South Lake Tahoe man hit in drive-by shooting


Police are searching for the gunman who shot a 19-year-old South Lake Tahoe man in the leg early this morning.

The victim, whose name has not been released, showed up at Barton Memorial Hospital about midnight Oct. 15. Hospital personnel then called police.

Officers tracked a vehicle in question to the rear of the TJ Maxx center. The suspect fled on foot. K9 units were unable to locate the person.

The shooting occurred near Ski Run Boulevard and Highway 50.

South Lake Tahoe Police Chief Brian Uhler described it as a drive-by shooting. He told Lake Tahoe News it was too early to say if it was gang related. The suspect and victim are believed to know each other.

“The victim gave us some information. We do have some significant leads we are working on,” Uhler said.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (83)
  1. nature bats last says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Oh yippee, gun violence has arrived to our little town, we can all rejoice and thank the NRA for protecting our rights to have a gun for every occasion. My life is now complete!!!!!! F¥€K THE NRA!!!!!

  2. Dogula says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    You might as well save your cursing for our Constitution, Bats. That is where our right to self defense is notated.
    Do you know how many knife attacks there are in the U.K., where guns are outlawed?
    Maybe people need to learn to respect life instead of laying the blame on inanimate objects.

  3. Bigfishy1 says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    So many drive by stabbings they can’t keep count.

  4. Dogula says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Still blaming the weapons. . . So much easier than accepting personal responsibility for anything.

  5. snoplease says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Whoa! There are guns that have sprouted legs and are running around, loading themselves and shooting people randomly in SLT??! RUN!! ATTACK OF THE KILLER GUNS ON THE LOOSE!!

  6. nature bats last says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Doglogic, same ol $#/+

  7. Lisa says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Well I am running to the hills ,Funny if it isnt the Bears its the people ,Watch your back.

  8. K.Clancy says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Which well-regulated militia do the gun fondlers belong to? Of course the answer is none. I would like to see some sensible gun laws that represent the opinions of America’s majority, those not blinded by propaganda and fear.

  9. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Lisa what point are you trying to make by relating bears to this story? I’m not aware of any bears being involved in any drive by shootings OR any physical contact with humans as of late.

  10. dumbfounded says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    The only “inanimate objects” in the attempted discussion about guns are the legislators who take funding from the NRA. Why can’t there just be a rational discussion? The wording of the Constitution is not being followed.

  11. Lisa says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Bears get shot in neighbor hoods ,did you forget ? Now its in Lake Tahoe ,thats my point.Hopefully they get this pig.

  12. Justice says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    The criminal is the one who is responsible for their actions, not anything else except of course the liberals in the justice system that let them out continuously until they do kill someone. Criminal control is needed and sentencing reform for those who use guns in crimes who should be put away. Any new laws not focused on criminal control will affect only those who follow laws, not criminals and gangsters causing the huge increase in crime.

  13. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 15, 2015


  14. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    I see how you meant it now Lisa.

    And Justice, ia a three year old that finds his dad’s loaded hands gun a “criminal” responsible for shooting his parents?

  15. nature bats last says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    The gun worship people are NOT following the constitution, they are taking advantage of a very old and very specific written amendment that reflected the actual time in which it was written. There are people who have guns to hunt, they dont need an AK47 with a 100 ammo clip to hunt a deer. Those types of guns wernt even “invented” then. The NRA has bastardzed the 2nd amendment and it is well known that they cherry pick words to fit their narrow view that there should be “guns for everyone, any kind of gun, for any reason” and IMHO
    that is where the problem begins, and then its a greed issue, then its a create fear thing, then its all the BS about 2nd amendment rights. Its all a bunch of BS and I hope that in my life time the 2nd amendment is repealed and rewritten to fit the times we are in today. I will support any politician or citizen or organization that makes that their focus.

  16. Justice says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    The facts in this don’t indicate a minor involved in a what if which is a guessing game. This isn’t a negligence case or accident. Think of it as a criminal being a criminal who is now in hiding for their crimes. Using criminal control, lock the criminal away and they won’t be in public shooting people or doing crimes anymore, keep letting them go and they will keep doing it until next time they kill someone.

  17. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Bigs…absolutely, and if the liberals in the criminal justice system would only get off their arses and identify criminal tendency based on race, socioeconomic background, education level and religion they could just incarcerate little kids for life before actually become preschooligans.

