Trooper’s killing remembered 40 years later

James Gifford holds up newspaper coverage of his father's death. Photo/Provided

James Gifford holds up newspaper coverage of his father’s death. Photo/Provided

The 40th anniversary of the first Nevada Highway Patrol trooper to die in the line of duty was marked Oct. 14 by those who worked along side him.

Gary Gifford was shot and killed at approximately noon on Oct. 14, 1975.

After robbing the Round Hill branch of the First National Bank of Nevada the suspect was pulled over by Gifford just before Cave Rock. An altercation ensued and Gifford was shot. The suspect surrendered to authorities that evening.

Several patrolmen from that time gathered in Zephyr Cove on Wednesday to honor Gifford and tell stories. Also in attendance was Gifford’s son, James, who was 5 at the time of his father’s death.

The portion of Highway 50 from Spooner Summit to the state line is dedicated to honor Gifford.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (16)
  1. Justice says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    With violent and all crimes on the rise, people should remember and thank those who keep us safe and those who paid with their lives to do so like this brave man who was not forgotten.

  2. billy the mountain says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    “With violent and all crimes on the rise”
    Quantify that statement, back up what you say for once.

  3. Justice says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Do your own work on the net and then you will learn not to be ignorant. Start with the Sacramento Bee and read the recent article on the crime increases.

  4. nature bats last says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Justanass promoting the fear mongering, make everyone afraid so they buy more guns. An NRA wet dream. Do they pay you for your efforts?

  5. Rick says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Justice: I direct you to the FBI crime statistics (the most credible source on the matter). Sorry your wetdream is dry. 2013 the most recent complete analysis and 2014. Do you purposely not rely on evidence or are you simply the fast guy in the slow dumb class.


    In 2013, an estimated 1,163,146 violent crimes occurred nationwide, a decrease of 4.4 percent from the 2012 estimate.
    When considering 5- and 10-year trends, the 2013 estimated violent crime total was 12.3 percent below the 2009 level and 14.5 percent below the 2004 level. (See Tables 1 and 1A.)
    There were an estimated 367.9 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in 2013, a rate that declined 5.1 percent when compared with the 2012 estimated rate. (See Tables 1 and 1A.).

    See 2014:

    Today, the FBI is releasing the 2014 edition of its annual report Crime in the United States, a statistical compilation of offense, arrest, and police employee data reported voluntarily by law enforcement agencies that participate in the Bureau’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. This latest report reveals that the estimated number of violent crimes reported by law enforcement to UCR’s Summary Reporting System during 2014 decreased 0.2 percent when compared with 2013 data. And the estimated number of property crimes decreased 4.3 percent from 2013 levels.


  6. Atomic says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Thanks to the efforts of Troopers like Mr Gifford, violent crime is declining. I have often wondered who Gary Gifford was after seeing the highway dedication signs. Thank you for your service.

  7. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015


    Mark Twain, “There are three kinds of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

    Herman Caine, “Numbers do not lie but people that lie use numbers.”

  8. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    My bad:(

    Herman Cain, NO e on Cain!

  9. billy the mountain says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Justass I was being deceptive. I knew what the trend was trying to bait you in to acting foolish and further harming your credibility. You’ve never directly referenced any source for anything you have said.

  10. Rick says - Posted: October 17, 2015


    you are sad, these are reported FBI stats collected. Trends are pretty obvious, either the numbers are larger or they are smaller. There is nothing to lie or deceive. It is well understood. Look at several years to understand trends which factor out stochastic variations and you can pretty easy see up or down. If you close your eyes wave your hands over your ears, I guess you can believe in anything you want – however, that merely shows how ignorant you are. I choose evidence over perception.


  11. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Me not sad Rick! Mark Twain and Herman Cain are sad according to you.

  12. reloman says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Rick, i dont care how much the decrease has been, they are still too high for me. You maybe statified with those numbers I am very grateful that we have men like officer Gilford who are willing to put themselves in harms way to protect the public. Which is what this article is about.

  13. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    P.S. I do love P.S.’s:)

    FYI: I have Special Education credentials and know all about the ‘slow dumb’ class.

  14. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015


  15. Justice says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Crime as of 2015 is rising and rapidly, the source, The Sac Bee. All other stats from years past are not current. Liberals want you to believe all of the tens of thousands of felons released early are all being good now and went to work, what a farce and lie they are. These felons are for the most part unemployable and they resort to their old ways until locked up again.

  16. billy the mountain says - Posted: October 18, 2015

    When you want to use a concept like ‘rising’ you need a time frame and what is most current is only valuable information because of what happened previously. This is very basic and you need to understand it if you want to be taken seriously.