Scientists gain understanding of untapped reservoirs
By Amy Miller, KTVU-TV
According to a widely held belief, you can’t squeeze water from a rock. But researchers from UC Berkeley who are trying to better understand where water is stored in nature are challenging that old adage.
After nearly 10 years of studying a steep, 20-square-mile area near the South Fork Eel River in coastal Mendocino County, the scientists have shown that for trees and other plants, deep and highly fractured rock formations beneath the Earth’s surface are a much larger water reservoir than was previously known.
The work to understand the role that “rock water” plays in the hydrologic cycle began in 2006 when researchers from UC Berkeley embarked on a multi-year study sponsored by the Keck Foundation called the Hydrowatch project. It was designed to precisely monitor and measure the pathways of water in Mendocino County’s Angelo Coast Range Reserve as it cycles from the groundwater table to the tops of trees and into the atmosphere.
“We were really interested in learning the fate of precipitation in the land surface,” explains Todd Dawson, professor of Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley. “So really trying to figure out when precipitation arrives at the site, where does it get into the rock, where does it get into the stream, how does is recharge the ground water, how much of it is used by the vegetation, and ultimately, how much of it ends up in the streams and going back out to the Pacific Ocean.”
I wonder how long it will take for some knot head to proclaim that we don’t really have a draught – ” . . . just look at all those rocks.”
Copper. Any time now the Meth Head Science Deniers club will say that this or any Science is an Obama plot to let “illegals” into the country via a Jade Helm Ops or some such non-sense…
Illegals are using millions of gallons of water and millions in welfare, millions in unpaid emergency room visits, millions in prison costs and unpaid taxes, millions in crime victim payments not paid, millions in unpaid free schooling, millions in traffic accidents they aren’t paying, and the list goes on thanks to open border liberals.
Justice, you have illegal worker turrets syndrome.
“There are many ways to debate immigration, but when it comes to economics, there isn’t much of a debate at all. Nearly all economists, of all political persuasions, agree that immigrants — those here legally or not — benefit the overall economy. “That is not controversial,” Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute, told me. Shierholz also said that “there is a consensus that, on average, the incomes of families in this country are increased by a small, but clearly positive amount, because of immigration.”
full discussion:
Yes I am well aware you find evidence troubling and will continue to react reflexively.
Lol. Turrets.
It’s Tourette’s.
YIPEE!!! Another drink thanks to justanass and his redundancy!!!
I like this game
LOL. Thousands.
It’s Billions.
Interesting how their misspelling doesn’t appear to be evidence of a chronic intellectual deficiency. There is a big difference between spell checking a thesis and writing one. Logical fallacies are more of a concern than spelling errors. Peepull who live in ____ doubley wides, shouldt throw _____.
You spell check that for the class, we’ll let little Justy fill in the blanks. Oh no, sorry, the answer isn’t ‘liberal’, ‘Mexicans’.
Sure Justn@ass, “illegals” are using millions of gallons of water to fill their swimming pools and wash their Lamborghinis’s! What a Reich Wing tool. LOL!