    What cracks me up about the gunophiles is that they cite protection from a tyrannical gub’ment as their reason for their gunography. If the government were to come gunning for them, so to speak, it would park a tank in their living room.

    It is fear, impotence and hysteria that motivates them, and the NRRe(National Rifle Republican) branch of Congress is more than happy to whip them into a frenzy.

  18. Justice says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    The NRA has nothing to do with criminals using guns in crimes, unlike scary Barry and AG Holder did by arming drug gangs to murder, using the Fast and Furious federal program. The NRA wants criminal control as much as anything and their advocacy is for criminal control and to protect the rights of law abiding people and the Constitution which a majority supports. The recent Supreme Court decision out of Chicago defines the 2nd Amendment as an individual right of self protection and has nothing to do with hunting by the way.

  19. SCTahoe says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    The constitution does not grant me the right to defend myself. Nor does it grant me the freedoms of free speech or to practice religion. I was born with those.

  20. Dogula says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Correct, SC. It merely enumerates them.

  21. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    drug deal gone bad.

  22. Snoplease says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Shall we also interpret the 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th amendments the way we want to see it?? No, we should not. Those amendments are in place to keep our country free. Those amendments to our constitution are in place to keep these ^^^^^ people from trying take your freedom of speech, your right to free religion, your right to a free trial…IT IS WHAT IT SAYS IT IS PEOPLE.

    Guns are here to stay, it’s part of our American culture. GUNS ARE NEVER, EVER GOING AWAY. We can keep blaming the gun, the NRA, the gun shop, the politicians…or we can start looking at the cause/reason of these violent acts perpetrated by PEOPLE, yes PEOPLE commit these acts. Yet no one wants to address how we can try to keep these acts from happening. It’s always the guns fault. I’ve had my suggestions posted here on what to do, only to be attacked as a far right, NRA, Fox News loving “gun nut” which is so far from the truth. So does anybody have some new ideas? Let’s here em? And save me your same old anti gun BS.

  23. Tahoe Local says - Posted: October 15, 2015

    Nature, you should look up the puckle gun, it was invented 73 years before the 2nd amendment was written. It may not be a modern day machine gun but it sure showed people even back then where guns were headed. So using the argument that the 2nd amendment was written for different type of guns doesn’t hold up because I’m sure the founders were smart enough to see where guns were going and they wouldn’t stay as simple rifles and pistols.

  24. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Local…curious as to whether are you planning on using your Puckle gun on Turks or Christians or Werewolves, cuz you know, the kind of bullet you use would change depending on your intended target.

    Snoplease…I agree guns are not going away, so what can be done to make them, and us safer? What we have now is hysteria and rhetoric, from both sides of the issue that stops conversation and paralyzes action. Along with, say, a mental health screening, maybe using a safety with a fingerprint or dna reader and programming it to respond to only one or two people. How about getting a bore sample from every gun produced for a central database? Think about it…cars are fit with numerous safety devices, and in order to own and use one I have to register myself(drivers license), and it(registration, title) I also have to prove that I am fit to drive. We are in a time when we have the technology to make the ‘tool’ safer, less likely to be abused and easier to track.
    I doubt most gun owners would be willing to acquiesce, but I agree we need to have an adult conversation that looks at ways to address the problem of guns going into the wrong hands and being used for the wrong reasons. There is a significant body of research and statistics being made available due, in part to the number of times this has occurred. Perhaps looking at those numbers would be a good place to start.

    Since there is no way to track your older comments, please post them again. Thanks.

    Anyone know how many of the recent, major school shooters had prior arrests or mental health evals that pointed towards their alienation issues?

  25. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    A HOT BED OF COLD CASES!!! Want a list?

    The bottom of this 1,645 ft deep Lake is FULL of bodies.

  26. nature bats last says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Talk to the families that have had their children gunned down at school by guys that have gotten their weapons through any means possible. Whos freedom are more important, the people that shoot and kill innocent children or the people who are now dead? Im sure that a few of the above posters will think its all collaterol damage, however i would bet that when their children or family members are gunned down at church or at a movie they might get pissed off and see this issue differently. Well, at least the ones with souls might, which excludes a few of the trolls on this rag.

    Freedom means something different to everyone. Right to live your life free from fear that is pushed by the NRA is a right ill fight for. £¥(× the NRA and its minions.

