Letter: Ask the voters about the loop road


To the community,

There have been a number of news reports about the TTD’s South Shore Community Revitalization Project, commonly referred to as the loop road, where the proposals include the relocation of Highway 50, and the reduction of lanes in the casino core area. If approved, the construction to implement this project, will include the removal of about 75 residential properties in the Stateline area and a number of commercial businesses.

Bruce Grego

Bruce Grego

At this stage additional public hearings are occurring, but I have no doubt that some version of the Loop Road will be supported by the TTD and Nevada chamber. The question is how will the city of South Lake Tahoe respond. Shall the decision making process be limited to additional public hearings and polls? We have seen how government can fail to “read” public opinion concerning important land use planning proposals. How certain was the city of South Lake Tahoe when it implemented the paid parking program a couple of years ago? It conducted a number of public hearings where it interpreted public sentiment in support of this program, this interpretation was supported by City funded surveys. Yet, when offered a choice, nearly 70 percent of the voters reject this project with Measure P.

Paid parking was reversed by the voters in our community and it required that the city take down the parking meters. The loop road, once implemented, cannot be so easily reversed. Once residential and commercial properties are torn down, there is no going back.

The best measurement of public support in our community is the ballot box, not public hearings and not polls or surveys. We need to have this question placed on the ballot. “Shall the city of South Lake Tahoe support the loop road project.” Yes or no. Should we the people make this choice?”

Bruce Grego, South Lake Tahoe


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Comments (83)
  1. David DeWitt says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    I need to know who is getting paid for the right away and what land is being purchased and who is it being purchased from.

  2. Marsha Draper says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    I agree that there should be a vote. I think the cost/benefit analysis is questionable. WHY will this revitalize anything? All of the upheaval takes place on the California side of the state line, but I see no tangible benefit to the town.

  3. Nic Lighter says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    You make a strong case for a ballot measure. I for one will vote no because the loop road as conceived by ttd is a poor use of public funds

  4. Atomic says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    The loop road is a no brainer for a town that needs to be better. The Stateline corridor is this towns last chance to create a central walking/ business area. Folks, let’s face it, we are a tourist town. We simply have to be better than we are. Our fate is such that we have a Federal Highway tearing right through our town. Ugly and noisy. This is an opportunity to mediate the ill effects of this fate. Stop with the conspiracy theories and local petty arguments. Get it done and in 2 years we will forget all of this silliness. There was opposition to the village. Take a look at some of Bill Kingmans before and after photos of this area. Huge improvements, now just needs this final piece .

  5. fromform says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    i believe that as a federal thoroughfare, slt’s ‘main street’ is subject to federal jurisdiction. in addition, the local voter base is so malleable (see parking meter debacle) that special interests will have a field day and the short-sighted ‘good enough’ mishmash will have a foothold…

  6. Slapshot says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Definitely a no brainer.

  7. Steven says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    The only thing wrong with South Lake Tahoe is all the people who are trying to fatten their wallets ! We don’t need more tourists, we don’t need more business, we don’t need more building.
    We need to stop destroying Lake Tahoe with all of the above.
    We need to take care of this town and it’s people and put the tourists last.
    Stop building, stop turning our Mountains into Disneylands, stop growing. Downsize and turn South Lake Tahoe back into a beautiful mountain town.
    Lake Tahoe is the “Jewel of the Sierras” and it is cracking.
    Let the citizens vote. We voted down parking meters, we will vote down the loop road, and we will vote down vacation rentals in our neighborhoods.

  8. Lou pierini says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    How about the hundreds of people displaced, what happens to them? The TTD doesn’t have a funding source, or eminent domain powers or public opinion on their side. Their throwing as much money as they can at it, and it still has no chance at the polls. They can change the name (50 project) see ad, but not public opinion.

  9. Atomic says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    …..turn South Lake Tahoe back into a beautiful mountain town?!!! Exactly which era are you referring to? I have lived here for 25 years and this town is better than it was when I first arrived, by a loooong shot. Again, take a look at Bill Kingmans photos for whatever proof you need.

    You are living in your own ‘ Disneyland’ if you think going back is the answer. Back is UGLY. Forward is being competitive with thriving businesses providing permanent jobs. Time to move FORWARD. Get it done.

