Opinion: Reviewing South Tahoe’s accomplishments


By Nancy Kerry

As we welcome in 2016, the city of South Lake Tahoe would like to reflect on the accomplishments of 2015.

The following is a summary of accomplishments during 2015.

Strategic Priority: Fiscal Sustainability

Nancy Kerry

Nancy Kerry

The most important issue facing cities and local agencies is continued steadfast attention to the budget, both short term and long term fiscal impacts.

  • Fiscal year 15-16 budget adopted on time and without use of alternative revenues — third consecutive year.
  • Adopted five-year financial forecast and five-year capital investment plan.

Strategic Priority: Improve the Built Environment

  • Implemented Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Ordinance to ensure common sense regulations for the use of hotel/motel rooms as quality transitional housing.
  • Implemented plastic bag ban for all grocery stores.
  • Implemented comprehensive Vacation Home Rental (VHR) Ordinance to ensure safety compliance.
  • Adopted the Tahoe Valley Area Plan which focuses on creating a commercial, mixed-use, and multi-family development that are pedestrian friendly and transit oriented while harmonizing with the overall natural environment of the Lake Tahoe Basin.
  • Completed phase 4 of $4.5 million Sierra Tract erosion control project.
  • Airport Master Plan completed.

Strategic Priority: Economic Development

Growing the economy is important to the entire South Shore. Economic development is necessary as a strategy of the City Council and survivability of the South Shore.

  • Construction began at Zalanta Resort at the Village consisting of high-end luxury condominiums and 19,477 square feet of retail space.
  • Renovation of the shops at the Y to begin in 2016.
  • Construction began for the new 27-acre Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Center on Al Tahoe Boulevard.
  • $2.145 million in grant funding awarded for Al Tahoe Boulevard Safety and Mobility Enhancement Project.

50th Anniversary Events

  • Held open houses at police, fire, development services, recreation and administrative service departments.
  • Hosted a parade with 100 vehicles, 450 walkers and 200 cyclists.
  • Hosted a gala dinner event at Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel.
  • Created a 123-page commemorative book of the city’s first 50 years.
  • Created a 45-minute video with interviews chronicling the formation of the city of South Lake Tahoe.

Community Engagement Initiative

  • 23,000 average monthly website visitors
  • 20,572 Facebook likes
  • 2,314 Twitter followers
  • 2,180 Instagram followers
  • Launched website
  • Launched eComment feature for public to comment on agenda items before City Council meetings
  • Launched OpenGov to view city’s budget in real time
  • Hosted Coffee with a Cop during summer months.

Strategic Priority: Partnership Development

  • Through partnership with Tahoe Area Mountain Bike Association (TAMBA) and South Lake Tahoe BMX Association, built the Bijou Bike Park.
  • Partnership with El Dorado County on implementation of Parks, Trails & Recreation Master Plan.
  • Participated in emergency evacuation and preparation with multiple agencies including; EDSO, CHP, American Red Cross, Barton Hospital, LTUSD and USFS.
  • Established Legacy Principles for the South Shore with group of 40 community leaders.

Strategic Priority: Quality Core Services

Delivering quality core services is a key function of city government and the main reason the city was formed 50 years ago to deliver police, fire and snow removal operations. The following actions and activities supported the strategic priority to deliver quality core services.

  • Implemented the South Tahoe Action Team (STAT) program and trained citizens to be first responders in large scale emergencies.
  • Acquired 1740 D St. to create an office and industrial facility for the city’s Public Works Department staff and equipment currently located at the Rufus Allen Corporation Yard and the Tata Lane Offices.
  • Purchased new sander/plow truck fleet.
  • Purchase new street sweeper fleet.
  • Installed asset management system.

Long Term Planning Initiatives

  • Recreation complex renovations.
  • Regan Beach upgrades and remodel.
  • Expansion of community playfields.
  • Implementing El Dorado Beach to Ski Run Bike Trail.

About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (48)
  1. Robin Smith says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    We, the people, need to see a full audit of the City before that list means anything at all.

  2. Relo says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    If by audit you mean you want to look at the budget, then you are free to do so at any time as it is all online at the city website.

  3. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Relo…NO, I think the City needs an independent AUDIT.

    There is entirely too much real MONEY that needs to be accounted for. $100,000.00 here and there adds up very quickly.

  4. Researcher says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    An audit is done every year by a third party. These are public record.

  5. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016


    However, some parties involved in existing ‘contracts’ with the City need to be looked at as well as those that are published.

  6. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 1, 2016


  7. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    It is wise to get a step ahead of these cities and their ‘managers’ now as so many of them are bankrupting their municipalities.

    Then who will fix the streets?