  27. snoplease says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Hmmm and Nature,

    Hmmm, I appreciate your level headed calm response. Here are some possible solutions to look into. First, I like the idea of having some type of mental health evaluation. Currently, everyone in California must submit a thumb fingerprint before transfer of the firearm can take place. Maybe we could have some type of detailed paper “psych” exam that is linked to that fingerprint? Second, and a cheap one, to be able to identify these people and have a place to report or refer them to, i.e.-like a suicide prevention line, but like a “gun violence prevention line”. I also think that if someone is diagnosed with a mental illness, the practitioner making that diagnoses must report that diagnoses and they should be put on a “no purchase” list. Biometric gun safes for everyone at a reasonable price, maybe a coupon to buy one at discount?? But the biggest one is some more help for our mentally ill people, they have no where to turn. I come from the medical field and know how that system works for them…IT DOSEN’T. Well, those are just a few of my ideas.

    Nature, try and articulate some solution ideas in this debate. It’s really easy to say “GUNS SUCK” and talk negatively about gun owners. What are your suggestions to help reduce gun violence short of taking all firearms away.

    Thanks all for reading, I hope we can soon have some solutions that meet in the middle for this debate on firearms

  28. nature bats last says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    OK Sno, I think gun ownership and guns in general need to be treated like automobile ownership. The system of information gathering, storage and expectations can be modeled exactly like regestering for a drivers liscense and regestering vehicles. Its a no brainer and would be the first step in keeping track of guns and their owners. If only criminals are the people we have to be weary of (according to the naysayers) than responsible gun owners wont object to this type of regestry. If you have something to hide than it will become known through this process.

    I have no problem saying guns suck and that the NRA has treated the people of our country as fodder for their greed and power. No one can convince me otherwise. Gun worship has taken away the rights of everyone who do not want to live in fear of going to school, going to the grocery store or a movie, of going to work. We are the ones whose rights have been compromised, if you dont believe that talk to a father or mother, husband or wife, friend, anyone who have lost their loved one to gun violence. I dare you…

  29. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    I dare you…?


  30. Sunriser2 says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    I doubt the shooter is a member of the NRA and bet he didn’t obtain the gun legally.

    As to the government controlling guns. What ever happened to the CA state senator from San Francisco who was charged with being an illegal gun merchant?

    He was the most vocal opponent to guns in CA. Kind of ironic don’t you think?

  31. Liberule says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Nature bats sucks. See it’s easy to throw blanket statements at things we don’t like.

    I hope someday the government tries to take people’s guns from them. Just for entertainment purposes.

  32. Dogula says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Also, Sunriser, there’s a great pic of Gavin Newsom with his arm around “Shrimp Boy”, the guy who was doing the arms deal. They look very cozy. Yes, the same Gavin Newsom who is trying to gut the 2nd Amemdment.
    Like he should be making such rules for others??

  33. Dogula says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Bats, don’t live in fear of guns. You’re far more likely to die in a car wreck.

  34. snoplease says - Posted: October 16, 2015


    The registration of firearms you speak of is already in place. Every single firearm (hand or long gun) in CA already has to be registered with the DOJ. California has very strict gun laws. You should read up on them sometime. This blind fear of firearms you have (and other anti gun) is what is keeping us from having a productive discussion for a solution to our problem. Anti gun needs to realize that guns are NEVER going away and I think across the country there needs to be a better discussion on the screening process for purchasing and storing of firearms.

  35. My thoughts says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    “Liverude the troll” comes out from under his bridge to insult as usual. How about saying something constuctive for once?

  36. sunriser2 says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Illiterate peasants in Pakistan make fully automatic weapons with 19th century technology.

    After the disaster of the war on drugs do you really think guns will go away?

  37. billy the mountain says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    See how guns aren’t the problem? They could have been more successful running the guy over. lol ban cars, etc.

  38. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    I still believe guns are a huge part of the problem.

    E.O. Wilson has said “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions and god-like technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.”

    Technological development has always outpaced moral and ethical maturity. Case in point…the Republican Debates. What is lacking, along with manners and a serious discussion of real issues, and social responsibility, is wisdom.


  39. Tahoe Local says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    You know even with car registration and license requirements people can still go steal a car and without having a registration or even know how or skill take that car and drive it into a crowd of people killing them. The problem is not the guns, it’s the people behind the guns. And just blocking all people with mental problems from buying guns won’t solve the problem either as they can just go buy one or two from the local illegal gun dealer on the street (or steal it). We should be focusing on building up our mental health care and installing values in young people.