  10. Peggy Bourland-Madison says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    If anyone believes that the Stateline Redevelopment is an unqualified success please note that the city was saddled with a nine million dollar parking garage that has lost money (literally millions) since it opened and even after 25 years of loan payments to pay down the debt the city incurred to create the Stateline Redevelopment we still owe 100 million dollars. The ability to repay that debt has become challenging as some property values have declined affecting the incremental tax revenue that was to be available to pay back this debt. The promises of Redevelopment were many including ( job creation, a high –tech- on- demand transportation system, open space lake views, a walk -able village and economic stability ). Promises that weren’t fully realized.
    What the Loop Road promises are ideas worthy of a rigorous debate and if a ballot initiative will inspire our community to get involved and become better informed, then by all means, LET’S VOTE.

  11. reza says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    To Bruce Greggo, what exactly would you propose the language be for a ballot initiative?

    Also, as a advocate of property rights I ask you what about the rights of the property owners. You assume they don’t want to sell, What if they do want to sell? What if the TTD really can build affordable housing? Don’t the displaced have a right to much nicer, safer and more modern dwellings?

    I would like to hear the property owners weigh in.

  12. Steve says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Spot on, Bruce. What do the citizens, voters, taxpayers want? Without a vote at the ballot box, nobody knows.

    Public trust in government at all levels is at an all-time low, deservedly so. Costly fiascos follow one after the other while bureaucrats remain employed to clean up the messes they create and taxpayers pick up the tab.

    There is no fairer way to address this and other important issues than at the ballot box.

  13. reloman says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Peggy, as I understand it the parking garage has been making a profit for the last couple of years since the city refinanced it. Also the loans owed for the Heavenly Village rredevleopement is paid for by an increased TOT of 2% for that area(for a total of 12% and a TID tax of $4.50 Per night). This development areas 10% TOT increase is dramatically over the run down motels that were there before, the average daily rate is easily double from before. Not only that but the sales tax collected from are far beyound what was collect prior construction.

  14. jerry goodman says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Put it to a vote of the people in our city.

  15. Lou pierini says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Reloman, Timeshares don’t pay tot. The city pays for the heated walkways at the village, nice.

  16. Ryan Payne says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    The loop road does not make any sense.

    Why would anyone want to invest all this taxpayer money to create an even bigger ‘transportation crisis’ than we have today?

    How exactly does the loop road affect the transportation issues in South Lake Tahoe?
    Does it fix our streets? Does it clear our sidewalks when it snows? (Oops! what sidewalks?) Potholes.. Curbs?

    Let’s face it: the loop road increases private development for the purpose of increased tourism which, in turn, puts more pressure on our already crumbling infrastructure.

    Has anyone heard of putting the horse before the carriage?

  17. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    “We have seen how government can fail to “read” public opinion concerning important land use planning proposals. How certain was the city of South Lake Tahoe when it implemented the paid parking program a couple of years ago? It conducted a number of public hearings where it interpreted public sentiment in support of this program, this interpretation was supported by City funded surveys. Yet, when offered a choice, nearly 70 percent of the voters reject this project with Measure P.”

    Saying that 70-percent of the voters rejected Measure P is misleading. A more accurate statement would have said that 70-percent of the registered voters who bothered to vote on that measure rejected Measure P, which amounted to approximately 1,700 people that determined paid parking would be eliminated along with whatever revenue that could have generated for the City. I don’t know how many registered voters there are in the City of South Lake Tahoe but I would speculate it’s more than 2,500 people. In regards to Mr. Grego’s statement that the City “conducted a number of public hearings where it interpreted public sentiment in support of this program”, and that their “interpretation was supported by City funded surveys”; it would have been beneficial if all those 1,700 individuals in opposition to paid parking had spoken up during those opportunities, thus influencing that “interpreted public sentiment in support of this program”. That would have saved the City’s taxpayers the approximate cost of $15,000 for that special election. Individuals supporting a vote on the Highway 50 Realignment Project should remember that the City’s taxpayers will be the ones paying the cost in association with an election so that some individuals can state for the record their opinion regarding the ultimate disposition of Federal Highway 50 in that proposed project area.