  8. Ted says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I suppose that’s all great but what about affordable housing, better business opportunity and the image of our fair city as unique place. A place that uses our economic and scenic potential to actually make it a better place to live for all, not just the rich and retired.

  9. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016


    This is a place of the rich and tired. This is not a retirement community. The High Sierra should not be regarded lightly.

    Remember the Donner Party!

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Robin. Anyone can see the budget and there is an an audit each year.

  11. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016


    An audit of the auditors is probably what is necessary. The prevailing worry in the community appears to be centered around the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of $ unaccounted for and apparently still being ah hem ‘managed’ by the SAME players….not a tenable position.

    The people would like a state of the city by an independent audit

  12. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Robin… “Audit of the auditors…” That’s a good one! Sure, and then we can Audit the audit of the auditors too! LOL!

  13. nature bats last says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Robin, you speak for the people? I had no idea….

  14. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    rock & bats…You trust in the people responsible for the ‘hole’ at Stateline!..DARESAY YOU ARE AMONGST THE FEW.

    Some of those property owners that were ’eminent domained’ aren’t so sure everything was exactly on the up and up with that.

  15. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    The auditors are independent of the city.

  16. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Carl is the city bankrupt or not?

  17. lou pierini says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Some of Carl’s income comes from the city.

  18. nature bats last says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Geeze robin, I was asking how it is that you speak for the people. You stated above that “the people want bla bla bla”, as though you have been appointed to speak for others. I didnt say anything about the hole or loop road. I wouldnt let you speak on my behalf ever. Half the time im not sure what you are saying…

    the city screwed up on the hole (no performance bond required!), and the loop road is still a work in progress which may or may not be a good thing. IMHO

  19. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    bats…(no performance bond required!) and these are the same players you think should be running this mess again?

    You propose that the same people go at this again?

  20. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Lou let me correct the record again the city is not a client. You might want to try focusing on the issue and putting forward specific arguments for your position. Make a reasoned arguement and put forward a position otherwise this is irrelevant.

  21. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Robin if the city was bankrupt I am sure they would have filed for bankruptcy protection in the courts like other cities in California have.

    My only point is auditors and their review are independent of the city.

  22. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Carl…..’they’ would have filed for bankruptcy protection like other cities in California have.

    Therein the problemo lies, when ‘they’ have been caught and forced to admit it…some have gone to jail and others..the taxpayers have just had to suck it up. Pardon the expression.

    Who hires this independent agent? who?

    Sorry if this seems to be a nagging question but MANY people in this community are not believing everything the ‘City” just puts out there right now. Many think the city is in fact corrupt and bankrupt.

    $100,000.00 was just whipped out to defend the City manager from one of the city council members and her lawyer who is an ex city attorney…It doesn’t get much messier than that or does it?

    That is the question

  23. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    If the city was an airline or other large business they would file for bankruptcy.

    I applaud the progress that has been made in the area of unfunded retirement and healthcare benefits but we have a long way to go.

    Add in the projected costs for street repairs and bond debt. We have one large mess on our hands.

  24. Lou pierini says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Carl, You are entitled to your opinion but not the facts. The money you get comes via funds the City gives to third parties then they give it to you, for some study. Some would call you a hired gun, and I think they are right.

  25. nature bats last says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Comprehension 101 robin

  26. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    bats…Now we’re even! I have no idea what you’re talking about LOL

  27. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Carl, “Make a reasoned arguement and put forward a position otherwise this is irrelevant.” This seems to work with everyone’s opinion but yours. So far your answer to everything, with the exception of your opinions, is to just suck it up and move on, it is what it is and there is nothing you can do about it. The first time the citizens try to do something on anything not suggested by you your response is always “move on” or “its a waste of time” I always enjoy our conversations but you are one sided and very jaded in your opinions and never really willing to get involved with anything that might endanger the status quo of those in power or your status with them. Don’t be so afraid of your own shadow by not getting involved and respect others opinion on what is happening. You are not the all seeing expert and neither am I but at least we are involved and not on the sidelines waiting to see who will survive. Nothing personal and my opinion only. As a side note on the above opinion piece LTN shows it was written by Nancy and another source shows it was put out by Tracy Franklin. So who really wrote this?

  28. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Hey Kenny, I thought you lived in the County so what is your beef with the City? I live in the City and County for the record.

    Robin. Rather then insinuate theft at the City, why don’t you do an audit yourself? Start with the budget and report back to us. Every city and town has problems and solutions. If you want more details on the lack of a performance bond from the Hole, ask Jenkins for information about that.

    I have also lived in town for about 40 years and I would say it looks about a good as I have ever seen it. I would also point out that Meyers still looks like well Meyers as in stuck in the 1970’s.

