoe says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    @ Paranoid Voter: GOOD POINT! Packing heat at public events should NOT be allowed IMO

  53. tahoe resident says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    Having observed first hand Ms. Connors behavior at the September 12th Chili Cookoff at the Recreation Department, her reported conduct is consistent with my personal experience. She berated and demeaned students of the Jazzercise class which coincided with the Chili event. There are two things wrong with this picture: One: she has a CWP and Two: She is supposedly a representative of the City Council.

  54. Bubba says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    I wouldn’t be surprised if other council members have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Should we ask the council members if they are carrying a concealed weapon? I know several people in our community that carry a concealed weapon. Most judges probably carry a concealed weapon. JoAnn is not a threat to our community. Liberule, I suggest that you take a walk of a short pier, how do we know you are not a threat to our community?

  55. Observer says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    There’s a lot of small town gossip and unfounded rumor in this heavily biased so called ‘news item’ as well as from several posters here, my advice is don’t believe everything you read………

  56. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    Ok, I read the old article titled, “Bullies don’t belong on City Council,” and now this article and have to wonder what has happened to JoAnn Conner.

    I agree that JoAnn does NOT belong on the City Council.

  57. Isee says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    This will all go away. The city, however, will be getting it’s checkbook out for handling a personnel matter in a public forum with information coming from the city manager. Big mistake in my opinion.

  58. Harbinger says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    It is not gossip to discuss a council member’s hot/cold personality if it is causing problems at the city. But my main takeaway from this article is that there is someone at the City Council meetings carrying a gun!! I am stunned to hear this. It is absolutely unnecessary — how much would it cost to put in a metal detector? This kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable.

  59. shaking head...laughing and sad says - Posted: September 23, 2015

    so much in this article (and the comments) has me laughing (is this REALLY happening? where I live? not a sitcom?) and makes me very sad at the same time. I have seen JoAnn’s inappropriate behavior in dealing with ANYONE who disagrees with her position. Differing opinions are welcome and what we learn and grow from. Of course we all don’t agree on everything! BUT – there is a humanity in listening, being open, really hearing. AND there is a RESPONSIBILITY to do so when you are an elected official. She has not met that responsibility.

    It was absolutely right of Nancy Kerry to protect her staff and take appropriate measures to do so, if she felt it was required. AND it was also VERY UNPROFESSIONAL of her to share this outcome with LTN.

    It’s like they are both pigs wrestling in mud. Instead of intelligent adults representing this city via employment and election.


  60. observer says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    @Harbinger: Kae Reed states in this attack article the following: “Aside from the verbal and written abuse, there are staff members who are leery of crossing Conner in any manner because she has a concealed weapon permit and often has her gun in her purse at meetings”. This one sentence is so damning, it’s insinuating that this person is liable to shoot someone, do you want to talk about an absolutely out of line and incendiary ‘personal opinion’ by the author, and naturally several posters here are getting crazy and jumping on that one statement, not even questioning the source….How do we know this is true? What if it’s NOT? There’s an agenda here, no doubt. Who else is in on this agenda, and why?

  61. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    According to the Sheriffs office she has never had a concealed weapons permit nor has she applied for one. Another council member has one but it should not matter if someone has one or not. There is more harm being done to our community then at any other time in the 38 years I have been here. We are losing our community and it is due to who is in charge right now. The community needs to get a handle on this and do what is right for the community and not the city. Big difference on doing what is right for the community and not the city and Joanne understood this. She is for the community.

  62. Researcher says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    There is no statewide data base for concealed weapons permits; and people can use different names — like a maiden name.

  63. Buck says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    JoAnn: tell us what this agenda is and by what party so we can make a decision for our town. Someone needs to go. Just who?

  64. Kathy J says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    A Councilmember’s conduct is not a personnel matter. This is about a Councilmember’s actions and the way she conducts herself in office, using her position to belittle fellow electeds and staff as well as the public which has been discussed since she was elected. This article included those facts and direct information from others who have been subject to her hostile treatment.

    What should happen now is Joann should look at these comments and what’s being said around town and realize all these people can’t be wrong. Either she realizes the impact of her actions but doesn’t care and is going to try change the discussion, or she doesn’t realize it. Either way, there has always been public evidence that she’s an angry resentful person who needs psychiatric help.

