Letter: Heavenly takes a turn at B&B
To the community,
Thanks to the generous Vail EpicPromise Grant program funds awarded to Bread & Broth, 12 Monday evening meals are served annually through B&B’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment program. On a monthly basis, Heavenly Mountain Resort and Kirkwood Mountain Resort alternate hosting a dinner and sending a sponsor volunteer crew to work with the B&B volunteers to provide a hot, nutritious meal and giveaway bags to South Tahoe Community members dealing with food insecurity.
It was Heavenly Mountain Resorts turn during the month of December to host a B&B Adopt A Day dinner and on Dec. 14 members of Heavenly’s sales and hospitality teams came to represent their departments. As always, the sponsor volunteer crew members from the Vail Resorts were outstanding and a pleasure to work with. Representing Heavenly at the dinner were sales coordinators Shannon Proper and Mary Hajdas; Michelle Beall, hospitality marketing; Lynsey Wright, international sales manager; and Adriann Kremer, group sales manager.
Bread & Broth sincerely appreciates the support of both the Heavenly and Kirkwood Mountain Resorts and the great attitude of all the wonderful sponsor crew members who volunteer their time to help to ease hunger in our community.
“I know I speak for all of us when I say that I feel so lucky to work for a company that is so involved with community organizations like B&B,” reflected Beall. “Thank you for letting us serve today.”
To partner with B&B as a donor or sponsor, contact me at 530.542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.
Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth