SLT council revises VHR rules –again


By Kathryn Reed

The South Lake Tahoe City Council did a 180 Tuesday regarding regulating multifamily properties as vacation rentals, while at the same time mandating those renting a room on a short-term basis have a permit to do so.

For now, at least, these nearly 60 multifamily parcels may still use their parcels as tourist accommodation units. This was the recommendation of Councilmembers Wendy David and Austin Sass, who comprise the vacation home rental subcommittee.

David said the reason for the change is having gathered more input from people who would be affected and realizing it would not solve the greater housing issue for locals.

Following the council’s decision in May, many of the multifamily owners who are using at least some of their units as a VHR formed a coalition to protect their rights and interests. Now other VHR owners are part of the group. Their goal is to be a buffer between homeowners and the council-staff.

After the first two people spoke June 7, Councilman Hal Cole decided to recuse himself because he owns duplexes. And while they are not now used as VHRs, the option is open to him and therefore he could be financially impacted by the decision. Councilman Tom Davis already recused himself because of being in the VHR business.

Many of the 17 who spoke at the council meeting said they use the residence as income and/or for retirement. Some also live onsite, especially those in duplexes. Most said they are not rich land barons, but instead have worked hard to acquire income property and need to keep it to pay their bills.

One reason the council originally wanted to limit multifamily VHRs was to provide more long-term housing for permanent residents.

It was pointed out how there is a larger affordable housing problem in town. Most agreed it would not be solved by banning VHRs at multifamily units.

Sass pointed out how in most ski towns employees live elsewhere and commute to their jobs.

Councilwoman JoAnn Conner said if housing is not available for the average worker, then they will be living off the hill, taking their disposable income with them as well as their kids out of local schools.

While multifamily units are still allowed to be rented to tourists today, the council did not promise that this is a long-term decision. Instead, David-Sass-Conner said they want to revisit the issue again – and soon – as well as have a larger discussion about housing for residents.

As of May 5, there were 1,862 VHR permits in South Lake Tahoe. Total permits as of: January 2015 – 1,549; October 2015 – 1,906; and January 2016 – 1,874. Since Oct. 1, 2015, there have been 106 new VHR permits approved by the zoning administrator.

The ordinance takes effect in 30 days. Also at that time anyone using any part of his or her residence as a vacation rental must collect transient occupancy tax.

At the June 21 meeting the council will review the submitted bids for an economic study about vacation rentals.



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Comments (17)
  1. don't give up says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    How wonderful to have vacation revelers next wall to long term rentals. I’m sure the vacations renters will not disturb other tenants as they are only there to study and meditate.

  2. Robin Smith says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    Vacation revelers in residential neighborhoods should be ‘vetted’ for ‘suitability’.

    Our neighborhood has many VHR, timeshares and local’s that need rooms.

    Owners need to supervise their own properties and make sure that so called property managers are doing due diligence.

  3. Michael Clark says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    VHR rental regulations should be created and maintained to the benefit of the residents and the community at large. It is not an opportunity to solve the housing issues of the Country and participate in social engineering attempts. They are not there to protect certain businesses or drive real estate behavior. Come on, you guys, start thinking in terms of keeping neighborhoods safe from bad behavior by renters. Period.

    And, in my humble opinion, it appears that Austin Sass is OK with increasing vehicle traffic, less parking available to our guests and more pollution. None of this makes any sense.

  4. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    This is what happens when you have a piecemeal approach to a much more complex problem.

  5. Robin Smith says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    Carl, you made a comment some time ago that you were told by a political insider of yours that the political climate in Tahoe had become TOXIC.

    Unfortunately that ‘condition’ has existed for many years and has resulted in a ‘everyman for himself’ survival mode for most of the lifetime local population here.

    Hail Marjorie RIP

  6. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    Robin Smith:

    You say that the political climate/condition in Tahoe has been toxic for many years which had resulted in an every man for himself survival mode for most the of lifetime local population. Would you please elaborate/explain what that means so the non-lifetime locals can have a better understanding of what it is that most of those lifetime locals that you reference are feeling.

    Thank you.

  7. Robin Smith says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    4-mer, Carpetbagger

    Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language

    n. Any person esp. a politician, who takes up residence in a place in order to seek special advantage for himself.

  8. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    Robin Smith:

    Are you saying that you and other lifetime locals view anyone who is not a lifetime local as a carpetbagger?

  9. steven says - Posted: June 8, 2016

    The single family, multi family definitions don’t hold water. Every VHR is a multi family property, no matter what the zoning. In a 4 bedroom home, as a VHR, 12 people may stay there legally ! Is that a single family ? Can you call these 6 to 10 bedroom houses being built in the city “single family” NO! The city and county are allowing contractors and realtors to turn the entire South Shore, Tahoe South, into commercial lodging and destroying any sense of “neighborhood”! City voters need to get rid of council members who are in the VHR business, are contractors or are realtors. Take your city back !

  10. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 10, 2016

    Robin Smith:

    Once again, are you saying that you and other lifetime locals view anyone who is not a lifetime local as a carpetbagger?

  11. Robin Smith says - Posted: June 10, 2016


    Anyone that fits the definition copied from Webster’s Dictionary,

    As printed above for you

  12. BigFishy1 says - Posted: June 10, 2016

    Websters Dictionary is not the end all, Be all. Except for a few people.

    The only Carpet- bagger in our area is Tom Mc Clintock, who moved to our district after he lost in the Central Coast area and Doolittle got thrown out. I get tired of people saying “you’re not a local if you haven’t been here so many…” Once you move here, you’re a local. Does that make you a carpet bagger if you’re interested in politics? NO, unless you’re a professional politician.

    Robin Smith uses quotes for her answers, which are not answers. They are just quotes without substance.

  13. Robin Smith says - Posted: June 10, 2016

    Fish..4-mer ask for MY definition per this discourse.

    I chose of the many, many definitions that particular one for myself in this context.

  14. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 10, 2016

    Robin Smith:

    Actually, I asked you if you were saying that you and other lifetime locals view anyone who is not a lifetime local as a carpetbagger. You still haven’t answered that question.

    Lacking any direct response to that question from you has left me to believe that your opinion and that of your like-minded lifetime local friends whom you say possess an attitude of ‘every man for himself’ likely do consider non-lifetime local residents as carpetbaggers. Interesting aspect is that the majority of those tax-paying late-comers weren’t necessarily the ones who voted in all your politicians that created the toxic conditions which you say have existed for so long.

    How unfortunate it is that some people think that remaining firmly rooted in the past will keep everything the same so change will never happen. There is no stopping the future or change from coming, and doing nothing will only mean that no preparations will have been made in anticipation of the next generation’s future.

  15. Robin Smith says - Posted: June 11, 2016


    A quote for Fish;)~ from the movie: LAST OF THE DOGMEN. “What happened was inevitable, how it happened UNCONSCIONABLE”.

    First DO NO HARM
    4-mer…You have NO idea what the future holds.

  16. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 11, 2016

    Robin Smith:

    You also have no idea what the future holds, but I can guarantee you that it won’t be frozen in time like so many people would like. Time will move forward, change will take place, old people with old mindsets will die off, old people with young mindsets will die off, and younger people will take over.

    “Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” – John F. Kennedy

  17. Robin Smith says - Posted: June 11, 2016

    John Kennedy, his brother Bobby and Frank Sinatra used to chase Marilyn Monroe around the CalNeva Lodge at the North Shore of Lake Tahoe…they were a 10 minute Thunderbird boat trip from Villa Harrah…

    those were the days;)~

    things have changed…I will give you that