    Do her actions represent what’s best about the town, is she someone people want to work with? No, that’s the issue. Everything is is extraneous.

  65. resident says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    JoAnne cares more about our little city then the rest of the council combined. I voted for her before and would do so again if she chooses to run. Many of these posts show how things get out of hand with mis-information.

  66. dryclean says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    If you read what Mayor Hal Cole has written in a previous comment above, the only issue that is relevant is whether Joanne Connor is putting the city at risk of litigation. This has nothing to do with your thoughts on a gun, whether you like her or not, her demeanor towards you, etc.

    So unless you think Mayor Cole has a separate agenda, its about protecting the city and its employees from a council member that has apparently done something or a whole bunch of somethings that the city manager, city attorney and the council (who supported her)think put the city at risk.

    Sorry if the Joanne haters and lovers want to focus on their emotions but the issue is really what risk does Ms Conner put the city in.
    I know a few of these council members well and I am confident they would have not supported the city manager unless there was legal cause to do so.

  67. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 24, 2015

    For those that question what a weapon brings to the negotiating table or meeting, try it sometime.

  68. Arthur says - Posted: September 25, 2015

    Dryclean has it right. I used to employ 50 people. One of your jobs as an employer is to protect your employees from harassment. It’s the law. Verbal abuse (if it in fact it was determined that it occurred regularly and the employee(s) felt threatened) is considered harassment. The City is merely trying to protect itself from potential litigation. These types of matters have to be taken seriously and action needs to occur if the behavior doesn’t stop. The City Council is doing the right thing by protecting our tax dollars from being poured into a law suit.

  69. Tahoe gal says - Posted: September 27, 2015

    This is sad, not the Joanne I volunteered with at Tallac Site. She was smart, kind and worked hard to make community better.

  70. tahoe pal says - Posted: September 30, 2015

    Sorry for my late response as I just heard about this news story. I did not read all comments above but my $.02 worth is liability and lawsuits by her actions creating a hostile workplace environment for all employees from top level to the minions.

    Jo Ann is an elected official who is not representing my interests and needs to be dethroned.

    Also, gun at the airport? Isn’t this a FAA violation? Is that an intimidation method? If so, no one’s life needs to be in jeopardy. She needs to be dismissed from her duties now, not in 2016.

  71. Dogula says - Posted: September 30, 2015

    A gun at the airport is not illegal. Taking it on a commercial flight, unsecured and/or loaded, is.

  72. John McDougall says - Posted: September 30, 2015

    I find it interesting that these statements were released by Nancy Kerry. This is an internal issue? My personal experience with JoAnn Connor is she has always been professional and courtious.
    However if problems do exist with city staff that should be handled as an internal manner and the fact it was released to the public via the press was unfortunate and I feel unfair to JoAnn Connor.

  73. remembers when says - Posted: October 1, 2015

    This wouldn’t be the first time the city violated the Brown Act (state open meeting law) in order to facilitate the silencing and eventual removal of someone who refused to play nice. Jacqueline Mittelstadt comes to mind.

  74. fromform says - Posted: October 1, 2015

    mittelstadt had the goods on them

  75. Buck says - Posted: October 1, 2015

    JoAnn if you can not tell us your side of the story and you can not talk to your employees why are you there? How can you help run the city?

  76. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 1, 2015

    Buck, There is no need for Joanne to tell her side of the story when the story that she would defend is so blatantly biased. Most of what was said is not quite true and the “quotes” from certain members of our community cannot be backed up. Quite frankly they should not have been put in there in the first place, Duane has already responded and Joanne has never had a CCW or a gun in her purse. Other council members have a ccw which has been brought up before on this site. For the record I do not have one either but not for the lack of trying. We have a similar situation in the county with concerns to voting and talking with residents and staff. I have known all the council members for a long time and Joanne always does what is right for the community. There is a big difference between doing what is right for the city (or county) and doing what is right for the community. Although the court of public opinion is sometimes a good thing this should not have happened, the reporting does not pass the smell test. My opinion only.

  77. Dave Austings says - Posted: October 1, 2015

    All that Duane said is that he wasn’t speaking for the chamber. Hal made stronger comments here since he initially had no comment. So, Kenny, dissing the article is silly.

    As someone else said, there is no statewide registry for a CWP. Multiple times she has said in public situations that she has a CWP. The other councilmember who has an active one is Tom Davis.

