Why U.S. cops kill more than European counterparts
By Paul Hirschfield, Rutgers University
Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke was charged with first degree murder November 24 in the death of Laquan McDonald. A video released by police shows Van Dyke shooting the teenager 16 times.
Van Dyke is an extreme example of a pattern of unnecessary deadly force used by US police. American police kill a few people each day, making them far more deadly than police in Europe.
Historic rates of fatal police shootings in Europe suggest that American police in 2014 were 18 times more lethal than Danish police and 100 times more lethal than Finnish police, plus they killed significantly more frequently than police in France, Sweden and other European countries.
Bringing up the example of Michael Brown and Darren Wilson shows this so called professors bias and lying.
Pathetic and demonic at best and fascistic at worst.
don’t give up,
This article lays out the facts of “American exceptionalism” as far as the insane amounts of police violence compared to the rest of the civilized world. I don’t understand how any cognizant human being could interpret these indisputable facts as “Pathetic and demonic at best and fascistic at worst.”. That’s a complete disconnect from reality that defies explanation. I’ll bet you’re a big George Zimmerman fan too.
Gosh, perhaps America has more weaponry then Europe and that is why the typical American Cop is quicker to pulling a piece. While the NRA says to pray and buy more weapons.
The problem with the left is letting out the serious violent criminals over and over from jails and prisons and increasing crime instead of having them where they belong. I would like to see the percentage of armed felons and gang members compared to the EU and It is probably not even close, there are far too many illegally armed criminals in this country who are dangerous to all and they use stolen and smuggled guns in their crimes and they aren’t decreasing. The vast majority of our law enforcement deserve and have the respect of the people. And as seen in San Bernardino, they are the first line of defense and protection and deserve the thanks of the country for a job well done. The leftist attack on our police is wrong and dangerous.
Not that the author isn’t making valid arguments, but, the population of Europe is a little more than twice of this country. Maybe the author should have stated numbers of a European country in percentages instead of volume.
Justanass YAWN
Justn@ass. Your Reich Wing Nazi Boot lickin’ Meth Head buddies are the problem!
From a Wall Street Journal Review in 2014.
Top 10 most dangerous States in America:
1 Tennessee
2 Nevada
3 Alaska
4 New Mexico
5 South Carolina
6 Delaware
7 Louisiana
8 Florida
9 Maryland
10 Oklahoma
Just a day ago, some guy in South Carolina was driving around selling Hydrocodone with 29 Weapons in his car; at his house, they found 5000 weapons.
The Mass Killers in America are NOT using stolen or smuggled weapons to bloody our streets, they are going down to stores and buying them, EVEN IF THEY ARE ON THE FBI NO FLY LIST!