Opinion: The younger you are, the less you support free speech
By Michael McGough, Los Angeles Times
Some interesting news from the Pew Research Center about the attitude of American millennials (ages 18-34) toward free speech.
As part of a global survey of attitudes toward freedom of expression, Pew asked respondents if government should be able to prevent people from making offensive statements about minorities.
In general, as befits residents of a country with a First Amendment, American respondents were more willing than residents of other countries to say that “offensive” statements about minorities (not otherwise defined) should be legally protected. Two-thirds said people should be allowed to make such statements in public, compared with a median of 35% among the 38 nations included in the poll.
Too many young people apparently think the Constitution is a digestive tract problem. This dumbing down is really working and the lack of education in the liberal education system is at least largely to blame and ignorance and lack of any interest in history isn’t helping.