Letter: Conner knows how to listen


To the community,

John Runnels, Mile Wallace, three good people who shall remain nameless at this time, City Councilperson JoAnn Conner and now me, have, or have had, a target securely affixed to their back side.

I received an email that stated, “Angie harassed, abused and yelled at a city employee and must be banned- the employees need to be protected from her.”This is a lie. Never happened. Not even close, but it sounds suspiciously close to the lies being said and written about JoAnn Conner. Close as well to what has been reported about every other person walking around with that aforementioned “target”.

In my case, I never raised my voice, abused or harassed anybody at the city. I did however use a bad word while discussing the city’s new fee schedule, which raised the cost of a sign permit from $145 to a whopping $878. This is what was said, verbatim, “The city promised to readdress the permit fee in September, now you are saying that the city has decided to adopt the TRPA’s sign ordinance instead? Where did that come from? It would be a huge mistake to throw away our sign ordinance, please don’t do that, the businesses of South Lake Tahoe will be so ______ ( pseudonym for screwed).”

There you have it, one bad word, which I would apologize for, to the person I said it to, but I am banned from the city. Makes me wonder just how many ridiculous lies were generated to discredit JoAnn Conner?

I will not apologize for speaking the truth or speaking out for my customers. Nor should JoAnn Conner apologize for standing up on behalf of the small businesses in our community. She has done a lot of good work for us and, by the way, was voted into office fair and square because she does speaks up. Look, we know how she is going to vote and represent us, she is honest and forthcoming. She is also accessible, something extremely important in a councilperson. In fact, she’s the only council member that called me regarding the city’s new fee schedule, after my letter, after the press letter and after my call to the city attorney. Let me say this again, Councilperson JoAnn Conner read my letter, responded and listened — thank you JoAnn — when no one else did.

JoAnn Conner is an asset to this council and this community, and, I believe the wrong person is being censured.

Angela Olson, Meyers


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (13)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Angela Oloso,, Yes! JoAnn Conner does get things done.
    The burnt up abandoned grow house behind me has been demolished and removed. Thank you JoAnn! OLS

  2. Liberule says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Well maybe you should have grown up at some point and learned to speak like an adult. “So f*%#*ed”? Are you 12? No wonder you were banned.

  3. Kimberly Moore says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    As a small business owner, it is very difficult in this town to be successful with the red tape and changing rules and regulations. JoAnne helped us accomplish a number of items in order to succeed. Our little town needs to support the local businesses that help build a community. Fees, fees, fees. OUTRAGEOUS permit fees for signage. And let’s be honest, we are not all treated equal when it comes to changing, approving or demanding sign changes. Just take a quick drive down 50. JoAnne was a respectful and supportive city resource for us in many respects.

  4. tahoegal says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    I disagree with you and the questions becomes – are you 12. What sheltered world do you live in. Angela was not using this word in an abusive or combative manner, she was stating a fact, using a word to express her point. I word that I hear every day in my work environment. I understand that is in not appropriate language to use in a school or church environment but if you work in the real world, you hear this word. So, I would say to you, get a little thicker skin. We can’t all live if a bubble.

  5. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Anyone who has lived in Tahoe for more than a week understands how this city works.

    Only certain people, people that hide behind closed doors and their families rule, period.

    Good luck

  6. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    P.S. Language??? Go to any school bus stop and listen to the language being used by your little darlings

  7. Isee says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Angie- I’ll say what you won’t. The new sign fee schedule was meant to put you out of business.
    If increases this large were to pop-up in any other sector of our local economy, it would be SCREAMED!- this is a business buster. Because it is- and was -intended to be that.

  8. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    When a civil servant on taxpayer payroll commits abusive misdemeanor and or felonies against a relatively law abiding taxpayer, the civil servant should consider themselves lucky they only got yelled at.

  9. kim moore says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    As a small business owner , it is very difficult in this town to be successful with the red tape and changing rules and regulations. JoAnne helped us accomplish a number of items in order to succeed. Out little town needs to support the local businesses that are crucial to building our community. Fees, fees, fees. Outrageous permit fees for signage for example. Let’s be honest, we are not all treated equal when it comes to changing, approving or demanding sign changes. Just take a quick tour down Highway 50. JoAnne was a respectful, supportive and helpful resource for us while starting our new business.

  10. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Isee…is this the blank page you refer to in the previous post?

  11. My thoughts says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Liberule such a foul mouth Troll you are. Maybe someone needs to wash out that Troll mouth of yours with soap before you get banned.

  12. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Come on Angie-

    I don’t think anyone is taking Conner on because of what she does not do.
    She is an arrogant, insulting, demeaning person to anyone who disagrees with her. Unfortunately that group seems to grow every day.

    Her performance in 2013 in the great plastic Bag flap, which was witnessed by many, was over the top. It has apparently gotten worse, because she has been allowed to be ugly and it seems to work for her, so why should she stop? The meeting to review her alleged new actions will indeed be interesting.

    I do not think you have been banned from the city…. I can’t believe that is even legal.
    Why don’t you publish the email you refer too and convince us.

  13. Sam says - Posted: October 19, 2015

    To Kim and everyone else that claims JoAnn is the defender of small business, she voted the increase in along with the rest of city council. THAT is a fact people, it is public record. She’s lying to you she didn’t stand up against the sign ordinance change.

    Thank you cranky for bringing up her atrocious behavior during the plastic bag ban meetings. It’s like you all just forgot about all the crazy stuff she’s done in public.