    Stick with your half truths in the Mt. News and quit puking garbage here.

    And the action taken wasn’t a council action, it was a CM action. That is not closed session information. So, no Brown Act violations.

  78. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 1, 2015

    Thanks Dave

  79. David Kurtzman says - Posted: October 1, 2015

    Tahoe pal, how do you propose dismissing a duly elected public official?

  80. Buck says - Posted: October 2, 2015

    Kenny I was just looking for the truth and transparency from both sides.

  81. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 2, 2015

    Buck lol, good luck with that one. I have spoken with Joanne and some others but the real problem is the way the article came out in the first. For those of us that follow this stuff and having known the players for quite a few years this is heartbreaking. By that I mean airing the laundry in this way. You should try calling Joanne to get the other side, you will find that she is very approachable.

  82. Dave Austings says - Posted: October 2, 2015


    How is this dirty laundry when it is an elected official creating a hostile work environment?


  83. John McDougall says - Posted: October 2, 2015


    Work environment issues need to be worked out in the work place. None of us knows all of the facts on any of this PERIOD. Our city councilmen have rights just like we all do. If a problem is noted it should be dealt with in the work place which it sounds like it has. What is gained by releasing this to the press?

    Releasing this type of information to the press for me demonstrates a lack of professionalism and poor judgement by our city manager. If you had a problem in the work place say a medical issue or an emotional problem or just personal issues. Would it not be handled confidentially. Her basic rights are no different than ours even with her being an elected official.

    I don’t want to speak for Kenny however this entire episode for me has been mean spirited and demonstrates the very behavior Joann is being accused of.

  84. Dave Austings says - Posted: October 2, 2015


    You are wrong about elected officials having the same rights as the rest of us. Elected officials are not protected in the same way. Plus, we the public (whether we voted for her or not) are her bosses and should know how she is conducting herself. What is mean spirited about the truth? She had the opportunity to comment for this article. And I’m guessing Kae would let her write a whole column to express her side. She owes it to the community to tell her side. The silence is not helping her.


  85. Rooster says - Posted: October 2, 2015

    This is the same thing that would happen if Trump were elected.
    Alienating anybody that doesn’t agree with them with belittling comments and insensitivity is not what I want from anybody let alone an elected official.
    “Can’t we all just get along”
    I guess not.

  86. John McDougall says - Posted: October 2, 2015


    I respectfully disagree with you none of us knows all the facts involved in this PERIOD. I also disagree that she owes us an explanation or response, She cannot comment on issues that involve other city staff or city employees to defend herself thus keeping quite is the right thing for her to do.

    What a councilmen owes us is to do the job they are elected to do when they fails to do the job they are elected to do. We have a right and a choice not to vote for them in the next election and yes politics on all levels of Government are mean spirited and that is just plain fact!

  87. Dave Austings says - Posted: October 2, 2015


    I’m curious why you don’t think she owes us a response? She can comment on whether she thinks the city manager’s edict to ban her from talking to staff is right or wrong, and why without giving specifics.

    I was reminded recently how this publication endorsed JoAnn, so it’s not like LTN has an ax to grind. I point this out as an aside.


  88. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Mr. Austings:

    I concur with your remarks and would add that Ms. Conner has seldom missed an opportunity to publicly state her viewpoint or to publish her opinions in the past.

    Mr. McDougall:

    I concur with you that releasing this information to the press demonstrated a lack of professionalism and poor judgement by the City Manager and since Ms. Kerry did not have to make this public I cannot help but wonder what the real reason was.

    Unfortunately Ms. Conner’s historical behavior may have placed her in a position where at least some Council-members would prefer to align themselves with the City Manager. To me, this has the appearance of a City Manager/City Council-woman power play written all over it.

  89. Uncle Buck says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    CM did one of the bravest things an “at will” employee could do. She risked her job by taking the only action available to her to stop the adult bullying from continuing and placing the City at risk. Obviously she has been backed by the other 4 council members. In taking this action she had to notify the nearly 200 employees of the action. Anyone really think it would remain under wraps when she did this? The issue of the gun was journalism at it’s worse: steering the issue from the real basis of the action: adult bullying and intimidation. Conner can not be removed from office even if the other 4 wanted to do so. She is an elected official.
    The other council should have intervened long before this got to this point, but unfortunately they didn’t. Let’s hope Conner can get some counseling and realize that her place in the world is not to bully and let’s hope the council will learn to never allow this type of situation to happen again. BTW, Conner does not have a conceal carry permit.

