Cops use taxpayer resources for photo op outside SLT

Ricci by his handler’s vehicle at Emerald Bay. Photo/SLTPD
By Kathryn Reed
Instead of patrolling the streets of South Lake Tahoe an officer drove out to Emerald Bay and onto the sands in front of Vikingsholm for a photo shoot.
The reason, according to Police Chief Brian Uhler, “To provide a nice photo to Ms. [Lisa] Maloff who donated over $100,000 to the police K-9 program.”
Officer Scott Crivelli’s dog Ricci is sitting next to the police vehicle with Emerald Bay in the background. A non-sworn member of the police department took the photo.
Emerald Bay is not in the city limits. This is also State Parks property. Uhler did not explain why the photo shoot wasn’t done in South Lake Tahoe.
Ricci was authorized to do this by “ranking staff”, which Uhler said he considered “justified”.
When asked if the officer was on overtime, Uhler told Lake Tahoe News, “It was justified, so no answer required for your question.”
Marilyn Linkem, head of the Sierra District for California State Parks, did not return a call or email.
“TRPA code generally does not allow vehicle use on beaches or off-road in stream environment zones,” Tom Lotshaw with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency told Lake Tahoe News. “That said, there have been exceptions allowed in the past for non-environmentally harmful vehicle-use and equipment on beaches on a limited case-by-case basis.”
Uhler said a park ranger unlocked the gate for the officer to get to the beach.
Uhler said this use of city resources – personnel and vehicles – was a good idea because: “It’s good to promote our organization in a positive way. Community outreach is vital to any police organization.”
Chief Uhler must think the City of SLT is ugly.
Who cares?
Thanks to Mrs. Maloff and Thanks to Chief Uhler for being so thoughtful on behalf of a grateful community.
What a beautiful animal Ricci! Officer is lucky to have him.
Who cares? Chief Uhler thinks SLT is ugly?
Where do people like you two come from????
Mixed feelings. The SLTPD PR thoughts were apparently in the right place, but the reporter has a point. Although the story gives the sense of nit-picky reporter looking for civic mistakes, things to complain about, with a gem dropped in her lap -the public photo. It’s a legitimate concern — rules broken by PD — viewed at times almost anywhere in America sometimes acting ‘above the law’…If PD is willing to casually break small protocol, what else might be going on? What’s that squad car doing outside city limits on a beach? I get it. We applaud the “government watchdog” approach shown, but we also understand how PD must be saying, “Come on, man. Who cares?”…We also applaud Lake Tahoe News for not being afraid of losing SLTPD cooperation, as ‘friends’…
Move on there is nothing here. I
Move on there is nothing here. I… Carl??
If a member of the general public were to do this it would lead to a citation or fine. Tahoe has many beautiful locations where excellent photo ops are available that do not require violating the use of State Parks that are Public lands. The rules apply to all equally: this article could have been about the Fire Dept, Public Works, Council members, or the general public.
This sets a poor example and mis-use of a restricted area. Discretion is the issue.
I’m with “skeptical” on this. Would a plain old civilian citizen be granted the same permission? To have a gate unlocked so they can drive on to a restricted beach for a photo opportunity? The fact that it was done as “quid pro quo” in an apparent exchange for a donation to a program that all taxpayers end up paying for. When Ms. Reed queried the Chief about the situation she was told “It was justified, so no answer required for your question.” Seriously? And the head of the State Parks District also failed to respond to phone calls or emails? This is more than a “tempest in a teapot” brewing. This is flagrant flouting of the public trust, as well as misuse of taxpayer funded property to curry the favor of a “big pockets” donor. In light of the fact that “Uhler said this use of city resources – personnel and vehicles – was a good idea” I would say again: SERIOUSLY?
This also makes me wonder whose calls will get answered first in event of a police emergency — Ms. Maloff’s or Ms. Reed’s?
It’s not even a very good picture. Waste of police time .
I think providing this photograph to long-time resident Mrs. Lisa Maloff who has made donations to our community in excess of $10 million was a nice gesture. Since Emerald Bay is such a recognizable image of Lake Tahoe I suppose that’s why it was selected as a backdrop.
