Calif. cops on the prowl for drunken drivers
As part of the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign period, police, sheriff and the
CHP will be deploying DUI checkpoints and DUI saturation patrols now through Jan. 3.
El Dorado County DUI Coalition reminders everyone to follow these tips:
• Plan a safe way to get home before you attend the party. Alcohol impairs judgment, as well as reaction
time. If you’re impaired you’re more likely to choose to drive drunk.
• Designate a sober driver; take public transportation, a car service, or a call a sober friend of family
member to get home.
• Walking while impaired can be just as dangerous as drunken driving. Designate a sober friend to walk you
• Use your community’s sober ride program.
• If you see someone you think is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them get home
What a joke!!
Hope to see their pictures on the front page of the paper doing nothing but clogging up traffic. I bet some grant money for overtime is the reason they’re on HWY 50.
What damage could someone at .08 do crawling along HWY 50 at thirty compared someone at .15 racing down residential streets at 50MPH??
A Boy Scout with a sharp stick and a whistle could catch dozens of them speeding drunk down the side streets around the Y.
“….• Walking while impaired can be just as dangerous as drunken driving.”
Really? How many deaths have drunk pedestrians caused? Any figures on that from the CDC?
We did have a girl die because she froze to death while intoxicated walking back from SnowGlobe. I think you are missing the point, and are probably part of the problem. Booze/drugs+snow/ice= death/danger for yourself and others. Call a damn cab or car service.
Oh my. I see the warm and kind spirit of Christmas is being exercised herewith. May peace be with you all. Watch out for the other guy.
Aw, c’mon, give ’em a break. They’re good guys…
As you’ll notice there are no warnings NOT to drink – as though it’s not even an option. People, Law Enforcement is using DUI fines to pay city/county salaries and benefits so they have a lot of incentives to give you a ticket and a trip to the local jail/prison. So go ahead and drink-up and volunteer to ruin your life.
If just one life is saved by getting a drunk driver off the road, well than its worth it IMHO. people know the rules. If they wanna take the risk and they get caught, well tfb.. thank you to our local law enforcement patrols.
“If just one life is saved. . .”
How come you don’t say that about abortion?
Dog, because you conflate embryo’s with start of human life. Not all religions rely on your definition of the beginning of a human being. Many Christian denominations do not agree with you, much of Judaism does not agree with you, as do many other world religions do not agree with you. Some do, many do not. If you do not believe in abortion then don’t get one.
I am unaware, of any religion (at least a major world religion) defining someone who has been born as not being a human being.
That is the difference, but clarity is something you do not understand well.
I am happy to see the CHP do anything and everything they can to take drunks off the roads. Thank you.
Bite me dogzilla….
I conflate embryos with the start of human life? What kind of life is it, if not human???
And really, Bats, “bite me”?
You both let too much emotion get in the way of scientific fact.
The article is about drunk drivers and preventing unnecessary accidents. If you need to rant about abortion go talk to someone who gives a rats a$$ about your opinion on that topic.
Dog, your knowledge of how other Christians view the start of human life or other world religions is not surprisingly near zero. You have a view that is not shared by quite a number of other folks that believe in a deity. around the world, including a large % in this Country.
You have a view shared by many, but also opposed by many.
Wrongula has many interesting ‘scientific facts’ like the earth is only a few thousand years old-
the forced birthers believe that life begins at conception, unfortunately they absolve themselves of any societal responsibility for these unwanted children as soon as they’re born-
and oh yeah, please don’t drink and drive-it’s stupid and dangerous
El Dorado County enforcing DUI Laws, what a noble concept. Perhaps this would be believable if former Superintendent Jeremy Meyers was not allowed to hide his first DUI arrest for over two months and all he could tell the public is “I don’t work for the school board” and only 5 months later he was arrested for a second DUI. If the DA actually prosecutes the former superintendent and Jeremy Meyers faces jail time and a fine which he should be able to pay based on the $125,000 severance package he received from El Dorado County then perhaps the public may be able to believe that their elected officials are actually accountable not only the voters but also to their own conscience.