  90. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Uncle Buck:

    I agree with much of what you’ve said but I don’t think that the City Manager ever believed for a single second that her job was at risk. And there’s a big difference in talk from City staff leaking into the public domain versus a City Manager reporting on such to a news establishment. I completely agree that the other City Council-members should have intervened a long time ago and think that Ms. Conner should have been censured by both this and the last City Council for her bullying and intimidation which she’s freely bestowed on anyone with whom she does not agree.

    You are 100% correct that the real issue should be about adult bullying and intimidation which is not a new issue for the City. I was told by a former City employee that during their time working at the City their department’s mid-management was bullying and manipulative to several subordinate staff under their supervision, that nothing was ever done about it, and those mid-management women-bullies still work there. That is the reason I don’t believe that Ms. Kerry’s efforts are so much to protect “her employees” as this is a City Manager/City Council-woman power play. However, if JoAnn Conner had conducted herself differently this probably never would have come about.

  91. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Uncle Buck,

    Sorry, but she is not really at-will. She has a contract. An at-will employee can be dismissed with or without cause.

    This should NEVER have been leaked to the press as it was. And I don’t believe it was leaked – it was fed.

  92. Steve says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Rest assured that the City Manager counted the votes on her fingers and placed them in a pickle jar well before she did what she did.

  93. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    “That is the reason I don’t believe that Ms. Kerry’s efforts are so much to protect “her employees” as this is a City Manager/City Council-woman power play”
    4-mer-usmc: I find myself in complete agreement with you and the direction the play is coming from. One will have the support of the community and one will have the support of the employees with the council in the middle.
    Once again I find myself pointing out that there is a big difference on doing what is right for the community (population around 23K) and doing what is right for the city (population around 215) It will be up to the community to decide.

  94. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    As for leaks come on, there is no way this would stay confidential. Be it the federal government
    or a small city nothing ever does. As a city resident I am glad it’s out in public, the public does have a right to know.

  95. Buck says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Thanks Carl the voters do have a right to know what is going on in THEIR city.

  96. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Mr. Ribaudo:

    I agree that the public has the right to know, and think all that takes is to watch the City Council meetings on line: JoAnn Conner’s comments and treatment of some people has been deplorable and very unprofessional; and Nancy Kerry’s has always been civil and cunningly professional.

    Mr. Curtzwiler:

    I can’t support JoAnn Conner in this because I’ve witnessed too much bullying behavior on her part. And I can’t support Nancy Kerry in this because while there is no way this would stay confidential as Mr. Ribaudo pointed out, I still believe there is a huge difference in the City’s staff ultimately leaking it into the public domain versus a City Manager reporting on such to a news establishment. That just seems like the execution of a power-play to me, and if Ms. Kerry really wanted the public to have the opportunity to be informed with no risk for any distortion in the reporting of this information (no offense intended LTN) she could just as easily have posted a press release on the City’s website. That didn’t happen, which makes me think there were ulterior motives for releasing this to LTN.

    I may be wrong about all of this though—it wouldn’t be the first time.

  97. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    4-mer-usmc: As you know from your military experience one should pick their battles wisely. This one is probably best to watch from the sidelines.

  98. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 3, 2015


    You assume this was leaked by city staff. It may not have been. As Watergate taught us one never knows where the leak came from.

  99. Uncle Buck says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    The CM can be terminated without cause with 3 council members voting in the affirmative. I assume the contract has a severance package if the CM is terminated without cause. Still considered at-will as the CM is working for the council who hired them.

  100. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Carl, there was nothing “leaked” as far as I can tell from the article as it was written based on conversations with various folks and opinions brought forth by posters. Most of the statements are “City Manager Nancy Kerry told Lake Tahoe News” ” Councilmember Wendy David told Lake Tahoe News” “Former City Councilwoman Brooke Laine told Lake Tahoe News” “Duane Wallace, who is a member of the chamber Conner used to be president of, said”
    Joanne did respond as well ““It is unfortunate internal issues have been made public. I generally deny any allegations and look forward to working with my colleagues to resolve any issues and move forward with positive accomplishments.” From the beginning Joanne has done the right thing in handling this situation by not airing the laundry in public. When someone feels the need to air their laundry it is usually an indication of personal issues and personality conflicts and a weak position. I still agree with former on his assessment.