  40. Janis McKinney says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    I agree since the 80s mental health care has gone downhill . We need to take care of our mentally ill .

  41. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Tahoe Local…you just stated sounds like the paralyzing Jeb Bush/Wayne LaPierre argument, which proceeds to ‘stuff happens’ and ‘if more people had guns, less people would be shot’ and concludes with nothing gets done to address ANY of the issues…gun access, gun violence, mental health issues, the values of greed coupling with the estrangement of a life that idolizes fame even if it is devoid of honor, stripped of any notion of altruism.

    Tell me Congress is going to fund mental health screening(no, Dogula it is NOT the individual’s responsibility to do their own mental health screening. if it were we’d all sanely proclaim ourselves GOD, thereby proving our own insanity).

    Tell me that people possess enough insight to even know how to agree what ‘values’ are without the petty semantic differences devolving them into warfare, much less agree on how to instill them in future generations with any credibility, as we rape the future of resources with our rampant thirst for comfort, money and power and our intentional ignorance of the consequences of what we do…as they watch us do it and lie to them about it(The word mercy’s gonna have a new meaning when we are judged by the children of our slaves’…B. Cockburn). They are not dumb and they are not stupid. And now we GLORY in that ignorance.

    Great sentiment, Local. I agree in all sincerity the quest is a worthwhile one, but until we seriously and collectively look at what is necessary to bring it about I wouldn’t mind an attempt to limit the crazies access to dangerous weapons by screening everyone, and limiting the types of weapons available.

  42. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Tahoe Local… the paralyzing Jeb Bush/Wayne LaPierre argument, which proceeds to ‘stuff happens’ and ‘if more people had guns, less people would be shot’ and concludes with nothing gets done to address ANY of the issues…gun access, gun violence, mental health issues, the values of greed coupling with the estrangement an anonymous life, idolizing fame devoid of honor, stripped of any notion of altruism.

    Tell me Congress is going to fund mental health.

    Tell me that people even know how to agree what ‘values’ are without our petty semantic differences devolving them into warfare, much less agree on how to instill them in future generations with any credibility, as we rape their future of resources with our rampant thirst for comfort, money and power and our intentional ignorance of the consequences of what we do…as they watch us do it and lie to them about it(The word mercy’s gonna have a new meaning when we are judged by the children of our slaves’…B. Cockburn). They are not dumb and they are not stupid. And now we GLORY in that ignorance.

    Great sentiment, Local. I agree in all sincerity the quest is a worthwhile one, but until we seriously and collectively look at what is necessary to bring it about I wouldn’t mind an attempt to limit the crazies access to dangerous weapons by screening everyone, and limiting the types of weapons available.

  43. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    oops…sorry for the double posting…

  44. nature bats last says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Hmmm, well said. At least there is one sane thread on this rag…

  45. Liberule says - Posted: October 21, 2015

    My thoughts: it would be constructive for you to take some college writing courses. Every post you make reads like a 5th grade diary entry. Quit sweating me so hard. I’m NEVER talking to YOU.

  46. My thoughts says - Posted: October 21, 2015

    Liberule do you ever read your own posts? The last two you posted sure look like you are talking to me. As for an education where did you get yours? I have a college degree do you? All you know how to do is insult people is that what you majored in?

  47. snoplease says - Posted: October 22, 2015

    Still no constructive ideas here people, only insults and the same old anti-gun/NRA sentiments. DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY GOOD IDEAS?? How about stopping the insults to each other and writing something bright and fresh.

    Heres some more ideas-Keeping a vigilante eye out in your surroundings. Be nice to someone you don’t know. If you own firearms, get a vault and for quick access at your home a bio-safe that requires a fingerprint to gain quick access to your handgun. I have two at my house. How about education about firearms to the public nationally, safety, handling etc…

    Come on…lets here some more productive ideas

    -Pray for snow

  48. Lisa says - Posted: October 22, 2015

    Liburule Your mad , I and everyone else knows it, Please quit trying to think you are perfect,Its better to be nice to people and show respect always, Why do people like you come on and always think negative?I feel sorry for you.

  49. fromform says - Posted: October 22, 2015

    lisa: do you really think it’s ‘better to be nice and always show respect’?