    I will never understand why so many people want to leave everything the same. Leaving everything the same doesn’t keep things how they were during a time in the past, and no matter how hard one tries you can never go back. Everything ages, deteriorates, and ultimately succumbs, and if you don’t at least try to move forward all that happens sooner rather than later.

  18. TeaTotal says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Government by referendum is exactly the wrong answer for the average So. Lake Tahoe resident- The same group of Douglas Co. ‘investors’ and their south shore allies can turn out the vote for whatever benefits them financially-nothing is ever going to trickle down to locals here in town if people fall for Bruce’s typical ‘profit over people’ liebertarian BS we’ll keep funding the 1%ers at the expense of working families and turn our town into Nevada’s red-haired stepchild-

  19. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    how is the Loop Road going to be paid for that’s the big question?

    how many years will it sit with a fence around it that’s the next big question?

    track record for Redevelopment is not very good.

    a friend of mine still has a letter from the City for first rights to move in to the commercial space at the corner of Ski Run, his business was part of phase 1 in 1989.

    I believe the reality is for the folks behind the curtain to make money and the rest of us to pay for it.

  20. don't give up says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Too bad Bruce is not on the city council. Maybe Hal or Tom or Wendy or Sass will resign and open up a seat.
    I enjoy dreaming but what the heck I can hope.

  21. Dogula says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Teatotaled: It is not libertarian to use government to steal property from one person to give it to another. Get an education.

  22. billy the mountain says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Some people might see that hyperbole as reason to question the education of the writer.

  23. Buck says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    4-mer I have to disagree with you about the city attempt to sell this to the voters. I attended the Ski Run meeting in Dec and the meeting at the Senior Center in May, both meetings the people overwhelmly were against paid parking. The problem was the city did not listen. Now the TDD is doing the same thing, shove shove shove. Also if it becomes a city street now we pay for plowing and upkeep, both of which we are not good at. Look at the streets in front of your houses.

  24. Parker says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Yes, studies and public meetings are not true avenues on how to get to what the public desires. They offer leading questions, plus control the questions and input. And then ways are found to ‘interpret’ the results as a Yes to the already predetermined course of action.

    It would take a real moron, or a very shameless salesman, to have come to the conclusion the citizens of So. Lake Tahoe wanted paid parking. Many tried to tell the City as much. But govt. refused to listen, and they still tried to ram the program down our throats.

    Belittle the 70% vote against Paid Parking as much as one wants. But I guess we should reject any & all votes when there’s not 100% turnout? This would invalidate all elections.

    And for the record, a high turnout vs. low turnout vote only alters results slightly. Say by 1 or 2%, or at the most extreme, maybe as much as, but absolutely no more than 5%. Certainly does not invalidate a 70% result!

    Now as far as this project, of course the people should vote on it! The decision should not be the result of ‘studies’. We’re in a democracy, and this a big impact project on our town.

    I don’t know yet if I’m for this or not? And I also know that the purpose of elections is not to always make the right decision. As they do not always make the right decision.

    The purpose of elections is to ensure the people have the necessary in the decisions that affect their lives.

    So send this project to the ballot box!

  25. Dogula says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Fish, this personal vendetta of yours is kind of sick. If you think you understand libertarianism better than I do, go ahead and make an argument. Otherwise, get on with your life.

  26. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    U.S. Highway 50 is a Federal Highway and it’s certainly a possibility that the Feds may want to realign that section of their roadway which bisects the most densely pedestrian areas of the South Shore so they can help reduce their liability while simultaneously reducing emissions since vehicles would spend much less time idling. I would be curious if Mr. Grego could address the genuine ability of South Lake Tahoe residents in opposition to that realignment to stop the Feds, or if any legal action they may pursue would simply delay the inevitable and be more taxpayer dollars spent at varying government levels?

    For the record I support the Highway 50 Realignment Project, and moreover I support placing massive pressure on the TTD to force them to address the topics of resident relocation and their (the TTD’s) participation in partnerships to construct safe, affordable housing for those individuals in our community that don’t wield power and are presently living in unsafe, slum conditions near the Stateline.

  27. reloman says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    Lou, i do beg to differ with you, Timeshares do pay TOT when they rent rooms to the general public, and these timeshares pay plenty, believe you me. In the month of September Timber Lodge and Grand Residence paid over$100K in TOT. September is not even close to being our busiest month.