  101. a reader says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    The County needs to do the same thing with Joe Harn.

  102. Duck and Cover says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    When is the next city council meeting? Let’s just all agree that the gun-toting supporters sit on the right side of the hall and the un-armed critical thinkers sit on the left side. The police may want to park the MRAP out front just to keep things calm. I will be watching the live stream from the safety of my “dooms day bunker”, with my cat army.

    ( come on people, who’s laughing WITH me? )

    ( Kae, you may want a good disguise or a BIG body guard )

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  103. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    The bigger question is where was the City Attorney in all of this? It’s his job to protect the employees using the law. Why did he let this get to this level because in doing so he put the city at risk. He probably has some questions he might need to answer:

  104. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Mr. Ribaudo:

    Excerpts from this published article are as follows:
    1: “City Manager Nancy Kerry told Lake Tahoe News on Monday that as a result of the review Conner is to have no interaction with staff and staff is not to engage Conner.”
    2: “City Attorney Tom Watson, who met with department heads and had meetings with other staff about the new protocol, passed down the directive. All communication involving Conner is to go through him.” “Watson deferred comment to the City Council.”

    You stated the following:
    1: “4-mer: You assume this was leaked by city staff. It may not have been. As Watergate taught us one never knows where the leak came from.”
    2: “The bigger question is where was the City Attorney in all of this? It’s his job to protect the employees using the law. Why did he let this get to this level because in doing so he put the city at risk. He probably has some questions he might need to answer.”

    1. I’m simply going by what Ms. Reed published in the article, which was that “City Manager Nancy Kerry told Lake Tahoe News on Monday…” Perhaps Ms. Reed’s reporting of that information was amiss in which case you’ll need to take that up with her.
    2. I think the article referenced where the City Attorney has been in all this. But diverting the topic off of the subplot that the City Manager had “told Lake Tahoe News…” and on to the City Attorney was deft.

    Your defense of Nancy Kerry is admirable, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with loyalty.

  105. admin says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    LTN called Nancy Kerry for comment after learning from elsewhere about Councilwoman JoAnn Conner and staff being banned from talking to one another.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  106. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Duck and Cover:

    You are funny! I too will be watching the live stream from the safety of my “dooms day bunker”, albeit with my dog army.

    Thanks for the belly laugh. There’s never enough of that these days.

  107. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Thanks for the clarification LTN.

    Maybe the City can make identification of the “South Lake Tahoe Deep Throat” informant part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration.

  108. Brooke Laine says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    “That is the reason I don’t believe that Ms. Kerry’s efforts are so much to protect “her employees” as this is a City Manager/City Council-woman power play”

    I am offended deeply by this comment. When a certain male council member was bullying and harassing city employees back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, not one person called it a City Manager/City Council-man power play.

    I have witnessed and have been subject to JoAnn Conner abuse. If any of the city staff has been at the receiving end of this abuse, I get it! Ms. Conner created a hostile environment toward me that I can speak to.

    This is not a witch hunt. Telling the truth is not a witch hunt. She is abusive. She has not been hurt in any way by the City Managers decision to limit her contact with staff. She still has a vote on everything.

    This must end. JoAnn, get help! I wish you the best.

  109. Parker says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    To the extent I’ve known her, JoAnn seems like a decent person. And seemed to sincerely want to serve her community.

    Those are also statements I’d make about Brooke. Brooke’s statement makes me believe the accusation against Councilwoman Conner are legitimate.

    Yet, it really boils down to something quite simple. Did JoAnn Conner regularly use profanity to City Staff? I’m not asking did she once let a profanity slip.

    But if she regularly is cussing out subordinates, that’s just something anyone with a functional iq knows you cannot do! It’s almost up there with discovering a male Council member was groping female staff. (It’s not quite, but almost up there.) Any & everyone just knows not to do that!

    JoAnn, if you’ve been using profanity, towards staff, your subordinates in the work place, you should be gone. So Yes or No? Have you?

  110. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 3, 2015

    Brooke Laine:

    I find your deep offense at my comment odd as I thought society had evolved beyond the need to ignore gender specificity since an individual’s gender does not determine competence. The reason I described this as a City Manager/City Council-woman power play is because the City Council member being referenced in the story is a woman (as is the City Manager). Power plays can take place between two men, between a woman and a man, or between two women.