  29. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 3, 2016


    I don’t do auditing and you know that therefore I take that comment as an insult and not necessary.

    I did not insinuate theft at the City. I said that MANY people in the community think the City is corrupt and bankrupt.

  30. TeaTotal says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Just for the record Carl, would you consider your recent increase in participation here on LTN comments to be the start of your ‘Carl for Council’ campaign?
    Do you think your self-serving ‘Growth is good for my business’ platform will fly with the voters?
    Those that can, do…those that can’t, teach…those that can’t teach…consult-

  31. Lou Pierini says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Hired gun runs for council, he’s not the first.

  32. BigFishy1 says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    “Comprehension 101 robin”-…” I have no idea what you’re talking about “

  33. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    fish…you forgot the LOL part of my comment;)

  34. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Tea Total for the record absolutely not. No interest and never have. Also let me be clear I have no real estate project I need an approval for. I need no approvals for anything from the City or TRPA.

  35. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    For the umpteenth time I am not employed by the City, the city is not a client of mine and I have no clients or projects that are funded by the city. Sorry to disappoint you.

    But let me be clear I do support a strong tourism economy. I think most local residents support a strong tourism economy as most want better opportunity. I do think it important for this destination to be competitive with other destinations and as a business owner and city resident I will advocate for those policies and positions that I think strengthen the tourism economy. I respect you may have different opinions. I realize a strong tourism economy is counter to your personal business interests but that’s my position.

  36. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Kenny please. I am very open to change and have advocated in every opportunity in this community for the past 20 years from Little League to the TRPA. Because I dont agree with the changes you put forward does not mean I am opposed to change. I can think for myself. Anytime you want to disagree with me you know how to get ahold of me.

  37. Lou pierini says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Carl, What you say in your first paragraph is not true, and you know it. In your second paragraph, you have no idea what your talking about.

  38. admin says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Lou and Carl,

    This is getting old. You’ve hijacked the story. Move on. Go have a beer. Watch some football.

    LTN staff

  39. liberule says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    What’s with the suddenly hostile admin? This paper is going the way of the trib and FAST.

  40. My Thoughts says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Liberude you need to re-read all of your previous post before you accuse the Admin. of hostility . I am sure that you are one of the main reasons for the end of the post for free policy that you have been able to abuse with your hateful rhetoric. The admin had no choice but to change the policy to end the name calling and threats. That’s not what this board was created for. So thank you and all the other hateful posters for ruining a a good thing. Kae I am sorry for high jacking this thread but this is something I felt needed to said.

  41. nature bats last says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    I rest my case…

  42. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    How can Lou and Carl cause a problem? After all they’re using their real names.

  43. John McDougall says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    It’so disappointing to read all of these posts and most of them have nothing to do with the article that was written. They all seem to be about conflicting personalities and thus has nothing to contribute towards a positive conversation that can hopefully make a difference in our community.

    Lou and Carl you both make good points when staying focused on the topic without getting personal. Can we all just agree to disagree respectfully thus moving the conversation forward with the goal of accomplishing something worthwhile? I might add my concern also applies to most of the comments mentioned above. Maybe this is just something we can all think about moving forward.

    In my humble opinion.

  44. liberule says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    My Thoughts: Pot/kettle. You are a rude poster who constantly stirs up trouble. Please look in the mirror. You are a bad person.

  45. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    ROBIN SAYS “The prevailing worry in the community appears to be centered around the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of $ unaccounted for…”



    Again, I have lived in town for about 40 years now and it has a lot going for it that are positive. Nirvana… no but still making progress.

  46. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    rock…Don’t be silly…I’m not going to do an audit…why would I do that?

    But MILLIONS of $DOLLARS$ is attractive to people that have a right to it and they want it. If you have in fact been here for 40 years then you absolutely know what goes on here in this town.

    This town should be RICH…there should be a surplus of money and if you have in fact been here for 40 years you know who and why the City is not rolling in the ‘dough’

  47. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 5, 2016

    Robin. I know the City has subsidized the “airport” for 40 years and that has cost about everyone in the City $16 million – give/take.

    No city “rolls” in dough. The main reason for the hard times is Native American Gaming in California and the denial decades ago as to to how to respond in SLT. Which was sadly no response until very late in the game.

  48. LeanForward says - Posted: January 14, 2016

    I commend the city for making a concerted effort to make South Lake Tahoe a better place for us to live. No one agrees on everything, and certainly there are moves that the city has made that are not great. I think we can all agree that what we all want to to live in the best town possible. We should all embrace that we all want the same outcome but have different methods of getting there.

    I’m proud of South Lake Tahoe and where we are heading.