  28. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    I want the roads that we have to be in good repair. Before we take property, can’t we fix our existing roads first?

  29. logcabin says - Posted: November 29, 2015

    4-mer-usmc : I attended 2 of those meetings where the city (supposedly) gathered input regarding paid parking. What I saw was them having meetings so that they could cross “Get Public Input” off of their list. At both of the meetings I attended, the majority were VERY vocal in their opposition to the parking meters and plan. It was not us, the voters, who cost the city that money of un-doing it all. It was the city and it’s refusal to listen to the input being given. The same thing seems to have happened with the Meyers plan. It’s worse being present AND ignored – and sadly this treatment often leads to people no longer bothering to try to be heard.

  30. DD says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    Loop through that slum, the quicker the better.

  31. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    You don’t just do a project to do a project. Let’s see what the benefits are.

  32. Isee says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    I’m sorry Reloman but timeshare and lodging properties NEVER pay TOT. Like sales taxes, TOT is collected by the properties and the visitor pays it.
    Concerning the TTD, Carl Hasty said 2 years ago that they had funding through the planning process for the Loop Rd. They get paid to plan and they’re not going to stop until that funding runs out.
    I agree that the voter’s should decide this and the city/county future recreation plans too.

  33. Haddi T Uptahere says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    I don’t believe that Fish,Billy, Prunes, is on a personal vendetta against YOU. Seems to be on a vendetta against narrow mindedness, archaic ideas and just plain mean spirited “me, me, mine” ideology. People who just complain all the time without doing a thing to HELP situations really do become tiresome.

  34. Dogula says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    People who believe that taking something from one person by force to give to another equals charity, are also tiresome. And expensive.
    Calling people names (archaic, narrow minded) when they have opinions that differ from yours is not particularly virtuous either.

  35. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

    “Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.”

  36. materago says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    As Les Wright mentioned a few days ago, a tunnel through Stateline ought to be considered. We could use the existing roadway so no one would be displaced. It could run from Park Ave to Edgewood Golf Course.

  37. Rick says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    I find it interesting that the TTD has been promoting this project for years, while everyone along with the TTD has totally ignored making sure there are bus shelters at each and every bus stop. I am very fortunate to have a car to use, but what about all of our fellow community members that use public transportation? There is no excuse for not addressing this very important issue.

  38. David Jinkens says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    Local Attorney Bruce Grego and other persons commenting on his article raise good points. The problem from the recent discussions of a Loop Road has been 1. Impact on existing residential and commercial properties inside the City limits, not just at state line but on a City-wide basis; 2. Lack of a validated economic impact study describing what it would do to existing City businesses; 3. Cost of the project and how it will be paid for and by whom?; 4. Whether the current City Council will honor past Council’s pledge not to use eminent domain to build a Loop Road; and 5. Whether Caltrans will accept rerouting of U.S. 50 if there is substantial controversy surrounding its construction. .

    The City’s elected leaders should welcome the opportunity to ask the voters of South Lake Tahoe for their opinion on this important project once a preferred option is identified. Let’s hear the voters and respect the fact that this is their community.

    David Jinkens

  39. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    Mr. David Jinkens:

    As a former City Manager for the City of South Lake Tahoe I feel certain that you possess a greater than average understanding of the working circumstances between local, regional, state, and federal government agencies. I’m curious if you could shed some light on the issue of Highway 50 being a Federal highway as related to the genuine ability of South Lake Tahoe’s residents in opposition to a realignment being able to realistically stop the Feds if realignment was what they’d determined they want.

    Thank you in advance for providing any clarifying information on those issues so I can develop a better understanding of this topic.

  40. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    LOOP ROAD: yes please!

  41. fromform says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    4-mer: well put

  42. reloman says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    Issue, you are correct, the timeshares and lodging properties do collect these taxes. But the point made by Lou was that there were no TOT taxes collected in the heavenly Village project. Which was not true. If I was to add up the amount collected, I would bet it would be over a million dollars a year going into city coffers. Lou is correct in that it really should be more because non owners of those timeshares that trade in their weeks st stay there do not pay TOT taxes and they really should.

  43. sunriser2 says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    Do we really want our town to become the next North Star?

    Plastic, sterile, over priced for everything? No one but some ski resort and time share big wigs live there.

