Coyote hunt critics try again for Nev. ban

By Jeff DeLong, Reno Gazette-Journal

Opponents of coyote-hunting contests are trying once again to ban the practice in Nevada.

Four critics of what they describe as “gratuitous slaughter” have petitioned the Nevada Wildlife Commission to outlaw a controversial practice that gives cash or other awards to hunters who kill the most coyotes during so-called “coyote call” events.

After a lengthy hearing last March, the commission voted overwhelmingly to deny a similar petition. Critics have prepared a second document they hope will bring success.

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Comments (24)
  1. Toogee says - Posted: November 1, 2015

    This coyote killing contest is simply idiotic on so many levels. Coyotes serve a very important role in a balanced ecosystem. Each coyote averages eating thousands of rodents every year, and a large majority of those rodents are competent/primary host/vector to vector borne diseases. This hunt/contest is nothing more than an outlet for simple minded people that derive self gratification and an over inflated sense of self importance from a senseless blood thirsty act. How pathetic they are. This silly killing derby actually creates a vacuum of alpha male coyotes which in turn physiologically effects and enlarges the sizes of litters a female coyote gives birth to by virtue of more readily available food sources with less competition. Science has shown that these so called “culling” attempts actually has the complete opposite effect and in the long run creates an even larger population of these predators of small animals.

  2. copper says - Posted: November 1, 2015

    Eat ’em or leave ’em alone. Coyotes are more welcome than Republicans in my yard and you don’t see anyone wanting to eat Republicans.

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 1, 2015

    Awesome post, Copper.

  4. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Copper…why would anyone want to eat a coyote or a Republican?

    I’m on my first cup of coffee so bear with me.

  5. Bigfishy1 says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Funny Copper.

  6. nature bats last says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Copper, funny and true at my home as well…

    leave the coyotes alone…

  7. Justice says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    I don’t know if a Coyote would eat a Liberal or starve first, maybe better than road kill but not much. They aren’t fit to eat, so liberals over tax, over spend, over regulate, and destroy formally thriving states and economies, while increasing poverty and debt and massive unemployment and broke social security safety nets and welfare systems. Not to mention increasing crime and releasing felons early to commit new crimes by the thousands while increasing the poor and unskilled and unemployable with open borders. The Coyote is a survivor, unlike liberals who are lost without their store bought plastic wrapped food, and the Coyote will be around for a lot longer time and not much will change that.

  8. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Opportunistic feeders,

    One animal control officer said they found a coyote den with 200 dog and cat collars in it.

  9. Isee says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    My neighborhood has lost it’s coyote population and it is not for the better. The rabbits and rodents are out of control. Next thing you know they’ll be reintroducing coyotes in order to bring balance back.

  10. copper says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Being an admirer of most things coyote and all things Edward Abbey, I’d like to think that there were a few clerical collars in the collection as well.

  11. Toogee says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Robin Smith, I’m not sure who told you that about a den with 200 dog and cat collars, but that is a ridiculous urban myth here in town. Coyotes generally do not have one den during summer months, very much like bears, and live in multiple sites within their home range. Only in winter do they den in one spot as a breeding site. I work outdoors in stream zones and the forest and know quite a few dens around town and have yet to find one collar in any of them.

  12. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    TOO…a neighbor told me that he knew an animal control person that told him that.

    The coyotes around here come into the ‘hood’ and are unafraid. The tourista think they are friendly.

    Unafraid does not mean friendly.

  13. nature bats last says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    When a person chooses to live or recreate or travel to an area where there are wild predators and they knowingly or ignorantly allow their domesticated pets to run and play out doors, well, gee, who is to blame? I say that the pets that ultimately end up as coyote snacks are there due to their owners not careing enough. Also, id rather see an urban coyote in my neighborhood than a domestic cat that goes around eating birds and baby bunnies. IMHO

  14. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    “a neighbor told me that he knew an animal control person that told him that.”

    Your last reply Ms Smith is the textbook definition of the origins of these kind of urban myths.

    My other favorite is the “the squirrels are storing large amounts of pinenuts, therfore it’s going to be a HUGE winter!” In all the years I’ve lived here (the better part of 4 decades) I’ve heard that comment made EVERY single year by MANY locals. And what I’ve observed EVERY year I’ve lived here is that squirrels hoard pinenuts in mass quantities REGARDLESS of the winter that follwed.

  15. nature bats last says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Squirrels that hoard pine nuts, thats what they do, regardless of the weather…

    Copper, dont forget that this friday there will be a viewing of the new Ed Abbey documentary, WRENCHED. At the unity at the lake facility. 7:00 pm

  16. TeaTotal says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Robin Smith-my girlfriends aunts cousin told me that she made enough $$$$ at home on the interweb to buy a maserati with coyote fur seats-yea I believe that-
    Toogee-stop making sense- it forces the low info foxbots to put their fingers in their ears and LALALALA

  17. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 2, 2015


    Too asked where I heard that info about the coyote den/collar numbers.

    I replied simply and after re reading my post, clearly did not state an opinion or claim it as a fact. Just reported what I heard and from where I heard it.

    TY Robin for giving Too the opportunity to clear that ‘urban myth’ up with the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth:)

  18. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Bats…Isee just posted that her neighborhood is over run buy rodents and RABBITs, maybe she can borrow a couple of your feral cats.

  19. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    And Justn@ass comes out of his Meth induced stupor to give his best “chicken little” routine about destruction, massive, broke, crime via open borders copy and paste nonsense. Maybe Herr Donald’s big, large, beautiful wall will make it all better ‘eh. LOL!

    “Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open the borders both ways.” Ronald Reagan

  20. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 2, 2015


    Are your talking about coyotes or what?

  21. copper says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Thanks for the reminder, Bats. Unfortunately I’m stuck in Anaheim – ol’ Ed would definitely not approve – and not certain if I’ll be back in the mountains by Friday.

  22. nature bats last says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Copper, bummer you will miss it. Im sure you will get another chance to see cactus ed. Stay safe.

  23. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: November 2, 2015

    Desert solitaire changed my life. EA was the MAN

  24. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: November 7, 2015

    It really says something for the Nevada Wildlife Commission and Nevada hunters in general that this event even takes place. What a pathetic backwards bunch of people who condone and enjoy killing a beautiful animal for absolutely no use or sport, and purely for the sake of ego killing !
    I hear Banjo music and recon these inbred people are right out of the movie Deliverance ……..