    I agree that Ms. Conner created a hostile environment toward you and since it appears that she was never censured (at least not publicly) her bad behavior has continued to escalate. I still don’t believe that the City Manager’s entire reason for this is solely to protect “her employees” and think there is a power struggle taking place. And as far as bullying of City employees go, that was not committed by City Council members only but also by mid-management, and those mid-management staff still work for the City. If the City Manager really wants to eradicate bullying she’s got a long ways to go.

  111. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 4, 2015


    You are making some comments that are interesting.
    You intimate a power struggle between the city manager and Joann Conners, do you have specific instances or evidence that draws you to that conclusion? Doesn’t make sense. The lines of authority are completely separate, the city manager has a contract so her job can’t be threatened and the city manager can probably figure out where the other four are with regard to votes. What makes more sense is a power struggle between council members for votes on a variety of issues.
    With regard to mid management bullying, this is a new allegation I was not aware of, do you have information the public should be aware of?

  112. Isee says - Posted: October 4, 2015

    What constitutes something offensive or what is bullying depends on perspective.
    Years ago, Councilperson Laine made a statement to me concerning my neighborhood and it’s future that, to me, was worse than being cursed at or bullied. I looked at her like she had 2 heads and said ‘Really, seriously?’ I’m sure no offense was intended but we came from opposite places on an issue and it felt wrong to me. It’s perspective and perception.
    There’s a reason some of us love animals more than people- they can’t speak and that’s a good thing. Words get in the way sometimes.

  113. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 4, 2015

    Mr. Ribaudo:

    I find it intriguing that you think my comments are so interesting. I’m not certain if I should be feeling flattered or cross-examined.

    I have no clandestine insider information to share with you on specific instances or evidence that draws me to my conclusions of a power struggle between the City Manager and JoAnn Conner, but in my years of experience I’ve observed that power struggles rarely make sense or adhere to lines of authority and are generally more rooted in egos, personalities and control. I will say that I’ve personally witnessed some very unimpressive treatment of seemingly unimportant community individuals by certain prominent City representatives who were referenced in the article and it is that which has led to my analysis of their sense of self-importance and zest for power.

    With regard to mid-management bullying, I am not at liberty nor would I ever consider divulging to you the identity of an individual who shared a confidence with me related to the bullying and manipulative behavior by a supervisor to their subordinate staff. As is frequently the case with workplace bullying by mid-management level personnel, upper management says the behavior isn’t so egregious that anything can be done about it. The City management was aware of what was going on long ago and chose to do nothing about it, and I would speculate by some “joke” remarks made during a few Council meetings that they’re likely aware of it still.

    Your love of the City must be exceptional to have prompted so many questions of me.

  114. billy the mountain says - Posted: October 4, 2015

    In summary: what you are saying is less credible than a standard rumor and readers have no way to evaluate the validity of anything you have said.

  115. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 7, 2015

    Wow, “is this any way to run an airline.” Sorry, IMO JoAnn has problems to deal with and should NOT represent the City of South Lake Tahoe.

  116. subeetahoe says - Posted: October 8, 2015

    Hey Kae/LTN – Any follow up on the Trib story about Censure?

    Interesting quote from JoAnn: “I feel like I have less civil liberties than a convicted mass murderer,” Conner said on Thursday, Oct. 8. “It’s a shame as an American you have to give up civil liberties to serve on city council.”
    Seriously? … when you become a limited public figure, you need to watch how you treat people… And she is not losing civil liberties when she has put the City in danger of legal action by being a B*&^&^% to employees.

    Though I did find it interesting that she denies carrying a weapon as well…

    So the saga continues. Let’s just hope we can elect some NEW BLOOD for City Council next year!

  117. a bystander says - Posted: October 10, 2015

    Subeetahoe, that is Hal Cole and Nancy Kerry’s plan for NEW BLOOD. To tarnish the name of JoAnne Conners so that Brooks Laine will beat her in the next election.

  118. Tahoe gal says - Posted: October 12, 2015

    As a long time resident of SLT my opinion is that NEW BLOOD on the council would be someone other than Davis and Cole. Haven’t they been on the council forever?

  119. a bystander says - Posted: October 12, 2015

    In the Tribune Hal Cole said,”in my 20 years on the council I have never seen anything like it” when talking about the problem he sees with JoAnne Conner. Time for him to go away.