Canine Officer Ricci looks great, and the protective gear Mrs. Maloff paid for will help keep him safe and in service for our community for a long time to come.
In a facebook post last November, Ricci was described as “her K-9 police dog” (meaning the dog belongs to Maloff) at the celebration of his 2nd birthday. I guess that’s probably true – bought and paid for. The people at the State Parks department may be hoping that her charitable trust will blow a few greenbacks in their direction. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.
Mrs. Maloff donated the funds to purchase Ricci and the protective gear for him to wear in his service to the community. She does not own the dog and Ricci is an asset owned by the City.
I think Mrs. Maloff’s generosity to help the community of SLT is something to feel grateful and appreciative of rather than being cynical over. She didn’t have to donate very large amounts of her money to help Barton Hospital, LTCC, or the City, but she did. Her altruism is beyond impressive.
Mr. 4 What, You now like long time locals. I guess it’s time to wear that on your sleeve. What’s next?
Mrs. Maloff is a refined, gracious person, as are many other long time locals and newcomers to this community for whom I have great respect. It isn’t that I dislike all long-time locals — it’s the ill-mannered, ignorant bullies who have some bizarre sense of self-entitlement that I dislike. That’s something of which I think you’re completely familiar.
Lasciarlo andare Luigi.
User, blah blah blah, that’s all you have . I don’t think you know her.
4-mer — The exact wording of the facebook quote is as follows: “Philanthropist Lisa Maloff celebrated the 2nd birthday of her K-9 police dog, Ricci, last Friday with members of the Barton Foundation Board Of Trustees, the South Lake Tahoe Police Department, the South Lake Tahoe City Council, and the Lake Tahoe Community College’s Board Of Directors.”
It didn’t say “the K-9 dog purchased and outfitted with donations from Lisa Maloff.” It said it is “her K-9 police dog”. The Barton Foundation, SLTPD, City Council and LTCC are aware of which side of the bread is buttered. And yes, Ms. Maloff’s a philanthropist. Via a charitable trust. The money must be spent on charities that are allowable under specific sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
I’m not cynical over her donations. I’m cynical about how some agencies are willing to play “fetch” and “roll over” to show appreciation, by doing and saying things that the $5 donor doesn’t hear/see when we give. Ms. Maloff should be congratulated for choosing to benefit so many SLT charities that have been hurting for $$ for a long time. I mean no disrespect to her, because her gifts have far-reaching benefits for the community.
Showing thanks for it could be a community effort, without appearing to be underhanded in any way.
remembers when,
Thank you for your clarifying remarks. I’m an individual of advanced age and I don’t read Facebook, although that’s probably something with which I’ll become familiar.
Mrs. Maloff at a City Council meeting shared her personal experience related to a Police canine during a robbery and said it was from that canine’s impressiveness that she’d become such a supporter of canine police assistance.
I agree that a $5 donor isn’t shown the same recognition as a $100,000 or $5-million donor. Not many people have the wherewithal to make such large contributions and those who do likely have everybody and their brother vying for those funds. But I think we collective $5 donors should take satisfaction that our relative, smaller support does make a difference. Though it would sure be nice to have those kinds of resources and be able to help so many.
Move on this issue is done.
Move on this issue is done!…Carl?…the new comments director!
Is this what you meant to say at the beginning of the comments when I asked you what you meant???
What I mean Robin in my opinion this is a non issue. This article nor any of these comments will impact any policy.
Well explaining that first comment was an issue for me and I am glad you cleared that up, however apparently it was an issue for some in the community as 20 comments followed your unclear position of non issue.
I didn’t consider it an ISSUE either. JD Hawkes clearly defined your position and the other about Cheif Uhler thinking the city of SLT ugly.
Once again TY Lisa Maloff. The community is thankful for your generosity and TY to Cpt Uhler for the great picture of OUR Officer Ricci!
Just for the record Carl LTN articles are not all about city policy.
The community needs to share comments obituaries and local events as well.