  50. liberule says - Posted: October 22, 2015

    Lisa: Hard to take anyone seriously when they don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re”. It’s ok though. I doubt YOU’RE a brain surgeon or anything.

    Oh yeah, answer the question… Are you a high school graduate (I already know you’re not).

  51. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 23, 2015

    What is wrong with you people?

  52. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 23, 2015

    Go to your TV’s now…watch thousands of people on foot carrying cold hungry children across Europe…oh YEAH…lets change our constitution so we can live like they do in EUROPE.

    What the hell is wrong with you people? Go home if you don’t like it here.

    GO NOW and STAY there…you f’d Europe up quit telling Americans anything. Real Americans, ones that salute the American flag and are thankful for a decent place to live and raise their children.

  53. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 24, 2015

    Local. “The Puckle gun.” That is your example of the 2nd Amendment somehow approving of Automatic or Semi-Automatic weapons… Really? At best it could fire 9 rounds per minute versus 4 rounds per minute by an expert with a flintlock. Today, we measure semi-automatic firepower in rounds per second; not minutes.

    The 2nd Amendment is talking about Militias. It is a single sentence.

    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

    The first President of the NRA was a General, Ambrose Burnside, and the NRA’s original motto was, “Firearms Safety Education, Marksmanship Training, Shooting for Recreation.” The current NRA motto is from the lobbyist, Wayne LaPierre, which ignores the Militia reference of the 2nd Amendment.

    In 1938, NRA President Karl Frederick said this about The 1938 Gun Control Act, “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”

    In 1963, after Oswald killed President Kennedy with a mail order military rifle, NRA Executive Vice-President Frankin Orth said this in support of a mail order gun sales ban, “We do think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States.”

    Ronald Reagan said this in 1989, “I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth, or for home defense. But I do believe that an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon or needed for defense of a home.”

    Clearly, we are not talking about the Puckle gun here.

  54. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 24, 2015

    Robin. Yes, on the TV people and children are “walking” toward Europe looking for better lives and are not being “dragged” in body bags from semi-automatic weapons fire.

    Officers William Chapman and Leonard Penna were two of the first to arrive at the Sandy Hook Massacre December 14, 2012.

    Officer Penna was the first to enter the classroom with most of the victims of the .223 Bushmaster semiautomatic rifle. Amid the carnage, he found a young girl standing alone surrounded by dead bodies. She was covered in blood and in shock.

    Later, the young girl would tell her Mother, “Mommy, I’m okay, but all my friends are dead.”

    Officer Chapman found a another young girl wounded with a faint pulse. He cradled her in his arms and carried her outside to an ambulance telling her, “You’re safe now, I love you, your parents love you.”

    The six year old girl died at the scene from her wounds.

    As State Troopers flooded into the school, Troopers with young children were warned not to go into the classrooms because the sight of the massacred children was “too grisly.”

    Detective Joe Joudy, a 27 year Newtown Police veteran said this about the massacre, “Words can’t describe how horrible it was.”

    What the hell is wrong with you people indeed Robin.

  55. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 24, 2015

    Rock…I agree…INDEED puts it nicely.

  56. Snoplease says - Posted: October 25, 2015

    Taking all the the rifles away is NEVER going to happen…EVER. Period. It’ll never happen. Even though there are people that think it will. Both pro/anti gunners alike. Yet that is the solution that is always offered. You guys…the government will never take back any rifles or handgun sold already. We can tit for tat on the prohibition of certain rifles and handguns, make stupid new gun laws that don’t work or we can start addressing why people commit violence on one another.

    Hundreds of people are murdered evry day by drunk drivers, EVERY DAY. And we hold those drunk drivers accountable. There is’nt a Brady campaign to take away Americans cars or alcohol for killing those people.

    We’re gonna chase our tails for another hundred more years trying to chip away at the rights of gun owners, and the gun owners again, WILL prevail. Or we can start addressing the root of our American Culture of violence.

  57. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 25, 2015

    Sno. As with other Modern Countries on the Planet, we have Laws against Drunk Drivers and we have modern safety equipment in Vehicles.

    However, other Modern Countries have figured out how to lower gun related deaths by using, as you say, “stupid” gun laws.

  58. snoplease says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    Yeah…we have laws against drunk driving. And people still drink and drive and kill people. And know one is taking away cars or alcohol because people understand its the PERSON who commited the crime. Somehow thats lost when a firearm is involved. No one blames the shooter…they blame the gun. STUPID. So then here we are again full circle, blaming the gun and not the shooter. It’s insane…

  59. snoplease says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    The point I’m trying to make here is that we have thrown gun control as the solution at these mass killings for the past 30 years, and guess what, THEY ARE STILL HAPPENING. Yet our countries solution is MORE GUN CONTROL. Insanity. Were looking for a different outcome with the same solution THAT DOESN’T WORK. So WHEN do we do something else to help prevent these killings, that’s all I’m saying, something different.

  60. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    Snoplease could you point out the specific “gun control” that has been “thrown” at mass shootings over the last thirty years?

  61. Dogula says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    Bigs, the “assault weapon” ban came under Bill Clinton’s administration. Brady Bill. In 1986 it became illegal for any American to buy or sell a machine gun. . . “Firearm Owners Protection Act”. Love the names of some of the bills.
    There have LOTS of Federal gun restrictions in recent years, not to mention state restrictions.

  62. snoplease says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    yes the above assault weapon ban, long gun registration, banning all newly made firearm sales, serial number of the gun imprinted onto the used shell casing,handgun safety certification, long gun safety certification etc…there are tons of them, just look em up online. Its time to try something new.

  63. snoplease says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    The infamous “bullet button”, limiting magazines to 10 round max capacity, no colapsable stocks, no pistol grips, specific rifle lengths, etc… the list goes on, and on, and on

    standy by i’ll shoot out some more

  64. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    “Hundreds of people are murdered evry day by drunk drivers, EVERY DAY.”

    Not in this country.

    Did you make up those figures?

  65. billy the mountain says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    The gun to cars, alcohol, and the combination of them analogy is false because cars and alcohol are not designed to kill. We could try to have more armed people to prevent mass killings, it probably won’t make the difference we need but it is worth a try to shut some people up.

  66. Snoplease says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    Hmmm and billy,

    That’s what you two absorbed from reading all the post about this debate?? Do you two have any ideas to help solve the problem?? And no, I don’t think putting a firearm in every Americans hand is the solution Billy.


    Come on peeps…is that all we can do in this debate?? And as asked before, I have posted many ideas for my solutions in other posts. You can look back in these two popular articles to read them.

    -Pray for SNOWPOCOLYPSE!

  67. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    16000 a year killed in alcohol related crashes…divided by 365…equals 43.8, rounded up to 44. Far cry from “hundreds’, which implies at least 200.

    You’ve been caught making up statistics, and after reading your recent comments about the homeless, I’m done trying to reason with you.

    You have zero credibility. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

    You are a troll.

  68. Snoplease says - Posted: October 26, 2015


    That’s good. You need not post in this debate. You have no ideas to offer, so you digress into name calling and insults.


  69. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    How about this for starts. An AUTOMATIC life sentence without parole for ANY gun related crime.
    Clean up only the bad guys and take those guns off the streets. How does everyone feel about that as a place to begin?

  70. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    You make figures up to justify your position. You have no credibility. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

  71. Snoplease says - Posted: October 28, 2015

    My manslaughter while DWI figures are not made up. And its funny, after everything I’ve suggested on trying to come to a some sort of solution on this problem that’s what’s being challenged?? Why not try bringing some sort of solution to this debate that doesn’t involve any gun control. Anyone with some fresh ideas??

    Time for some new ideas and solutions. We need to be more open to each other’s ideas. Look to solve our problems not by trying to take away people’s rights but by compromise and meet in the middle.

  72. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 29, 2015

    Please, if they are not made up, cite the source. My numbers came from the CDC.

    I HAVE posted suggestions, it actually started what I thought was the beginning of a sane conversation. But let’s face it, the NRA is a huge player in the game that perpetuates the problem.

    Without putting some sort of regulations on weapons and who has access to them, how they function and how they are tracked we will not make serious progress on this issue. It is part of a sane response to an insane situation.

    Rather than chasing our tail looking in every corner, looking for ‘fresh ideas'(which is part of the Rightwing political response spoon fed to politicians BY the NRA), why don’t we address the obvious?

    Again, I invite you to cite your sources regarding the ‘hundreds of murders every day’ comment. Please.