  44. spt says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    The loop Rd is the only chance we have for a normal, beautiful downtown locals and tourists can enjoy. Anyone that comes through here comments that there is a noticeable lack of a ‘real’ downtown. I agree that it should not just be another northstar or heavenly village. With proper planning though, getting the main highway out of there gives us a chance to create something we are proud of. Displacing people can never be taken lightly, however, if the property owners don’t oppose, go right ahead. In terms of a vote, I don’t know if the town can be trusted to vote in their best interest… paid parking only charged at places that were mostly tourists (don’t tell me a local couldn’t find their way around parking at the meters), and the money would’ve gone to keeping up the facilities… loop Rd, it’s about time.

  45. Snoplease says - Posted: November 30, 2015

    I think we all can agree that we love South Lake Tahoe. Yes? I can feel the passion and love for our town reading through these comments. Well…our town is in transition to become super awesome, (well even more awesome than it is now) but our city design is a design of the past. The loop road will allow for a better public space for all to enjoy, without a major highway going through it. We ARE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN a popular tourist town. So I think we need to provide a better downtown area for our guests in our town. The final phase of road construction will be completed next Summer and we will have sidewalks (that the City should plow) with lamp posts from the Y to Stateline. We have Lakeview Commons, the Y redevelopment next Summer, the new greenbelt from Myers, a world class BMX Freeride bike park and hopefully a killer new rec center is in our future. These are all new and great things for our city folks.

    Our city is changing for the better, the loop road is part of it. So if there is a vote on the loop road…LETS ALL VOTE YES FOR IT!

    Keep Praying for Snow!!

  46. Whip says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    In one of Bill’s before and after pictures it showed the huge fire scar on the mountain behind the Stateline area that was a direct result of the ‘progress’ down there from someone throwing a smoke out of the new gondola. I’ll never consider that area of SLT to be “downtown”, I really have little to no use for over priced tourist trap type stores, eateries, and galleries.
    So after some businesses are removed along with some housing, things are torn up, and large amounts of money have been spent, what we’ll have left is the same thing only two lanes rather than four?(and the loop road). And the two lanes will be wider for safety reasons, the sidewalks will be wider, and they’ll add some benches, trees, and flower boxes. This is what is so exciting and a reason to declare it “downtown”? Please.
    I vote no.
    All this money to throw around and we can’t get Christmas decoration put up from the Y to Stateline? This place should look like a winter wonderland this time of year, it’s our bread and butter! I can’t think of a town that doesn’t look better than ours when it comes to decorations, snow or not.

  47. reloman says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    snoplease the road reconstruction wont be done until at least 2017 as they wont even start the portion from the Y to trout creek til spring of 2017. Whip I agree decorations on light post along the 50 would be great but unfortunately Caltrans wont allow decorating them.

  48. Dogula says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    CalTrans won’t allow Christmas decorations?? I wonder why not?
    Minden/Gardnerville have lovely decorations all along Hwy 395 and it’s very festive along the side of a major interstate.

  49. Liberule says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Yes. Put it to a vote. It will lose garaunteed.

  50. Robin Smith says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Tea?! “….going to turn South Lake Tahoe into Nevada’s red-haired step child.”

    The Nevada side says you are trying to turn Stateline into California East.

    As a natural red-head I take exception to that comment. Make your trouble blonde…a natural if you can find one.

  51. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Whip said: “This place should look like a winter wonderland this time of year, it’s our bread and butter!”

    At the top of this page there is a reference to the “Light Up South Lake Tahoe” event scheduled to take place on Saturday December 5th encouraging all business owners on Highway 50 from Stateline to the Y to decorate their store fronts for the holidays. Perhaps this year more Highway 50 businesses will take some initiative to make their town look more like a winter wonderland since as Whip said, it is their bread and butter. Governments use of tax dollars can only do so much, and after that business and community members need to step up.

  52. Snoplease says - Posted: December 1, 2015


    You are incorrect about construction. It will begin this next Spring 2016. And Whip if you don’t like the area, don’t go down there. Simple. And why do you care what happens down there if have such animosity for the Stateline/Downtown area? Such negativity over wanting to make our city better. Whether anyone likes it or not our city is changing for the better. And its about time.

