Brown critical of Nevada’s gun laws


By David Siders, Sacramento Bee

LE BOURGET, France — Gov. Jerry Brown said Saturday that “wide open” gun laws in Nevada and Arizona are a “gigantic back door through which any terrorist can walk,” while he was noncommittal on efforts to strengthen gun control measures in California.

Brown, arriving in France for climate talks after the mass shooting in San Bernardino this week, called the shooting a “terrorist attack.” The guns used were purchased legally in California before being modified, authorities have said.

Asked if stricter gun control laws were warranted, as some activists have argued, the fourth-term Democrat replied, “California has some of the toughest gun control laws of any state. And Nevada and Arizona are wide open, so that’s a gigantic back door through which any terrorist can walk.”

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Comments (14)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: December 5, 2015

    The left will always be able to come up with excuses for why their policies fail. And they always will fail, regardless of how many regulations they impose and how many rights they violate.

  2. Rick Hopkins says - Posted: December 5, 2015

    Dog, this is not a right or left discussion. America leads the world by a lot (and trust me this is not a good thing) on gun deaths. How is it the rest of the democratic world has figured this out and we continue to be stupid.

    Gun deaths are highly linked to number of guns owned. We make up 5% of the world population and own 44% of privately owned guns. Countries with lower gun ownership and meaningful gun laws have lowest incidence of gun deaths.

    In this country, the top 20 states (40% mind you of all states) that lead the nation in gun deaths just happen to be conservative states with relatively lax gun laws (18 red 2 purple). If gun deaths occurred randomly throughout the country, it would be nearly impossible for the top 20 to be tied to high levels of gun ownership and lax laws, unless that were a guy driving factor. Guns makes us more at risk not less.

    So we as a society need to grapple with solving this and joining the rest of the world in the 21st Century.


  3. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 5, 2015

    “And Nevada and Arizona are wide open, so that’s a gigantic back door through which any terrorist can walk.”

    Of course, because Ovomit refuses to control our borders so anyone and everyone can slither in. Brown invites all illegals into Cali-Lib-Mexico and refuses to control our border. This whole country has become a “back door”.
    Ovomit is a terrorist sympathizer and Brown, is just a senile old goat.

  4. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 5, 2015

    “Guns makes us more at risk not less”.
    Hey Rick, go tell that to the unarmed French who were killed and don’t leave out the part where people WITH guns neutralized the pukes. Then go tell the people of San Bernardino the same blah, liberal blah, liberal blah, and don’t leave out the part where people WITH guns neutralized them as well.

    You live in fantasy-land, just like your president.

  5. Dogula says - Posted: December 5, 2015

    Yeah, why bother enforcing existing laws when you can make new ones targeting the people you’re sworn to protect and defend.

  6. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: December 5, 2015

    I challenge the state of california to a session in court against their piece of crap social service agencies. Maybe that’s why the people in so cal used ammo, woosie lawyers who won’t take on a s— hole government in court.

  7. copper says - Posted: December 5, 2015

    As soon as these gun proposals include gun safety education in our taxpayer supported schools so that Americans, the majority of whom support gun ownership by private citizens and will no doubt continue to do so, can insure that their children handle guns properly (and, since gun safety education has been lacking in recent years, perhaps learn something themselves) I’ll begin to take them seriously. Until that happens, I’ll continue to see them as the caterwauling of an ignorant social minority (and its favorite politicians) that has no knowledge or expertise to back up its opinions.

  8. Rick Hopkins says - Posted: December 5, 2015


    Paris was quite sad and tragic. The frenchman or women is still way less likely to die from a firearm than an American (by a whole lot), even with this tragedy.

    Since 1776 1.2 million Americans have died in all wars.
    Since 1968 1.4 million Americans have died from gun violence in the US

    400,000 Americans died in WW2
    400,000 Americans died from household firearms since 2001

    3,400 Americans who have died by Terrorism since 2001
    3,400 Americans who have died by firearms in the last 5 weeks

    Again, low gun ownership is strongly tied with low gun deaths – not at all a surprising statistics.

    Gun owners have to hold dear the belief, of hey if everyone in the whole theater owned a gun, we would be able to kill the perp and no one else would die – no really- NOT.


  9. Rick Hopkins says - Posted: December 6, 2015

    Kit you ramble with no evidence. The Federal (under Obama’s leadership), State and local law enforcement in recent years have done an amazing job in targeted and breaking up terrorist plots (both foreign and domestic). More Americans (as Chris Rock noted) have been killed by Al Cracker then Al Qaeda (or ISIS inspired). So I guess Obama should be slighted for not bombing strongholds of Southern Confederates.

    Do you have any clue of the huge law enforcement capacity (hiring 500 new staff this year alone) employed by NYC targeting terrorism alone? Have you been to the NYC since 9/11? Similar programs are in Chicago, Boston and SF. In general its been pretty effective.

    Most mass shootings are not done by criminals, but by law-abiding citizens (until they weren’t) who acquired guns under current gun laws. In fact virtual all mass shooters are US Citizens, or arrived here legally. The border is not the issue.

    So you can continue to convince yourself we just need to own more guns (if that is even possible) not fewer (yeah war zones are sure safe) and the low gun deaths in all other rich democracies with low gun ownership is simply an anomaly – no really it must be. Talk about senile – simply look in the mirror.

    Another fact for you. White males account for 32% of the demographics of the US and yet own 62% of the guns. Blacks and hispanics per capita own way fewer guns then white males. Blacks and hispanics also are more likely to feel unconformable in a house with a gun than a white male.


  10. Justice says - Posted: December 6, 2015

    Moonbeam IS the problem and the one who needs to be accountable. Yes they don’t want to admit liberal failures or the facts of the latest attack to get in the way. The liberal “let the prisoners out” and the ridiculous untracked Visa and immigration system and open borders is the criminal problem and the criminal magnet as is the fake refugee program liberals use to bring them in that a vast majority oppose. It is time for major liberal defeats in every election and new conservative nationalist leaders who take our nation’s security seriously. The last eight years have been the biggest joke in history and a massive failure in every respect.

  11. billy the mountain says - Posted: December 6, 2015

    DRINK! x4.

  12. nature bats last says - Posted: December 6, 2015

    CHEERS Billy!

    Gun worship idiots are women with one and men who are trying to have a bigger one. Either way, loosers the lot of them, IMHO.

  13. james D says - Posted: December 24, 2015

    I would be willing to bet that the crime rate is much lower in Nevada and Arizona too, than it is in CA. Or
    any other state that is choking on gun control laws.
    Any takers?

  14. Rick Hopkins says - Posted: December 24, 2015

    James, it took me 30seconds to find the information. Maybe you should do so next time instead of embarrass your self. Nevada has a much higher violent crime rate (per capita) then does California, and Arizona is a bit higher.

    Also, the top 20 states with the highest gun deaths per capita are all conservative states. 18 are red states (and yes Nevada is one of them) and 2 are purple states. BTW, Nevada is #16 and Arizona 14. California is not in the top 20.

    This is way to easy, come on guys try and make it hard.