  73. Mountain Dude says - Posted: November 1, 2015

    So your sugestion hmmm is even more gun control? Good luck with that…

  74. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    The term ‘gun control’ has become an umbrella whose meaning has been spun by the NRAssholes to engender fear and to paralyze action. Of course I want more gun control-any sane person does-AND I want the laws on the books to be enforced.

    I find it curious that ProNRA apologist ‘snoplease’ refuses to entertain any perspective that doesn’t require ‘new strategies’ which he/she shoots down(no pun intended) as a matter of course….when my position(and some others here) is that without a fundamental shift in the argument NOTHING will be accomplished. Perhaps we should look at the history of the NRA and how it has turned into the twisted monster that it has become.

    Thanks for wishing ‘luck’, Dude.

  75. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    gun control is hitting what you are aiming at.

    just ask that Cop who killed the Black Kid.

  76. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    “From my cold dead hand” Who said that?

    For the statistics people I give you…

    Mark Twain: “There are three kinds of lies, Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics”

    Herman Cain: Numbers don’t lie, but people that lie use numbers.”

  77. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Some on this thread argue that there is already too much gun control, yet I can walk into a gun show in Nevada and without any ID or background check I can purchase any gun I want from a private seller and walk out the door with my purchase.

    Please point out to me where there is ANY control in that situation!

    Those that equate gun control with gun confiscation are either flat out liars or they are highly delusional.

  78. lou Pierini says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    RS, Moses.

  79. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    “gun control is hitting what you are aiming at.

    just ask that Cop who killed the Black Kid.”

    Nice sentiment, from someone who calls himself a Christian.

  80. Snoplease says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Now I’m pro NRA? Geez…You are completely missing the point that I’m trying to make. Our country has done nothing BUT gun control to help prevent these mass killings. As a country we can keep on trying to add more gun control, we can keep fighting the NRA, we can keep fighting politicians to get new gun laws through legislation. Thats great, I’m all for it. BUT IT DOESN’T WORK, THE KILLINGS ARE STILL HAPPENING. So then…that is why I say it’s time for something new to start happening or we can keep on trying to fight the poloticians and the NRA, and new gun legislation. Thats all I’m trying to say, so keep on with the norm and keep on fighting the NRA, the pro gunners, the poloticians and so on…we’ll be fighting for centuries and guess what…we will be right where we are now. You’ll never win a toe to toe fight with poloticians, pro gun, and the NRA. EVER. I’m sorry that upsets you, I know your all fuming and going to write more BS about me but I’m just being real about this situation

  81. Snoplease says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    But by all means…keep on with your anti gun fight, it is your right to do so. I will keep on with my fight to see if we can help solve this problem in other ways within our society. We will never solve this problem the way it is going, we’ve picked pro-gun or anti-gun to defend our position. And that is not working. People here hate pro gun and other people hate the anti gunners. Mine position is in the middle, to create discussion, to create new ideas and ways of thinking about this situation. Not to call out or yell at people on this blog that do not like guns. Come on board and lets hear some ideas peeps…gotta meet in the middle. No?

  82. Rick says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Snopelease, I am reluctant to get into this debate, as I believe there is simply no possible solution when a segment of society is so obsessed with gun ownership. According to one survey there are 112 guns owned per 100 people, far greater than any other country and much greater then other industrialized democracy’s. So let’s be clear, we do not have gun control. The level of gun violence is tied to the number of guns. Australia figured that out and by passage of some serious gun control (and very much accepted by the public as a whole) and a very serious buy back program, they have effectively reduced gun violence. Keep in mind, a vast amount of gun violence in this Country are perpetrated by people who have not committed a crime and own guns for the most part legally, until they don’t.

    The solution is one of attitude. Having a right to own is gun, does not mean you need to, nor does it give you the right to own certain types of weapons or ammo (e.g., high capacity). Crime including violent crime has steadily declined, yet some would argue you are at risk of being taken down any moment. If you own a gun to hunt or target practice fine, but for the average person, owning a gun because you need to protect yourselves is frankly unsupported by the evidence and is delusional.

    So until such time that we as a society recognize that gun ownership has gotten out of wack and is putting the average citizen at greater risk, we will not get anywhere. That I guess you can say we agree. Other countries have figured out how to solve the problem, and we once again fail to see the obvious.


  83. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    “Our country has done nothing BUT gun control to help prevent these mass killings…”

    You can’t be serious.