    There will be a public workshop tonight for anyone wanting to voice their calm opinions. I say “calm” because there are some on here that come to our public meetings with a buzz on, big fat bellies and a super size drink from McDonalds in their hand. (you know who you are) I wonder why you out of shape, old grumpy a#@holes even come to these public meetings, to just rant and rave and be out of order. STAY HOME! And let us get down to business of making our town better.


  53. Dogula says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Hah! Classic! You want people who you find physically unattractive to shut up and stay home so you can take control of what happens in the city (with other people’s money, of course).
    Because looking good is everything, right?

  54. Steve says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    When the new streetlights were recently installed on Highway 50, the City added and paid for an exterior electrical outlet on each pole, costing several hundred dollars each, so lit displays like holiday lights could be added.

    Where are these holiday lights, when will they be installed?

  55. Kody says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Watch what’s happening with Fanny Bridge to get an idea of what’s in store on the Loop Road. Our federal tax dollars will pay for most of it but the feds said they won’t pay for it if the locals don’t want it. TTD & TRPA worked hard to convince the feds that the locals do want it (writing off the opposition) and that it will help reduce congestion although the facts say otherwise. The feds are being convinced by our local agencies, not the other way around. TTD and the TRPA want the Loop Road. Watch out SLT.

  56. SCTahoe says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    I vote yes. And the Fanny Bridge realignment is a good idea as well. Traffic through Tahoe City is horrible.

  57. lou pierini says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Lets hope Fanny Bridge doesn’t get the Fed. dollars it needs. TTD is doing it because of the Homewood project, and the Squaw project. The outcome is the traffic will be worse than it is now because of these new developments and more development to come.

  58. reloman says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Snop, according to CalTrans district 3 website, construction from the Y to Trout Creek wont start construction until Spring 17 and finish winter 19.

  59. David Jinkens says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Dear USMC thank you for your question. While we are dealing with Federal, State, Regional, and local governmental entities, the City Council has a powerful voice in this entire process since most of the road is in the City limits.

    Yes, Highway 50 is a Federal Highway managed by Caltrans in California. In order to reroute Highway 50, to the best of my understanding, a few things would have to happen: 1. The existing route near Heavenly Village would have to be abandoned as Highway 50 and the street accepted by the City; 2. Caltrans would have to approve the new route; 3. Property would have to be acquired for the new route that would likely require forced acquisition if property do not sell voluntarily; 4. TTD would have to have the money to pay for the project. 5. If property owners do not voluntarily sell, then either the City or Caltrans theoretically would have to use eminent domain to force purchase, not something that has has always worked well here. 6. The former Caltrans District Director told me that Caltrans would not use eminent domain; 7. The past City council said it would not use eminent domain; 8. TTD does not have the power of eminent domain in the City; 9. The past position of Caltrans is that the Highway 50 route in the City limits is a local matter not one for them or Feds to mandate; and 10. If the City Council or voters of South Lake Tahoe disapproved of a Loop Road, the road cannot be built inside the City limits.

    In conclusion, the City Council and voters of South Lake Tahoe have a lot of power in this process if they choose to use it once all facts about the project and preferred option is known. This is our town not their town. Local government and the people have power.

  60. liberule says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    The TRPA needs to be disbanded. Slime.

  61. LeanForward says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    This city needs change bad. I see more loop road supporters than not, but perhaps it’s the people I hang around. I’m a young person, who desperately wants change for this town. I look around and I see the downtrodden buildings, the drugs, mental health problems, and affordable housing issues. I want a better tomorrow, for my kids, and for my self. I wan’t a town that thrives.

    We won’t get there if we don’t try. Big plans, require big moves. And yes, its uncomfortable. Failure is scary, it could impact many lives. But fear of failure isn’t a reason not to try. (Clearly I’m for the loop road. as are many others.)

  62. lou pierini says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Dave, Well said.

  63. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    building the pedestrian zone thru the Casinos will only further the Prosperity Plan.

    I don’t believe it will do anything for Ski Run the Y or Meyers, that’s were the stepchildren live.

    old Hal and the Team are afraid to put it to a vote, it will end up like the Parking Meters.

    the other thing to be of concern is how well they pull this off, it is sure to become a Dead Horse.

