Opinion: SLTPD trying to curb crime spike
By Brian Uhler
The department is deeply appreciative of the support given to the family of Mark Hounsell who was killed, along with his wife, Jeanne, and her friend Laura Fisher, in a motor vehicle accident. They are survived by four children who have been the recipients of beautiful and heartfelt support from the entire community. The fund for the children is now approaching the goal of $130,000.
Brian Uhler
During the latter part of September and first part of October at least five vehicles were stolen from the city. The auto theft series has subsided after our investigations and assistance from other law enforcement agencies has culminated with the arrest of several suspects. One of our newest officers (Davis Spaid) located and arrested one auto thief in the stolen vehicle while still in the city.
Amador County sheriff’s deputies located another of the stolen vehicles from South Lake Tahoe and arrested both occupants. Our detectives have linked these suspects to other auto thefts. Adam Roland now has an active arrest warrant for auto theft.
What can you do? Many of the cars stolen in our area were left unattended with the keys inside. Keep your car locked and do not leave keys inside. We know that many community members like to pre-warm their cars. There are remote start systems which allow the doors to remain locked and any attempt to drive the car would result in the engine stopping. Consider installing one of these systems to avoid being a victim of a car thief.
In October we had two gang-related drive-by shootings. The first resulted in an adult male being shot in the leg by a suspect identified as David Angeles. We believe he has fled from South Lake Tahoe. We are coordinating with federal authorities to locate and arrest him.
The other drive-by shooting occurred on the evening of Oct. 28 when a suspect driving in the 800 block of Emerald Bay Road fired several rounds into a vehicle parked in front of a residence. Detectives arrested 23-year-old local resident Jahem Barton the following day in connection to this case. He was arrested on charges of being an ex-felon in possession of firearm ammunition and resisting arrest.
The South Lake Tahoe Police Department is committed to identifying and arresting violent criminals. If you are involved in gangs, don’t be surprised when we commit significant resources to tracking you down and arresting you.
Issues with winter approaching:
(1) Driving: Allow extra time to drive slowly on slippery roads. Unless you’re in the car repair business, all accidents are bad.
(2) Parking: Don’t forget we tow or cite cars which are parked on public roadways during snow removal times. Keeping cars off the roadways provides for faster snow removal. Also note that the snow removal period can last many hours or even days beyond the first pass. Sometimes people forget about the “widening phase” of snow removal which can be several days after a large snowfall event.
Brian Uhler is the police chief for South Lake Tahoe.
Thank you Chief Uhler for taking the time to update us on what is happening with crime in our town. It seems clear that your officers are focusing on real crime with real victims, something that many communities still don’t understand. Thank you for your service.
Thanks Chief; as Kae knows I have always been a firm believer in the need for law enforcement agencies to find ways to stay in constant and thorough communication with the folks they serve. Your published comments on Lake Tahoe News (and, I presume, other media outlets) are a good start and seem be becoming more and more informative.
Not intending to minimize your efforts, I would be interested in Kae’s opinion, perhaps in dialogue format with you, as to how SLTPD is performing in its need to keep citizens notified and informed on a daily basis in addition to these regular, apparently monthly summations from the Chief.
Keep up the great work chief. We don’t speak up very often but we depend on you.
In September we had our boat and SUP board stolen from beside our residence in Christmas Valley in broad daylight. Ballsy move, yet I should have chained the trailer to car port from which they towed it away.
Many small boats I am seeing are right off streets in front yards awaiting the same fate. Lock them up either by chain or ball receiver lock.
Copper, “Thanks chief, as Kae knows…”I would be interested in Kae’s opinion…”
As a new contributor to this comment section am I to ASS U ME Kae= Kathryn Reed?
The esteemed publisher of the LTN?
This is what happens when ghetto maggots infest our town. We’ve all noticed an increase in those thype of crimes. They just may end up as dead as the ghetto drug dealer if they continue….saving all the taxpayers.
Kits. Comes with “America’s Year Round Playground.”
I must be gettin’ old, but I remember when Jaycee was kidnapped in 1991; very low time for SLT indeed.
They finally found the ghetto maggot, Garrido, that kidnapped her in Antioch of all places.
great article. keep the suggestions coming.
I would hope to see more in the way of ‘teeth’ for both ‘home rentals’ and ‘vacation rentals’ having to vet renters AND holding those renters as being legally, financially held responsible for guests for criminal activity.
Basically , don’t provide a haven for these scum to live or visit here in Lake Tahoe without consequences.
rock: I remember Jaycee’s kidnapping. That was huge for us then. After that, the girl in the tent at El Dorado campground, oh and Crystal Steadman. Those were really bad, but few and further between than the ghetto type crimes we have lately. Make no mistake, this is a result of them invading a once peaceful mountain town. We need a good pesticide for these pests.