Immigration agents arrest 87 in 5-day Nev. operation
By Anjeanette Damon, Reno Gazette-Journal
Immigration enforcement agents have arrested 87 immigrants in Reno and Las Vegas during a five-day operation they said targeted individuals who pose a threat to public safety.
Of those arrested, 22 were picked up in Reno, including a 33-year-old Mexican national with prior drug trafficking, DUI and domestic violence convictions and a 19-year-old Mexican national with a prior conviction for robbery and resisting arrest.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, however, refused to release the identifications of those arrested, citing Privacy Act restrictions on “administrative arrests.”
Hey, Damon they are illegal aliens. Why does the truth bother you so much. Is this what you were taught in college that lying is OK if you support a certain political view. You bring sadness to journalism or what is left of it.
So you love people who break the law Doman. You need a dictionary to use proper words even if you have different political views.
sensorshipp at its best
Give up, you’re not always right, just the most vocal. It’s about others opinions too, so give it a rest.