  64. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Dear Mr. Jinkens:

    Thank you very much for your reply. While I have already heard items 1 through 5 and items 7 through 8 to which you referred, I have never heard a Caltrans’ representative state on the public record any position on the use of eminent domain regarding a Highway 50 realignment (item no. 6); or state on the public record that Caltrans’ position is that Highway 50 in the City limits is a local matter and not one for them or the Feds to mandate (item no. 9); or that if the City Council or voters of South Lake Tahoe disapproved of a Loop Road that the road could not be built inside the City limits (item no. 10). I don’t possess the same surety as you that the City’s voice has the degree of power in this process which you have suggested, but I also haven’t had information shared with me by current or former high ranking Caltrans’ representatives.

    Could you please provide confirmation that the information you reported regarding items 6, 9, and 10 were communicated to the TTD and at what time that occurred. Having that information would persuade me to make inquiries to TTD District Manager Carly Hasty.

    Thank you in advance.

  65. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    That should say Carl Hasty and not “Carly” Hasty. I apologize for the typo.

  66. Steve says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Looks like TTD is spinning its wheels. Churning through mountains of cash and Styrofoam coffee cups til the lights finally come on. Until this goes to a vote, nobody knows if the local community wants this or not.

  67. J says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Um, whats wrong with the loop road that is already comitted to pavement?

  68. Dogula says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    J, the current loop road requires no extra government money to spread amongst the cronies. We’re talking BILLIONS of tax dollars not being spent!
    Stop making sense.

  69. J says - Posted: December 1, 2015

    Yes exactly, if it’s not broken don’t fix it, I use the loop road all the time, it’s really not that busy to me, I’m not getting this. Is this going to potentially be another Coles Hole bottomless wasted/scrim/ebazzelment/fraudulent money pit?!
    Yeah folks I don’t trust any of these so called officials, it will all be done behind close doors, closed sessions, on and on of bad corupt dealings. Sorry I can’t help how I feel and what I have seen and witnessed with own eyes for the past 52 years of living here. Anyone want to challenge me?!

  70. Kody says - Posted: December 2, 2015

    SCTahoe: The Fanny Bridge Project will not help traffic through Tahoe City. They just started a separate study of what’s going on in Tahoe City although people asked them to do that BEFORE spending $33 million of our tax $s on the new bypass.
    California is trying to move away from expanding highways because they now know it only increases traffic in the long run. Same thing will happen with the Loop Rd.

  71. SCTahoe says - Posted: December 2, 2015


    the traffic in Tahoe City is horrible and a direct cause of the traffic lanes through the city being reduced. They just finished doing the same thing in Kings Beach. A total traffic nightmare.

    The Fanny Bridge project will absolutely reduce traffic through that area. If you drive through there in the summer you don’t need a study to tell you that.

    Last, for me the loop road is less about traffic congestion and more about making the stretch through that area much more pedestrian and user friendly.

    The arguments that the loop road will hurt business doesn’t add up since there is no parking through there now. As for needing to tear down some of the homes in that area. I think waiting for them to fall down is a much worse idea.

  72. Snoplease says - Posted: December 7, 2015


    Yes, I absolutely think the nay sayers (huge bellied, drunk, and carrying their McD super size drink) should shut up up at the meetings. They are out of order and just a bunch of NIMBY’s. Its super annoying…they have no solutions except to cry and moan. Our town is changing for the better and you’ll be long gone by the time my kids will be teaching their kids to how to enjoy and protect Lake Tahoe.

    So maybe next time dog, why don’t you leave the Big Gulp at home when your at the next meeting

  73. Sam says - Posted: December 8, 2015

    God help us all if this Gin Blossom gets elected in 2016.

  74. BigFishy1 says - Posted: December 8, 2015

    I hope they build this road as fast as possible. I’ve been waiting over 30 years for this project to happen.

    It’s time to start spending lots of money on this town and make it prosperous.

  75. Dogula says - Posted: December 8, 2015

    Ah, Snoplease, yours is the only opinion that matters. Your environmental concerns about the future trump the rights of anybody who lives, works, or owns property here now. We need to sit down and shut up so you can get on with YOUR agenda.
    Funny how all the no-growthers have so many kids. . .

  76. Robin Smith says - Posted: December 8, 2015

    Dog…”Funny how all the ‘no-growthers’ have so many kids.

    FUNNY??…’splain’ that please.