  120. Sam says - Posted: October 12, 2015

    You guys need to vote the new blood in. Austin and Wendy were both great additions, but Matt Palacio would have made another great addition.

    Get out and vote folks. It’s the only way we will be rid of JoAnn.

  121. Bubba says - Posted: October 12, 2015

    It’s time to give this article a rest. Let’s stop beating up on JoAnn Conner. It is time for new blood on the council, but be careful what you wish for, we could end with Carl Ribaudo as he now lives in the city. The NV Chamber, LTVA, Gaming and Lodging would love nothing more than to have people representing their special interest on the council.

  122. reza says - Posted: October 13, 2015

    Everyone should read the censure verbiage on the SLT city website under the meeting agenda for Monday. Pretty clear what the issues are. Probably never know all the background because of the need to maintain confidentiality between the employees and employer but Joanne should know the details. I wish she would stop claiming she doesn’t know what the problems are.

  123. subeetahoe says - Posted: October 13, 2015

    @Reza yes it would be the dignified thing to do to acknowledge the issue and speak to the issue instead of saying she doesn’t know where it is coming from or that it is personal attacks. She is just as responsible for dragging this into drama as anyone involved.

    @Bystander, I agree that there should be term limits on our Council…but the ones who have been there for years would never vote for it…how ironic, right? Meanwhile we will just have to wait & see what our options are next election.

  124. copper says - Posted: October 13, 2015

    4-mer, with all due respect (and I’m responding solely because I respect the opinions you express on LTN) I think the issues of Nancy Kerry annoying her employees and JoAnn Conner misbehaving in her position as an elected official are, although both important, not really comparable.

    Nancy Kerry, from outside at least, seems to be doing a good job serving the interests and goals of the City Council. She has however, without question, annoyed and challenged former employees by manipulating retirement contracts. Also, like you, and probably Brooke Laine, I have heard first hand reports of her seemingly abusive treatment of members of her own staff and other City employees. Just as the City Council has the right and, in fact, the obligation to evaluate her performance, so do former and current employees have the right to seek redress for wrongs they might have suffered under her leadership. I have no doubt that, in some instances, they are doing precisely that, although likely out of the earshot of Kae and LTN.

    Misconduct by an elected City official, particularly when directed at City employees, is an entirely different matter. The only City employee in the City Council’s chain of command is the City Manager. Subordinate City employees are expected to treat Council members with respect, just as they’re expected to treat all citizens with respect, but they are under absolutely no mandate to take orders directly from the Council or any of its members. The apparent fact that JoAnn Conner is attempting to direct and even berate individual City employees is a huge violation of protocol and good order. If Nancy Kerry were not to guide the council into taking strong action she would be opening the door for a face off between council members and her own employees – which, long term, the employees would win.

    And to answer the question you might ask: yes, I have, in my distant past, as a supervisor, refused directions from the mayor and/or council persons. Several times. And complained afterwards to the City Manager who “dealt with it.” As it should be.

  125. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 13, 2015


    I have no inside information, nor did I say anything regarding Nancy Kerry annoying her employees, and I did not say that I have heard first hand reports of her (Kerry’s) seemingly abusive treatment of members of her own staff and other City employees. I have witnessed JoAnn Conner’s treatment of her fellow Council Members and of the public at City Council meetings and it is on that behavior which I base my opinion that Ms. Conner has the ability to be abusive and controlling of City staff (or anyone else for that matter). I 100% agree with you that the City staff should not take direction from individual City Council Members (you can’t have a half-dozen bosses), that a Council Member attempting to direct city employees is a violation of protocol and good order, and that the City Manager must and has taken the appropriate action on this matter.

    And just to be clear, after learning from LTN that it was not Ms. Kerry who leaked this information to the press, I withdraw my erroneous presumption that Ms. Kerry had ulterior motives for publicly releasing this information. However, I absolutely believe a power struggle is taking place between Ms. Conner and Ms. Kerry, albeit for a different reason now.

  126. Buck says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Its taken 3 weeks to get more information and this does sound like a power struggle. JoAnn does not like the fact that Kerry is raising the permit fee for signs 700% to 1350%. So the vote on Monday will tell us what the other council members feel about these over the top fees. Sounds like the paid parking fiasco.