Pesticides tied to childhood cancers
By Nicholas Bakalar, New York Times
Childhood exposure to indoor insecticides is associated with an increased risk for certain childhood cancers, a new study has found.
Researchers reviewed 16 studies of children exposed to indoor pesticides, including professional pest control services, indoor flea foggers, flea and tick pet collars, and various ready-to-use roach and ant sprays. The analysis, in Pediatrics, included 7,400 cancer cases matched with 9,437 healthy control subjects.
Exposure to indoor, but not outdoor, residential insecticides was associated with a 47 percent increased risk for childhood leukemia and a 43 percent increased risk for childhood lymphomas. Outdoor pesticides used as weed killers were associated with a 26 percent increased risk for brain tumors.
Here we go again. Another example of how the US fails to protect people by allowing chemicals of all types, to be innocent until proven guilty.
Locally, what was the FS and Valhalla thinking when they closed the historic estates and grounds, to treat with pesticides, the 3 days before the Chataqua at Valhalla? At least they warned us in the paper.
People should be asking questions about the Tahoe Keys plan to pour weed killer into the water.
Monsanto is your friend….
The article blames indoor, but not outdoor, pesticides for causing cancer.
this should come as no surprise…
@Isee…I think it is even worse than that….they will probably petition the government to ‘add a warning label’ and nothing more.
Sorry Rob5…as usual your comprehension ‘skills’ are lacking:
“Outdoor pesticides used as weed killers were associated with a 26 percent increased risk for brain tumors.”
Didn’t even have to click the link to the full article to find it.
Hmmm…You’re right. I skimmed the article and missed that. Thanks.
@rob5-My apologies for being condescending.
Hmmm–Thanks again. We all need to be understanding of each other and understand that mistakes will be made. I appreciate you pointing mine out.