  77. Dale says - Posted: December 10, 2015

    An issue that currently is being blatantly ignored is the current plight of any individual owning property that may be razed or otherwise directly affected by any of the currently proposed versions of the loop road. I own 2 well maintained properties that are directly affected. If I want to sell them I must disclose that they may not be around in a few years because of a “potential” highway realignment. My prospects of selling just went to a little above zero. At a TTD meeting I attended concerning “public opinion” the TTD had a land utilization lawyer attend to answer questions. His legal advice said that because I cannot sell it on the open market because of the “potential project” the TTD is required to purchase the property since their actions are making the property unmarketable. I then asked the TTD to purchase my property at fair market value since no one else would. After much shuffling of feet and embarrassed looks around the table they admitted that they do not have the money. I do not believe the situation has changed.

  78. Tahoed says - Posted: December 15, 2015

    The few old grumpy, huge bellied, big gulp toting malcontents who appose and condemn the project and have nothing better to do but rant and rave on any issue in these or other forums that might have to do with what they think is a government conspiracy takeover do not represent the majority of this community who care about the future. These are the same hypocrites who gladly cash or will cash their SS checks every month and accept free health care through medicare.

    For those who don’t ever use the village- seriously? You never go out to the movies, have a beer or dinner at basecamp or any of the other places to eat and take in some live music? Ski? Just hang out and people watch? You must be over the age of 100 or brain dead or both. The loop road realignment is not only for the business owners and tourists, it is desperately needed and wanted for and by the locals who call this place home and want to improve it for themselves and future generations.

    This project will inject new life into an area that has so much more potential but suffers from a major highway cutting through its core. The realignment will facilitate less traffic, pollution, allow special events such as concerts, sporting events, arts and crafts fairs or other community oriented events like a farmers market, to take place where they should be- in the core village, like every other properly planned mountain town instead of in a dirt parking lot somewhere. It will also allow more pedestrian and bicycle use and contribute to more interaction between people and community, which is sorely needed. More restaurants and businesses will open to the expanded sidewalks and we could eventually see something on the scale of what Boulder, Park city or other world class mountain towns have achieved. The momentum will spill over to the north side of 50 and help jump start the redevelopment in this blighted area. Hopefully the casino owners will wake up and crash out the hermetically sealed walls that close off the buildings to the outside fronting hwy 50 and reinvent, recreate what is now essentially a dying business model. People do not come to Tahoe to gamble anymore, they come to play in the outdoors, ski, hike, kayak, paddle board, fish, golf or take in a concert, and might drop a few dollars in the casinos while they are here for these other activities.

    The back side loop road is already there and just needs to be expanded and round-abouts placed at either end. As far as how this will effect property owners who will be displaced? You should be so lucky as to have fair market value offered for an area that is basically a slum. You might be in limbo until the appropriate funds are allocated to do this but if anyone should be on board to get this project up and going it should be you. It’s the only real hope you have of ever getting anything reasonable for your property. This project will essentially kick start redeveloping an area that is now basically a ghetto and is long over do.

    People come to this place from all over for its natural beauty but I always hear the same complaint- that the town core or village is seriously lacking in both function and appeal. Lets stop the fighting and bickering and get on board to move forward as fast as possible with this project. The studies have already been done decades ago, the funding will mainly come from the feds and overall it will cause minimal disruption in relation to the massive benefits this will bring to quality of life, an improved environment and prosperity for the area.

    A recent poll in the tahoe daily tribune had 83% approval for the project, so go ahead and waste more taxpaying dollars to have an election on it, but it will most likely go forward.

    Below is a link to a multi million dollar study that was done years ago, please read it and educate yourself. It is quite a large PDF so will take a while to come up.

  79. Elvis says - Posted: December 16, 2015

    Well said Tahoed

  80. WQ says - Posted: December 28, 2015

    Parking meters never should have been removed. Voting on this type of thing is great but only if there is a required voting turnout of ~75% of the eligible voters.

  81. fromform says - Posted: December 28, 2015

    tahoed: double yup

  82. Bubba says - Posted: December 28, 2015

    WQ, do you think we should have had a 75% required eligible voter turn out for Measures G, R, S & L? Should we have a require 75% eligible voter turn out for anything that raises taxes?